The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part XXV

Huey – how many times do you post a day? Wait…13.8. You are beginning to reach Wolflike proportions in posting. (Not an insult, either. Just…noticing.) You will probably become LD4ALL legend if you keep this up.

Hi new kids!

We have a Huey smilie … it was waiting for you :cool:

:cool: Hey :happy:! There it is!

Thanks :moogle:!

Hi all,

Just found this forum today and wanted to say hi. I began lucid dreaming in 1992 after reading the classic book by Stephen LaBerge called “Lucid Dreaming” in 1988 and practicing on and off for 4 years before having my first lucid dream. I was instantly hooked and have since had countless LD’s. Though I cannot LD at will, I have about two per week, and hope to increase the ability to do it at will.

I think the most important thing in being able to lucid dream is to remember all your dreams. I am lucky in that I remember 5-6 dreams every night in great detail. That, since I was about six years old. I still remember dreams that I had when I was a tyke. This may be obvious, but lucid dreaming didn’t come to me until I started recording my dreams, then looking for anomalies, and or patterns.

One pattern for me was water. I grew up on the beach, and whenever I see or am in water in a dream, I know I am dreaming, because dream water is nothing like the ocean which I spent twenty years frolicking in. This led to my first LD. I realized I was dreaming while swimming in a river, then I realized that I could breathe underwater, and began to swim like a fish and stayed under water and actually breathed it into my lungs, without fear of drowning. It lasted seemingly for hours.

I use this technique now, though I don’t know what it is called on this forum. I frequently throughout the day tell myself that I am dreaming. As I know I am not in the day, when I AM dreaming, this statement brings me to a lucid state. Also, I always wake up in the middle of the night for a half hour or so(bad sleeper). The lucid dreams always follow this waking period(a technique in the book too). I have found that when I wake up before 2:00 AM the chances are greater to have a lucid dream than when I wake up after 4:00 AM. I have found that being thirsty, and having to go pee also increase the likelihood of having a lucid dream for me. My favorite things to do are seemingly the usual here, though breathing and swimming underwater rank #3 on my list.

Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading it and hopefully I can help some to get to lucidity.

:welcome: hello Tom, welcome to LD4all
We have a sticky “My First LD Collection” topic in the dream diary forum, I hope you post your first underwater LD in it :boogie:
We have the lucid lab and also the lucid adventure forums that you may be interested in.
Your technique of telling yourself that you are dreaming during the day is talked about in our Lucid Living topic, there is also a lab experiment that has just started using this tech.

I look forward to reading more of your posts and hope you really enjoy being a part of the LD4all forum. :moogle:

:handshake: Tomthebomb–right this way :arrow_right::grouphug:–oh, those are my friends…you’ll soon be joining them–now c’mon, the tour is about to start–have drink before we go–:beer:–okay enough of that, follow me…:wizard:

Quoted for truth :cool:


Say hello to your SG for me. ^^

(He have a name, btw?)

Hi Zoch :handshake:! :welcome: Welcome to LD4All! C’mon, I’ll give you the tour…takes Zoch on tour

Later at the LD4All Bar…

:beer: Drinks on me!

So, Zoch how about joining the DPP? Department of Party People? :partying_face:

C’mon, I’ll introduce you to everyone–:slight_smile:

:grouphug: :music: :cheer: :fly:

:boogie: :yay: :tempted: :woot:

:hurray: :bounce: :hyper: :twirl:

:eek:–When did all these people get here?

:moogle: :wolf:

:eek: --Hey, moogle–Wolf! Where did these people come from?

:wave: hello Zoch
I wondered why wolf mentioned your SG, so looked up your other posts and found your spiritguide post.

I suppose Huey will be along soon to give you your guided tour of LD4all :wink:

If you have any questions, all our members are very helpful and friendly and are always glad to answer any queries. :content:


They’re my friends! They’re okay, chill. :cool: watches one of them pocket expensive item


In your dreams :wink:

Thanks for the warm welcome btw  :content:

Well, this is a lucid dream forum :tongue:

C’mon–have another drink on me :beer:

A little birdy told me that those drinks have the same effect as Quuipo’s cookies! :eek:

Don’t tell them that Wolf–they won’t come back… :tongue:

Welcome Tomthebomb and Zoch (Ryan, right?)! :cool:

I trust Moogle already welcomed you both properly and Wolf and Huey did the job getting you confused (a.k.a. “on the mood”), so I don’t think I have much to do here.

I hope you guys enjoy the forum. If you need anything feel free to PM me asking for help (though I’m not a moderator, so I can’t help deleting posts and stuff :razz: in that case, PM one of the mods, they are all very nice).

And enjoy your stay! :smile:

:peek: I guess everyone has welcomed you big time , but I just wanna say
Hi :wave:

And BTW : Just ignore Wolf and Hueys inside Jokes :tongue:

That’s why we have my fun little topic. :wink:

Rofl, Huey, we make a good pair for confusing new people. :lol:

:confused: What?

Scratches head confused

Seriously, I have no clue what you’re talking about…:confused:hrug:

LoL, I was like :confused: How do you know that!? :confused: And then like 5 seconds later I realized I had saved my picture of myself as my name, (doh) im an idiot! :content: