[software] Infinity - PDF Available


Glad I could help (or that tutorial anyways)

It’s also good that you are posting a pre-final build because I had wanted to take a look tonight.

sorry, file is taking longer to upload than I anticipated. Make that 18 more minutes :smile:

BTW, this package is about 50 MB. A lot, yes, but it’s only because of the mp3s that I am handing out (which are essential for the Infinity routine).

When I release the final final build, I will replace the Infinity.exe for whoever is downloading this version, so you don’t have to re-download all the music files and such.

Anyways, hang in there.

Hurray, ok, like I said, 50 MB download. This version is a PRE-RELEASE version, meaning it’s still glitchy, has kinks, yada yada. If you choose to download it, not only are you using it at your own risk (joke…), but you are also required to (or at least it would be nice if you would) shout out any glitches / mess-ups that you see, other than the music glitch, which I am already way too familiar with.

So yeah, any input on anything, including background - foreground mixtures, would be great. Enjoy!

Infinity 50 MB

EDIT: I need everybody who downloads the pre-release to compare their Introduction page of the software to this image: https://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4707415. If it is NOT the same, please tell me!! I’m checking to see if the fonts stay the same amongst all people. Thanks!

I am going to download it right now! Cannot wait to try it out, thanks for creating it :cool: .

It looks great. I don’t really think you need a thing to turn the music off.

My title page is the exact same except for the main text, it appears to be times new roman.

Is day one supposed to be a full day, as in, if I want to do this right, I should start tomorrow?

other than that it looks good (from what I’ve seen)

As I go through the program I’ll be sure to let you know of any problems.

My fonts aren’t the same (Times New Roman)

The fonts for the introduction page are the same for me.

I can’t download it right now since I’m at work, but I’ll do it ASAP. Worse case scenario, provide the font you used in the package, that should do the trick.

Hurray! And downloading at 120kb/sec too.

Can’t wait to check it out.

Thank you for your time and effort!

BTW, I wasn’t on the forum last year; what’s the secret!!!???

EDIT #2: Ben, are we supposed to wear headphones when listening to the music? I noticed there is an instance of the Brainwave Generator with the program. Were the MP3s made to resonate in stereo?

Interesting. :wink:

I’ve made a post with a direct link to the software (and also the link to this topic) on my site.

In case if you do mind that, lemme know.

My font in the program is Times New Roman as well.

nice software so far, I thought the font was the same but when I copy/ pasted it turned out it is times new roman. also, the music is amazing, u shouldnt worry about it, people can just turn off their volume if they dont want it. Im gonna start tomorrow, thanks for doing this for everyone here! :happy:

I am utterly disappointed, I cannot use your software. I have a mac and your program only works one windows? Is it a program I need to download to open this? Can anyone help me? Its just that
Macs cannot open .exe files as they are windows but uses .dmg instead. Is there a PDF or multi-platform version available? Please someone help me or I got excited for nothing. (I don’t wanna hear about how Macs suck).

If it’s made on Flash, I think a SWF version could be made available.

For those wondering, you should probably start the program when you have a full day, rather than starting it at night (just so you can get started with the RCs). But it’s up to you.

I’m determined to fix this music glitch, whether or not it’s even needed, lol.

Artemesia, it’s completely my fault. I forgot to include the Infinity.swf file in the big .zip when I uploaded it to putstuff.com. There IS a way for you to view the software, I just goofed up a bit. Whenever you are on AIM, please shout to me if I’m on (screenname is BenDrummin58) and I’ll give you that .swf, OR you can wait till Thursday for the final release.

EDIT: I’ve uploaded the .swf along with a .html file that runs the .swf for Mac users. You MUST still download the original Infinity 50MB file, for that has the rest of the items that you need. This new download is simply a substitute for the .exe that is un-openable for Mac users. Here’s the link:


The font used in the program (the one where you guys see Times New Roman) is Eurostar Black Extended. I didn’t know flash mx didn’t store fonts within itself or something similar, which is why I’m a bit mad right now. Eurostar Black Extended really made the sleek mood for the program (which is probably why it looks like it sucks on your side), so I don’t know what to do. I could either have you all install the font, or change the font completely. Either way is a pain… Your main menu should look like this:


Looks better, doesn’t it…

Anyways…I’ll have to make an executive decision on that whole dealy (which makes 2 major glitches now…grr).

Other than that, I’m glad you guys are excited about / enjoying the program! Let the LDs begin!

Ben - You tell us in day one to listen to all or some of the MP3s before bed. I notice that the two non-music MP3s are extremely difficult to understand, as the voice is very muffled. Is this the way it is supposed to sound (perhaps playing on our subconscious), or should I keep pumping the volume until I can make it out?

do i have to fall asleep to these or can i just wake up in the middle of the night and try? i heard thats a better method

Hey BenDrummin58, an alternative to the font problem would be converting all the text that uses that font to vector shapes. The only disadvantage would be that the text would be unselectable, but it’s the only way I know to render the installation of new fonts unnecessary.

Don’t skip ahead to start using WBTB. Follow the days like they are put… :smile:

You don’t have to fall asleep listening to the mp3s, as told in the day one’s text. You also have the option to listen to them, and then go to sleep.

I considered that Felipe Gall, and still am, but don’t want people to get mad at not being able to copy and paste.

The guy’s voice is a little muffled on the two mp3s, but not to a point where it’s impossible to understand. If you can hear the words enough to make them out, then just let your subconscious do the rest. The whole point of the voices to sound monotone and such is to allow you to more easily enter a trance state.

If it’s a big deal though, you can also download some more and / or recommend others. These were just the only ones that I found to be most effective…

Anyways, all I have to say about the software is to do everything in order and how you are supposed to do it. In other words, don’t add in other techniques that you think are better. That is not the purpose of the program. There is a reason why the techniques were chosen and why they were put in the order that they’re in, so give it a try. Also, be sure to read things carefully, for the result is within the detail. :smile:

As for the secret that was mentioned above (quite a few posts actually), I believe you are the only one that looked and cought that! Sadly though, I cannot directly say. (if you don’t know what those last two sentences were about, then just disregard this paragraph…lol)

Rargh! The secret suspense is killing me!!

Thanks for the info, though. I put on headphones and was able to make out the trance MP3s much more clearly. I think my speakers might have been distorting the voice since there is so much base to it.

Ok, day one complete. Now to hit the hay.