My name is Kyle McDonald (hence kmcdonald, boring, I know) and I live in San Diego, California, am a senior in highschool and interested in: science and math [psychology, philosophy, neurology, chemistry, physics (+quantum, +superstring theory), artificial intelligence (main interest)], art (+photography, +painting, +drawing, +video, +audio, +graphic, +design, +digital), and aggresive skating (pretty good) and skateboarding (so-so). I spend most my time using computers to expand my interests in all these areas while learning more about many different programming languages, (Perl and ActionScript being favorites, but also Perl, ASP, LotusScript, Javascript (server side and client side), most of the **ML languages (ie, HTML, XML, Yahoo! RTML [evil], etc) and other things like QBasic that are so outdated I am not sure I want to mention them.
I first became interested in lucid dreaming a little over a year ago. I was lucky enough to have a 10th grade humanities teacher who was very into philosophy. I had never met anyone like that because I have been raised in a Christian home (and I am Christian) and most Christians tend to not be very open minded (in a bad sense, I guess a “good” sense of being open minded is when you are willing to except anything but base your beliefs on personal experience at what you can deduce for yourself). She taught the entire class practically the entire history of philosophy (and only myself and maybe two other people cared enough… ) and I managed to get her to let me read a bunch of good classic novels pertaining to philosophy and get credit for it. So, we were talking one day about evidence for our existance and how we percieve things. She mentioned that a student she had once used what I now know to be dream control (basically like MILD but without becoming lucid, only controlling what is going to happen your dream before you go to bed) to find a coat she had lost (which was dropped behind a washing machine). I was amazed, but didn’t know anything relating to lucid dreaming at the time. As fate would have it, while looking for “The Repbulic” by Plato at the local library, I stumbled onto a book on lucid dreaming. I forget what it was called but it piqued my interest enough for me to go home and search the internet. Lo and behold, this site popped up and I read through it as fast as possible. I kept a dream journal and did reality checks for a week until I had my first lucid dream on the night of July 4th-July 5th. I had about 6 more lucid dreams over two months and stopped for the rest of the summer for no apparent reason. I regained interest in the winter and kept up a dream journal for about a week, getting lucid twice over two or so weeks. Recently, I have been able to keep a dream journal since a few weeks after I got out of school (dream diary>[My Dream Journal]) and have had a very succesful amount of lucid dreams. After an experiment was suggested to me by another user, however, 7 day period with a total of 9 lucid dreams, at least one per night, had ended. That was over a week now and I haven’t had a Lucid Dream since. I attribute this to my lack of reality checks, as I am only at 30 or so a day right now, the fact that I am having trouble remembering my dreams, and that I haven’t been having good (long) sleep recently. I predict, therefore, that tommorow (friday) I will be able to lucid dream in the morning using a 5 minute or less wake-back-to-bed method and do the experiment (pull a photo from my pocket and step into it). Wish me luck.