the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 71

Hi! I’m Spenelli, as you can see. I have been Spenelli for 10 years now. Yes, it’s a recess reference. My name is in fact Ashley as well, just like Spinelli. I used to wear a black beanie and I was always a tomboy. My best friend saw the similarities and nicknamed me. I do not like my first name, so please call me Spenelli or Spen.

I used to have lucid dreams as a child. Then when I got into high school they stopped and I started having precognitive dreams. Now I have neither. I usually remember at least one element of my dreams, and sometimes they are ridiculously real. When I was younger I used to have dreams that would wake me up in a sweat and even in tears. It seems like the older I get, the less I’m getting out of my dreams. I am hoping to change that.

Hey! I’m Dillon and I’ve just started to get interested in the world of LD. Being an atheist, I’ve just recently started to get into the more spiritual aspects of life such as astral projection, lucid dreaming, third eye awakening, and our true purpose here. I hope to have many lucid dreams and learn new things through them in the near future! PM me if you share any of the same interests. I’d love to discuss things like fractals and other non-mainstream topics and how they can be associated with LD’s!

Hey ! I’m a girl, my real name is Amélie, I’m 17.
(Just so you know : I’m french, so I apologize if my english is not perfect, I’ll try to do my best ! but I hired a good English-speaker so this presentation will be faultless :grin: )

I love animals, especially birds, and nature in general.
I’ve been lucid dreaming since I was a child : I used to have nightmares wherein I guessed I was dreaming, because I recognized them easily.

But I was afraid, and sometimes it hurt me so I would just force myself to wake up.
When I was 10, I realised I was dreaming in a dream which wasn’t a nightmare. So I understood I didn’t have to wake up, I could do whatever I wanted. Then, during 4 years I had around 100, 150 lucid dreams (but I didn’t know that it had a name, I didn’t know anything about it).
I would run everywhere, scream my happiness, break things (glasses, computers…). I loved to run as far as I could, I tried to find the limits of the surroundings (I have never succeeded :content: ).
I also used to conjure my dead animals. When my hamsters, cats, bunnies died, I wasn’t so sad because I knew I could see them in my dreams. My twin sister had some lucid dreams too, when I began to tell her mine.

When I was 14, My lucid dreaming frequency decreased, because my father told me I was wrong, “it’s not possible to control dreams, it’s not possible to be conscious in your dreams because you are sleeping”, so I was a little discouraged.
But I read something about “lucid dreams” in some French magazine. So I went looking for more information about it on the internet and I discovered that I wasn’t crazy :tongue: and that there were lucid dreaming induction techniques.

Since then I lucid dream a loooot (because I know more about it, and I have the motivation) -about twenty per month. I come here to share about lucid dreams with lucid dreamers (you have a very important community, in Attrape-Songes, the french forum about lucid dreams, we are less than 3000), and to improve my english by the way :tongue:
Sweet dreams !

:wave: welcome to ld4all Spenelli, you may like to take part in the ND challenge 7 might help you to enjoy your current dreams more. :smile:

Actually, you could start a few topics in lounge or the cloud (depending on the subject) :smile: I hope you enjoy your time on LD4all.


That’s terrible :sad: I’m so glad you had the support of the internet to confirm that lucid dreaming was real.

Hi guys…I arrived to this website a month ago and today i decided to register an account for ld4all forum. I interested to lucid dream since i was child.I got a lot of lucid dreams like created a tornado and destroyed my own house,walking on beach barefoot and chased a lot of times by mysterious people (my subconcious).So i hope i can master the lucid dream and control it much better for my spiritual growth.

Hey! I’m new and despite I know a few things about LD (I just discovered them a few days ago) I actually had two short lucid dreams, and want to improve my skills. So, after researching a bit through the forum, I’m here!

Have sweet dreams!! ^^

It’s much better when you have an account, since you can start topics and comment on topics. :happy:
Your LDs sound interesting. We have a topic in the dream journal forum to post your most interesting LD and one just filled with first LDs. :spinning:

The BIG “My First LD” collection- Part V

Your most interesting LD, part 2

Did you have the two short LDs before reading about the subject? or were they the result of finding out about lucid dreaming and reading a lot about the subject?

I hope you both enjoy your time at LD4all, it’s a great community. :grouphug:

Hello fellow LD4all-er’s!? :woo:

I’ve been on and off the dreaming for 1-2 years now. It’s always been a priority of mine, yet I never MADE it my priority to keep motivated. Pretty ironic :tongue:

I’m very interested in the mind, the universe, spirituality and developing myself in those aspects. I practice meditation daily, which helps heaps with recalling dreams!
For fun, I like to play guitar, or beetbox. Music is amazing, and learning guitar on top of creating random music with my mouth is just plain cool fun!
To get a little bit crazy I like to drive down south a couple hours from where I live and yep… you guessed it, jump out of perfectly good aeroplanes! :woo:

Ok ok, I’ll stop now! I’m looking forward to sharing experiences and dreams with all of you in the coming days/weeks/months/time doesn’t even exist! :content:


Just wanted to introduce myself.

I discovered this site/forum while reading a post on another LD community, and decided to join as it seems active and with good information. For now I’m still lurking around but I hope to post something sometime, either asking for help, or helping.

I’m a 35 years old guy, that started having really small and non-vivid lucid dreams some time ago.

I first heard about the ability to dream at will when I was a child, but didn’t even know it was “lucid”. I though it was about “i want to dream I’m a trucker”, and the dream just happened. For me dreams were just like small movies or different imaginary lives, so I could think “tonight I want to dream I’m a pirate!”… but never happened :smile:

Anyway recently I started having some random and small LDs, FAs… and even experienced a couple WILDs, when I still had no idea what all this was about.

So then I started reading around and joined a couple sites here and there. I’ve been doing a DJ for a couple of weeks now. I can remember my dreams almost every night, even if it’s just a small glimpse.

Two nights ago it was even surprising because I was really tired after my swimming training, and slept all night straight (from around 11pm to 6.30am), and was able to write down 5 different dreams. One of them came to mind while writting another one, and seemed really buried in my memory, so I just could write a small flash even if I know it was a big adventure dream, but I’m happy for being able to remember it.

I also was able to have a small voluntary WILD, and catched a couple FAs, so I guess I’m near of being able to finally have a decent LD.

Anyway, sorry for the long text and hope to see you around.


Hi all! I already put out a “hi I’m new here” on Quest for Lucid so just a quick note here. Decided all of a sudden to pursue LD after making fun of a friend of mine for a while who’s done it before (mostly WILD). I’m working through the LaBerge training course and reading ETWOLD. I’ve recalled at least parts of 1 dream every night since I set my intention to remember my dreams and record them in a journal. I feel very dedicated and hope to become an LD adept soon!

:wave: Hello Lchops, welcome to the forum.

I’ve noticed some of your posts already and look forward to reading more of them. :grin:

Hello Irreo, it was an interesting introduction and didn’t seem long at all. By the way, the best way to remember those dream memories that are a bit elusive is to lie still in bed on first awaking and take time on recapturing those dream memories.
There is a link to the Are you over 30 topic in my signature, you may like to make a post in there too. :content:

Is he a member of LD4all?

That’s a great start!

I hope you all enjoy your time on the forum.

Gonna add my new here to the bundle. I am back from a hiatus of pursuing lucid dreams that lasted about a year and a half. I wasn’t using a website back then, and I had meh success.

I had a FLD where I was flying around and doing things I know I would do if I achieved lucidity, but I wasn't actually lucid. 

Another lucid dream where I successfully RC'd in-dream and it lasted about five minutes. It was during those few moments where you wake up and immediately fall back to sleep. Was woken up by my mother, sadly.

And a third where I just randomly got lucidity, but the dream faded and I no longer remember the content.

Most of these were just dreams I remember I had, I don't actually remember them, though I remember the moment of achieving lucidity in the second one.

My goals for the near future is to have the LD's be less sporadic, and have them be premeditated where I know what I'm going to do, and actually plan to have a lucid dream that night, and to work on my dream recall. I have not been keeping a DJ of late.

Heyyo! I am Brandon. Been LDing hardcore for a year or so and been trying to break all limits in LDs. I have heard crazy things about LDs, and I hope to experience them all. I know that I can LD for my whole life, but starting now and getting as good as I can get seems to me that I will enjoy it the most. :smile: That way when I am old and can’t move much it will be habit and when you see that old man that everyone feels sorry for laying in bed, you can all rest assured that he is fight an inter dimensional dragon with wings of pure clear gold, and that shoots fire hot enough to break through into waking life. :smile:

Anyways, my weird life goals should tell you a little about my sanity. Hope to see you around.

Hi everyone, my name is Lucario, but my real name is not important, what is important is what i am, a lucid dreamer, a French lucid dreamer to be honest ( My English may be not perfect, but it’s not really important… I guess… )

What i like: -Racing videogames
-Cars and racing in general
-Sci-fi series

What i love: -Check my profile picture, and guess by yourself
-The 24 Hours of Le Mans
-Uh… Lucid Dreams ?

What i hate: -Hypocrisy
-People who think they are superior to someone
-Ponies ( Yup )

I’m actually quite good at lucid dreaming, i can do one every week if i’m “lucky” enough, and i guess that’s all… Cya.

Hey, I’m The_Green_Clarinet (but don’t worry, I’m a human, not a clarinet)

I’ve been on and off LDing since last spring. I was fully committed to it at first, but slowly became less and less committed. Now I want to fully immerse myself in it for good. I tend to do things “on and off” so staying committed will be a big step for me. I’ve had around 6 LDs already (not very good ones at that), so I also want to work on increasing frequency.

As far as other interests, I play the clarinet (as you could probably tell) and the piano, play video games (Assassin’s Creed and Pokemon are my favorite series), and I study architecture.

I can’t wait to finally fully dive into lucid dreaming for good now and be an active community member!

P.S. Look up “the green clarinet” on youtube. It’s hilarious.

Heyo, this is ArenaSupporter

I had 3 LD’s 2 years ago in 1 month, the experience made my life feel lighter, and then I lost the ability to remember my dreams in less than a week because of circumstances.
Now with my life almost on tracks I think it is time to retry one of the few things that made me keep going.
I’m a very slow “learner”. When I started with a DJ, it took me a month to remember my first (scary) dream and then another month to remember 4 dreams a night.

Other interests than LD: Physical and Mental training. Physical for a less limiting environment (got muscle disease) and Mental (meditating a bit) to keep up with what life throws at me. And a bit of gaming makes time fly aswell.

I hope I can LD and hope to be a part of this community for as long as possible.

Many greetings to all of you, Jasu here.

New user here that got referred to the website by a most likely long-time user Masonc1. Native of Los Angeles, and Computer Techie with quite the interest in learning how to get into the swing of Lucid Dreaming. Actually remembering dreams on a constant basis being a good start even.

Only really was able to hit the lucid state once, and it only lasted a few seconds. Otherwise rarely remember my dreams. Maybe a couple a year, but can still clearly remember the major dreams that were had in my life. As few there were that I could remember wakingly.

Hobby-wise I’m a PC gamer with a love of horror flicks, and classic cartoons. Definitely hope to get to know the people here, and really dive deep into the grand land of lucid dreaming.

“Edited to included dream info.”

Hey everyone, :wave:

My name is Stijn (Dutch name), but most people call me by my account name.
I’ve known about LD for a long time, but never really tried having one.
I have had about 3 dreams where I was lucid and they were very short, but awesome! I’ll start counting from now on though, just because I’m not sure how many I have had before. Now that I know what amazing stuff you can do in those dreams I have decided to put effort into it because it definitely seems to be worth it.

I hope we can all help each other out on our quest for lucidity!
I wish you all nice dreams! :content:

Hi LD4all, I’m very new to Lucid Dreaming. In fact I have only learned about it a couple of days ago. I do remember having some dreams where I woke up immediatly after realising I was dreaming when I was younger.

So after watching some video’s on the subject and listening to a song countless times (Queensryche - Silent Lucidity) I got inspired immediatly and decided to start my own journey.

Coolest thing is that after I started my dream journal and focused on remembering my dream before I went to bed, I actually did remember it. The next day I did the same thing and woke up 3 times during the night remembering my dreams and I was able to write them all down. Best part is that before I got into this I hardly remembered any dreams at all, maybe just 1-2 every few months, and I’d forget them very fast.

Now I have so many questions I don’t even know where to begin, so that’s the reason I’m here I suppose. Time to explore these forums and read everyone elses experiences! :smile:

Bonjour ! Here’s a French guy for you :smile:

I just discovered this awesome site when I was searching something like “Controllable dreams” on Google because I usually have lucid dreams but I didn’t knew it has a specific name… I use to do stupid things when I’m lucid dreaming, but I want to “use” those dreams to a better purpose, like talking to myself to know me better for example.

When I “start” a lucid dream I use to have a normal dream, which usually takes place in my college or High school. I’m walking in the corridors and then I stop walking and be like “Hey… I’m dreaming. Why am I here ?”, then I go somewhere else like Skyrim. Most of my LD are …quite personal… but some are nice, like being a black mage and causing a Tsunami and freezing it just before it collapse on a city or something like that.

I’m a Role-player and love to do it in every way (Classic Role-playing like Dungeons&Dragons, Online Role-playing with Neverwinter Nights or WoW) but I spend most of my time by drawing. Nearly a third of my time is dedicated to drawing things but I never draw my dreams :meh: Maybe I’ll try to draw some ^^