ND Challenge 7: Congratulations HeadInTheClouds!

Welcome to the Seventh Normal Dream Challenge of LD4all!
A challenge to test and improve dream recall, quality and clarity of recorded dreams, as well as the ability to incubate non-lucid dreams. It also serves as an encouragement to read others’ Dream Journals and vice versa.

Previous Challenges
ND Challenge 1 - TM and Initiator: Dreamjutsu - Winner: Ysim
ND Challenge 2 - TM: Ysim - Winner: moogle
ND Challenge 3 - TM: moogle and Eilatan - Winner: MagykKatte
ND Challenge 4 - TM: MagykKatte and Ysim - Winner: Eilatan
ND Challenge 5 - TM: Eilatan - Winner: Fate
ND Challenge 6 - TM: Fate - Winner: Yev
ND Challenge 7 - TM: Yev - Winner: HeadInTheClouds

5 points per fragment recalled
10 points per normal dream recalled
15 points per lucid dream recalled

5 points per chain
2 points per reality check performed

50 points for completing the current task
25 points for completing a late task
25 points for completing your personal goal
20 points for completing the current task while lucid
10 points for completing a late task while lucid
10 points for completing your personal goal while lucid

Bonus Points: (Awarded at the end of each task)
Up to 30 points for quality of recall

For every normal dream recalled, you are awarded 10 points. A lucid dream will award you 15 points. You will be given 5 points for each fragment you recall.

Please put a link to your dream journal when you sign up. If you do not have a dream journal on LD4all, start one—it is a great habit. If you wish, you may create a temporary DJ in the Dream Journal forum for this challenge.

Only dreams that you have during the course of the challenge are eligible for points. If you join the challenge after the beginning of the first task, only dreams that you have after the time you join will count. It may be a good idea to make a comment in your DJ of where your first ND Challenge dream begins.

If you wake up from a dream, but immediately go back to sleep and see either the same dream or a different one, you will be granted 5 points. Points for chaining are cumulative, meaning you can get several points for chaining if you wake up, go to sleep, see a dream, wake up again and go to sleep, see another dream, and so on and so forth. The additional dreams will be counted separately from the first, and you will be awarded points on recall accordingly.

Every reality check you perform in a dream will net you 2 points, even if it does not get you lucid. Reality checks performed while lucid will not award points.

There will be five tasks, which will last seven days each. Completing the current task will get you 50 points. If you complete a previous task, you will get 25 points. You can complete multiple late tasks per dream.

You may also choose a personal goal, which will award 25 points upon completion. Please state your personal goal when you sign up. Once you have completed your goal, you may choose a new one.

Please note: As this challenge focuses on incubation, completing the task after becoming lucid will only award 20 points, your personal task will award 10 points, and a late task will award 10 points. This is not to penalize you for being lucid, but because the ND Challenge is about dream incubation, not lucidity.

If you feel you have completed a task or your personal goal, please state which task you have completed and when you completed it.

Bonus Points
At the end of each task, I may give up to 30 bonus points to each participant, based on how well you recall your dreams, and the level of detail in your dream journal entries. This is meant to reward those who improve the quality of their dream recall, in addition to the number of dreams recalled.


ND Challenge 7:
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence | Essence of the Lost | FInd/explore some form of old ruins.
  2. Fate | Icebound Tome | Use several reality checks in a row.
  3. Sandra | Sandra’s garden of dreams | Visit a (beautiful) to me unknown place
  4. Siiw | Siiw’s book of dreams | Make a song and remember it
  5. CaptainBee | CB’s Library of Dreams | Go to prison
  6. Letaali | Letaali’s dream journal | Visit another planet
  7. Ghosteh | link | master fire
  8. moogle | DJ | have a fun dream (again :smile: )
  9. geekboy | A taste OF my Insanity | to see the stars
  10. HeadInTheClouds | HeadInTheCloud’s Reflective Dream Journal | To become a superhero in a dream, believing in the dream that I am actually that superhero.


Task 1: Lands of Legends
Task 2: Beasts to Behold
Task 3: Artifacts of the Ancients
Task 4: Masters of Magic
Task 5: Flight to the Future

Sign ups for ND Challenge 7 are now open! I don’t think the challenge itself will start until sometime in October, though.

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence - - Essence of the Lost - - Check up on friends from the future.

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence - - Essence of the Lost - - Check up on friends from the future.
  2. Fate - - - - - - - - - - Icebound Tome - - - Engage in a swordfight

This time I will keep up with my DJ. Bumped out last time because of being busy etc and waking up early every day. I might change my personal goal still before the challenge starts; I reached my previous one (and went on a real holiday :tongue: )

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence - - Essence of the Lost - - - - - Check up on friends from the future.
  2. Fate - - - - - - - - - - Icebound Tome - - - - - Engage in a swordfight
  3. Sandra - - - - - Sandra’s garden of dreams - - Visit a (beautiful) to me unknown place

Ugh… My personal goal for this is to check up on friends from the future… I had a dream last night where I came in contact with friends from the past. (ten thousand years)

Even though I’m aware it’s irrelevent anyway until the challenge actually starts… I just had the need to say that. :tongue:

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence - - Essence of the Lost - - - - - Check up on friends from the future.
  2. Fate - - - - - - - - - - Icebound Tome - - - - - Engage in a swordfight
  3. Sandra - - - - - Sandra’s garden of dreams - - Visit a (beautiful) to me unknown place
  4. Siiw - - - - - Siiw’s book of dreams - - - Make a song and remember it

This needs to happen! :happy:

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence - - Essence of the Lost - - - - - Check up on friends from the future.
  2. Fate - - - - - - - - - - Icebound Tome - - - - - Engage in a swordfight
  3. Sandra - - - - - Sandra’s garden of dreams - - Visit a (beautiful) to me unknown place
  4. Siiw - - - - - Siiw’s book of dreams - - - Make a song and remember it
  5. CaptainBee - - - - CB’s Library of Dreams - - - Go to prison

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence - - Essence of the Lost - - - - - Check up on friends from the future.
  2. Fate - - - - - - - - - - Icebound Tome - - - - - Engage in a swordfight
  3. Sandra - - - - - Sandra’s garden of dreams - - Visit a (beautiful) to me unknown place
  4. Siiw - - - - - Siiw’s book of dreams - - - Make a song and remember it
  5. CaptainBee - - - - CB’s Library of Dreams - - - Go to prison
  6. Letaali ---- Letaali’s dream journal ---- Visit another planet

should i just answer this and post the dreams ive been having?

You copy the list and add the name of yours plus a goal :wink:

Since I am almost off to bed I sign up with a link to my DD and my goal is to master fire

i thought this was for ND not lucid :razz: i have yet to have my first lucid dream

You can still have a goal even for a ND. If you focus on something a lot during the day, or as you’re falling asleep, it’s more likely that you’ll dream about it. And, if you remember wanting to dream about it when you do dream about it, it might make you lucid. :smile:

So, as GHOSTIE said, just post your goal and a link to your DJ if you want to sign up. The challenge doesn’t actually start until after 10 people have signed up. (Or maybe fewer, depending. :tongue:)

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence | Essence of the Lost | Check up on friends from the future.
  2. Fate | Icebound Tome | Engage in a swordfight
  3. Sandra | Sandra’s garden of dreams | Visit a (beautiful) to me unknown place
  4. Siiw | Siiw’s book of dreams | Make a song and remember it
  5. CaptainBee | CB’s Library of Dreams | Go to prison
  6. Letaali | Letaali’s dream journal | Visit another planet
  7. Ghosteh | link | master fire

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence | Essence of the Lost | Check up on friends from the future.
  2. Fate | Icebound Tome | Engage in a swordfight
  3. Sandra | Sandra’s garden of dreams | Visit a (beautiful) to me unknown place
  4. Siiw | Siiw’s book of dreams | Make a song and remember it
  5. CaptainBee | CB’s Library of Dreams | Go to prison
  6. Letaali | Letaali’s dream journal | Visit another planet
  7. Ghosteh | link | master fire
  8. moogle | DJ | have a fun dream (again :smile: )

Lincourtz, I won one of these challenges with no lucid dreams :wink:

What moogle said, I won it with just the sheer number of normal dreams I had, it was quite an overwhelming experience.

With my current dream recall, sleeping pattern and upcoming holidays, I feel this challenge going nicely :hyper:

Okay. I think we have enough signups, and it doesn’t look like we’ll reach 10 people soon, so:

The ND Challenge 7 will begin on Monday!

If you haven’t signed up yet, and you want to join in, go ahead and sign up now! Also, if you’ve signed up earlier, please let me know if you’re still interested, just so I have an idea of how many people will actually be participating.

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence | Essence of the Lost | Check up on friends from the future.
  2. Fate | Icebound Tome | Engage in a swordfight
  3. Sandra | Sandra’s garden of dreams | Visit a (beautiful) to me unknown place
  4. Siiw | Siiw’s book of dreams | Make a song and remember it
  5. CaptainBee | CB’s Library of Dreams | Go to prison
  6. Letaali | Letaali’s dream journal | Visit another planet
  7. Ghosteh | link | master fire
  8. moogle | DJ | have a fun dream (again :smile: )

Yep, still here :razz:

You can count on me.

Eilatan poked me enough times so count me in. God I keep losing motivation for these. Not this time!

ND Challenge 7: Taskmaster: Yev
NameDream JournalPersonal Goal

  1. Lumessence | Essence of the Lost | Check up on friends from the future.
  2. Fate | Icebound Tome | Engage in a swordfight
  3. Sandra | Sandra’s garden of dreams | Visit a (beautiful) to me unknown place
  4. Siiw | Siiw’s book of dreams | Make a song and remember it
  5. CaptainBee | CB’s Library of Dreams | Go to prison
  6. Letaali | Letaali’s dream journal | Visit another planet
  7. Ghosteh | link | master fire
  8. moogle | DJ | have a fun dream (again :smile: )
  9. geekboy | A taste OF my Insanity | See my self
