Ok…Dunno how to explain this. A few years ago I learned about lucid dreams and what-not. Anyway I totally forgot about it. Then last night.
I went to bed like I normally dude. Then, I’m in a car with a guy I hate. He was in the front seat and I was in the back. He leaned back and unlocked my door. Then he opened it. I realized that I was in a dream and was like oh hell no is he going to try and kill me so I unlocked his door, opened it, and pushed him out. Then I looked outside my open door and was afraid of falling out and woke up. Now if i was truely lucid then wouldn’t I know that no harm could come to me?
Also, this was ym first lucid dream. I have never waken up from a dream before until this one. Also, I can usually remember a dream or two through-out the early morning. But when I woke-up this morning I remembered 3 other dreams I had had. Also, the lucid dream happened after 2 hours of falling alseep. Now, after thinking about it, I don’t know if my other 3 dreams were lucid or not…I’m so confused. Should I try seeing if I can do it all again? What are some tips? Totally newb here. It would be cool if I had another lucid dream tonight…Also the dream I had after awaking from the lucid one was about a kid I knew in elementary school and had totally forgotten about!
After reading the site it said that some nutrition for lucid thingys are bananas and ice-cream. I had both before I went to bed…about an hour before.