The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part XXIV

Hello all!

I hope I could learn more about LD and in addition share a lot of my experiences to help others as well. I am not new to LD but never really paid much attention to it until recently. I’ve been LD since childhood and it was a great escape for me. I hope to meet all of you soon!

take care.


:welcome: hello Bix, welcome to LD4all
I see you are keeping Wolf and Bruno guessing since you didn’t fill in the gender line on your profile :smile:

I hope you consider starting up a dream journal here and taking part in our monthly quests in our Lucid Adventures forum

Hey everyone, im really really new here, and I havn’t even tried to lucid dream… but i will try today or sometime later on, I just wanna ask, for those who lucid dream, or have, what was it like? explain to me what u did what u saw, cause I know for some reason I have before, but didn’t notice, i’ll explain

“My dad owns a company, so I was with my cousin, and we were inside my dad’s shop, and it was dark, and all of a suddeon I though, “what if zombies come after us?” Then guess what, i heard moaning, zombies came after us, i freaked out, I said " Cody, (which is my cousins name) We need a shot gun now!” So I ran, opend this dooor, and walala, loads and loads of ammo and shot guns sitting there, thing is, I didn’t know if it was a dream or not, so I started blowing some zombies up, then some dinosour walked in, and at all the zombies, and I woke up saying “OMFG AHH!” :smile:

Hi and welcome, KillaDawg :cool:

For me, becoming lucid is just like remembering something, like for example when i am in a shop and remembers “oh! i was supposed to buy a lottery ticket too!” You will find a lot of records of lucid dreams in the dream diary section. You can also start your own diary there if you want to.

Sweet dreams, and good luck! :cool:

Hello everyone, i’m brand new here and also pretty new to lucid dreaming aswell, i’ve had a couple that lasted a few seconds, but nothing to write home about, hopefully you guys can help me change that, though!
Looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship with the LD4all forums :smile:

That’s the attitude we like to hear! :boogie:

Welcome JamesBrown, how you doin’? :wave: Glad to see you’ve admitted your problem and are ready for he- ahem- looks through notecards [size=75]Oop, wrong welcome speech. :shy: [/size] shuffle of cards- Ah, here we go.

Welcome JamesBrown, I’m sure you’ll love it here. :grin:

hello :content: I’m fei of course and new too (kinda obvious hehe)… and yes, another girl.

I’ve kept a DJ since october after learning about LDing and ways to become lucid from a knowledgeable friend. Also, one of my end of the year AP psych projects is to keep a DJ.

I’ve had the abilty to LD since I remember, but lost it around 10 years of age. Ever since I’ve kept a DJ, I find myself lasping back into LDing. Lucky me. :smile:

Do you mean DB or DJ? Welcome Fei. :wave:

sorry I’m still not used to the acronyms. :shy:

No prob. :smile: Did that stand for Dream Book or something?

Yea. I’m used to referring to it as that. :content:

Btw, hugs wolf because Neol’s sig told me to.



comes back to life

strangles Neol

dies again

That goes to show how easily influenced people are. Hugs are like a new RC for me. If I can breath while being given one, it’s a dream! :cool_laugh:

lol aww, don’t die.

…or should it be hub? reads Wolf’s sig :colgate: oo or not, that’s… only a hug from Wolb right?

Good job. :ok:

Btw, thanks for mentioning that. I’m creating an Inside Jokes topic now, so I’ll add it. ^^

Hi, I am not new, but im new here! I joined up some two months ago, but I havent been online since. Personal problems etc. Anyway, now I’m back, and reading quite a lot of the interesting topics here! So… you know it, Hiya, and bya :happy:

hehe ok look forward to reading that later… (hope our string of replies didn’t break any rules… )|)

(…suffering insomnia… going to pretend I was sleeping…before parents wake…)


Ok, men can still join, but LOOK! More girls are joining the forum! The curse is over! Yahoo! :cool:


And Fei, hope your insomnia comes to an end soon! :hugs:

Hi. I have known about since early in the year 2000. I’ve been trying to be lucid since then (with the odd break in between of course). I’ve just recently decided to become a member so I can post my lucid experiences and read about others experiences. Hopefully this forum will inspire me further so I am able to lucid dream more regularly.

You discovered this forum 2000 and you didnät join until 2006 that’s quite Amazing :tongue:
Hi to all I haven’t said Hi too.

Hi henryHottie it is nice to talk to you on MSN

:welcome: Welcome Henry! Mag said you were joining. Why didn’t you become a member before?

Good luck LDing. :wave: