[NDC-X]Normal Dream Challenge 10 - Congratulations Letaali!

2ND + Fragments - No future tech.

Week 1 Summary

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4/6/2015 - 3ND
6/6/2015 - 2ND and Fragments
7/6/2015 - 1ND, Fragments, 1LD, “3 LD with 2 DEILD chains”
8/6/2015 - 1ND, 1LD
9/6/2015 - 2ND + Fragments

1 ND tonight. Of course I’d go house hunting in my dreams right now. (Am in the process of buying our first home)


[spoiler]6-5 1 Fragment
6-6 4 ND
6-7 3 ND 1 Fragment
6-8 nothin
6-9 1 ND[/spoiler]

I should have 190 points now, I think. In the rules it says that fragments from a nap are counted, so I have two fragments from 7th that should count. The chained dreams I had are under the same title. I hope that’s not confusing.

I edited the summary to only have fragments that give me points.

Week 1 so far:

[spoiler]4.6 1 ND + 1 fragment
5.6 3 NDs
6.6 3 NDs + 1 chain
7.6 3 NDs + 1 task + 2 fragments
8.6 and 9.6 1 ND + 2 fragments

Hi, I am not during my best days here, but I will try to post.
I had dreams that could have been counted as the task, but they were low level LDs (LLLD - Actual LD that I knew it was a dream but I didn’t care about most of it and let things flow naturally).

I think 2015-06-03 Wednesday came before the task for me. Some times I have failed to count fragments, so please consider a single one.

[spoiler]2015-06-04 Thursday
1 ND.
1 LD - DILD.
2015-06-05 Friday
1 ND.
2015-06-05 Saturday
4 NDs.
2015-06-07 Sunday
2 NDs.
1 Lost Fragment.
2015-06-08 Monday
4 LD - 4 Low level DILDs.
2015-06-09 Tuesday
5 LD - 5 Low level DILDs.[/spoiler]

I have had 4 things that “could be counted for the task”:

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  1. Hologram video game (2015-06-08 LLLD 2)
  2. Instant Grill (2015-06-08 LLLD 3)
  3. Convertible trolleys (2015-06-08 LLLD 4)
  4. Unbreakable Spray Paint (2015-06-09 LLLD 2)

I am not sure how it counts, I did not incubate the settings for these dreams and I was barely lucid in some.

I am not sure if I’ll be able to improve my DJ, anyway, it’s up for the task master to decide if it’s good enough.

One ND + One Fragment here for today.

Three short dreams recalled, or rather, the same dream three times:

-I wake up in my bed and can’t move. It is because my sister is sitting on me, pinning my arms down. I am in SP and can’t speak clearly. She must understand that this is scaring me! I have just woken up from a nightmare, did I maybe make some sounds that scared her?

This was a chain of three FAs.

Updated my Ld4all DJ again so it matches my current one.
Link can be found here … June 7th to 8th has 1 ND, while June 8th to 9th has 3ND’s

Summary of Dreams

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June 3rd to 4th : 6 ND’s
June 5th to 6th : 1 ND
June 7th to 8th : 1 ND
June 8th to 9th : 3 ND’s

11 ND’s = 110 points

Two NDs here.

One LD, one ND, and one fragment from last night. There was nothing at all about the task.

1ND … with flying repulsor chairs! Rather sure they don’t exist yet, but I want one! :happy:

Week 1 Summary

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4/6/2015 - 3ND
6/6/2015 - 2ND and Fragments
7/6/2015 - 1ND, Fragments, 1LD, “3 LD with 2 DEILD chains”
8/6/2015 - 1ND, 1LD
9/6/2015 - 2ND + Fragments
10/6/2015 - 1ND + 1 Task completion

235 so far, I think.

Week 1:

[spoiler]4.6 1 ND + 1 fragment
5.6 3 NDs
6.6 3 NDs + 1 chain
7.6 3 NDs + 1 task + 2 fragments
8.6 and 9.6 1 ND + 2 fragments
10.6 4 NDs + 1 fragment

[i]Task 2: Monumental Monuments[/i]
“We stole the Statue of Liberty! [Minions cheer] The small one from Las Vegas. [Cheering stops] I won’t even mention the Eiffel Tower…also Vegas.”

[center]~Gru (Dispicable Me)[/center] Monuments of all kinds hold great amounts of respect. Whether they are commemorative of a great human achievement, like Mount Rushmore in the USA, celebrating the lives of the most influential presidents, or are themselves a great achievement, like the massive Easter Island heads built with only primitive tools. Even if they are simply a monument to nature itself, like Victoria Falls, people will travel the world to see these wonders. So go out and find the most impressive monument of them all! Visit a famous monument and witness its wonder.

Please note, this is a location based task. Monumental events will not necessarily satisfy this task, unless they are taking place in what could be considered a monumental location thereafter. Additionally, fictional monuments are allowed, however, it must be clear in the dream that it is a major monument.

Scores will be posted sometime later and updated tomorrow with a final tally for Task 1.

Week 2

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11.6 2 NDs + 1 fragment

Fragments, 1ND, 1LD

Week 2 Summary

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11/6/2015 - Fragments, 1ND, 1LD

4 NDs here today.

Summary added for week 2 here

1 ND for Thursday. link

There is a spaceship but it isn’t really visible in the dream. :tongue:

06/10 1 ND
Task 1, Future Tech Summary

[spoiler]6-5 1 Fragment
6-6 4 ND
6-7 3 ND 1 Fragment
6-8 nothin
6-9 1 ND
6-10 1 ND[/spoiler]
06/11 3 ND

Task 2, Monuments, Summary

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06/11 3 ND

Catching up on DJ

There were a few instances of what I would consider advanced technology, but not future technology. Some of these were very neat to read about, like the video calling mirror or the flexible digital newspaper, however, the technology DOES exist already and is well enough known of, that I can’t quite consider it “Future Tech”.
Tggtt, I gave you lucid task points for the hologram video games, convertible transforming trolley, and the unbreakable spray paint. The advanced grill sounded more like it would fall into the “advanced tech” rather than “future tech” category.

Congratulations to Letaali and obfusc8, who each earned 15 bonus points for the quality and clean organization of their dream journals! :colgate:

And now, the scores:


End of Task 1 Scoresboard:

  1. Tggtt 268 (+1 Frag +8 ND +10 LD +1 RC +3 Lucid Current Task)
  2. Obfusc8 260 (+5 Frag +10 ND +5 LD +2 Chain +1 Current Task +15 Bonus)
  3. Letaali 250 (+6 Frag +15 ND +1 Chain +1 Current Task + 15 Bonus)
  4. James_UK2008 150 (+2 Frag +9 ND + 2 Goals)
  5. Jer 110 (+11 ND)
  6. Siiw 107 (+2 Frag +7 ND +2 LD +1 RC)
  7. moogle 105 (+1 Frag +5 ND +1 Current Task)
  8. Dreamjutsu 100 (+2 Frag +9 ND)
  9. En’enra 30 (+ 3 ND)
  10. eMander 0
  11. Quicksilver21 0
  12. CaptainBee 0

Two NDs from last night. Getting closer and closer to the personal goal.

Monuments should be no problem. I play Ingress on my phone, and a lot of its portals are placed on real life monuments. The game has been invading my dreams quite a bit, so it is only a matter of time before I see a monument in a dream. :cool_raz:

6-12 1 frag

Monument week summary

[spoiler]06/11 3 ND
06/12 1 frag[/spoiler]