the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 68

Hi everyone! :content:

Im a 17 year old student from Brisbane, Australia.

My first “dreaming experience” actually turned out to be astral travelling! It was with a spiritual teacher that i know. I discovered this when i was talking to him one day and he started relaying the dream that we had both had together. It freaked me out, as you could understand.

I have had a few other similar experiences astral travelling, almost always with him.

I have also had a few lucid dreams after that, and it always feels very rewarding. I’ve come to this site to get myself motivated to follow a routine and consistently lucid dream :cool:

Look forward to sharing stories/experiences with you guys!


Welcome. I cant help you with this problem because ive only learned about a lot of this recently, but I can say you will learn a lot from this site. My advice to you is to listen to the members of this site. They have been very helpful to me and im sure they will be for you. I hope you find what your looking for. :smile:

BIG hi! i am alive. yey. I am here to stay, so watch out.

Hello:) You all can call me Psycho:) I’m a senior in Highschool, getting ready for college. I’ve had SOME experiences in LD, but I really would like to learn more. My current goal is to summon a person to my dream and have them stay long enough for me to talk to them. I also have a few questions, but I’m excited to be here and I’m always up to make new friends :slight_smile: [/code]

I’m a 15 year old boy from Sweden. Last night i had a natural LD but was not able to change my surroundings niether were there any. I was just floating around in light. (wich was wonderful ofcourse but i want more :help: ) Thats why i came to this forum to discover the world of dreaming. Oh btw you can call me crab :content:

Aloha to one and all! :woo:
I’m a self-proclaimed noob here - when it comes to LD - and looking forward to experiencing this phenomenon properly. I find the idea and all the possibilities it offers so incredibly mind-blowing that I’m having difficulty breathing right now. asdjflksjdfehh
Exsqueeeze me…all better now…
I think what partially fueled my interest in LD was Inception. Good stuff! So, I’d like to thank Christopher Nolan and the cast/crew of Inception for their positive influence, and for leading me to LD4all… LOL. No really.
Anyways, I’m so excited to have discovered this site, and I can’t wait to explore…


Hello all new people and welcome to ld4all :welcome: hope you will like this community :content:

Hehe, always nice to see fellow swedes join :razz:

Hello, I am 20 years old and I have been interested in Lucid Dreaming since i was about 14. I still remember my enthusiasm as I first approached into this amazing world, and was able to have some Lucid Dreams even though I really never had them on a regular basis. This is now my goal, but I’m not gonna be harsh on myself anymore. I’ll just see what happens and see what the future brings. Nice to meet you guys, I hope to enjoy some wonderful time with you all here :smile:

:welcome: Welcome to LD4all, so many new members :eek:

I hope you all enjoy your time here, there are plenty of old posts to explore here. :content: In the future your current posts will be discovered by future new members :smile:

Have fun and good luck with your LDing quests.

[center]The introductions :wave: continue in
the BIG “Hi, I’m new here!” topic, part 69