I am writing this to help myself, and anyone else wanting to start Lucid Dreaming.
First, work on remembering your dreams
Technique #1
Before you go to bed say over and over again “I will remember my dreams”, it is important you actually MEAN it, and aren’t just saying it.
Technique #2
Set your alarm for 4.5 hours, 6 hours, and 7.5 hours after going to sleep. Each time it wakes you up, write down as much as you can about remembering your dreams.
Use both techniques for the best result
You also want to get in the habit of doing reality checks. A reality check is something you do to see if you are dreaming or not. I use these two techniques: I hold my nose, and see if I can breath, I also look at some text, turn away, and look at it.
If you can breath while you are holding your nose, you are dreaming, if the text has changed, you are dreaming.
Try and do a reality check as much as possible, here are some situations you should do a reality check in:
- If something seems strange
- When you go to the bathroom
- When you wake up
- When your watch bleeps on the hour
- When you see a mirror
You can use these, or make up your own, what you want to happen is get into the habit, and eventually you will do it in a dream and say, “Cool, I’m Dreaming!”
Now you need to choose one of these techniques:
MILD – Telling yourself before you go to sleep to realise you are dreaming
WILD – Keeping your mind awake while your body falls asleep
WBTB – Wake Back To Bed, you wake up and go back to bed again
Auto suggestion – Kinda like MILD, you tell yourself you are going to realise you are dreaming.
For the best results use WBTB with MILD or WILD
Lastly keep experimenting, try MILD in different ways, then try WILD in different ways, eg: count differently, wake yourself up at a different time, visualise something different.
If nothing seems to work, don’t give up! keep experimenting with different techniques until it finally works!
Wake yourself up 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, or 7.5 hours after going to bed, this will leave you close to the REM cycle.
Also, try using different techniques to keep yourself awake, here are some ideas:
- Focus on the coloured dots you see when your eyes are shut, and make them dance around and change colour.
- Keep switching what you are thinking about every 1-2 seconds, but still keep aware, this will simulate your thinking pattern of when you dream normally. You will start to see images and hear sounds, and you will eventually enter a dream. This is called Hypnogogic Imagery
- Count from 1-100 and say “I’m dreaming” in between each number.
- Focus on the Tinnitus (ringing) in your ears, it will get louder and you will eventually enter a dram
- Make yourself slightly uncomfortable, so you don’t fall asleep too easily. Try on of the following:
i) Stack Pillows so you are sitting up in bed, and not in a normal sleeping position
ii) Lie down on a hard floor
iii) Lifting your forearm upwards, with the rest of your arm resting on the bed.
iv) Sit in a hard chair