The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part XXXIV

:wave: hello Neil, it’s great that you have started a DJ so soon :yay:
We will all help to keep you motivated this time :yes:
:wave: Sirius55, will you be keeping a dream journal at LD4all in addition to your SeaLife one?
:yay: I love new members joining :smile:

Hi, i’m new here, and i love this site.

I have no problems recalling my dreams, and already the first night i had a light lucid moment in my dream.
Now i make voice memo’s of my dreams on my telephone (good sound quality)

Sadly i forget to practice the reality checks, and i only think about them for about 10 times a day, and that is only when i’m behind the pc or going to the toilet, thinking about stuff to do.

I hope this habit will get stronger soon, when i look at my wristwatch i already get reminded of doing an RC, but i still have to integrate it further into my life.
Also when i do an RC, i check my watch, i look at a text, or at something that is written somewhere, at a wall, or in the label of my shirt etc whatever.
And i check my hands.

Also read about spinning, i am trying to imagine how spinning works from day to day, and i have been planning on setting my mobile phone with an alarm that says:
‘You are dreaming, take control and do whatever you like’

I have a Sony Ericsson W800i, so i can make voice memo’s and set them as it were to be an alarm.

Anyone has any tips on howto use my alarm-option to the fullest?

I hope I will get familiar with all of you guys and your experiences!



Hey, it looks like your already at a good start when it comes to lucid dreaming; you’ll have it in no time. :content:


It looks like the two of us have something in common. :razz: You also seem very motivated when it comes to lucid dreaming, which is a good attitude to have. :content: In fact, you might even be trying harder than you need to; for some people, lucid dreams just show up spontaneously, and are dream induced. I’m just one of those lucky people. :grin:

Hi :smile:
I’m new here!
I usually dream a lot and like to think about and remember the dreams during the days. I also like discussing dreams with my friends that also are interested in dreams.

Whatever my dreams are about, they’re always very colourful. I usually get chased, by an armed man or one/several dinosaur(s) and end up running, hiding, falling or driving at high-speed. Often I get shot and every time it occurs it surprises me that I neither feel anything nor die (with a few exceptions where I dreamt I had a couple of lives left and thus didn’t need to worry, that was funny.)

I have always had difficulties falling asleap, when it is as worst I get 1h sleep/night (or less) for weeks. That makes it hard to wake up in the morning. Those times I often dream that I get up and do my ordinary morning routines, after putting off the alarm clock, until I’m on my way to the tram and realize that I’m still asleep. The strange thing is that every time I can swear I did’t even touch the alarm clock, since I obviously did.

I can just recall two times when I’ve had lucid dreams, the first time I was very young, about six years old. In the dream I visited my neighbours and on my way home I realized I was in a dream and didn’t know what to do about myself so I awoke.
The second time I was eleven and a T-rex was just about to eat me when I started to hit and scream at it that it was destroying my dream, then I awoke.
It would be really cool to be able to stay in the dream, if I’d find myself dreaming again.

:wave: hello _marinus and Iron_kitten, welcome to LD4all :smile:

well if you end up having frequent forum dreams that could be very useful :wink:

Iron_kitten, we have a sticky “My First LD Collection” in the dream diary forum, you may like to post your two previous short experiences of LDs there :happy:

I hope you both get the most out of your LD4all membership :boogie:

Okay, and any tips on this: … ht=#284048


I might be trying too hard yes, but i am so very into it, i have been trying it for three years now, of and on i found something about it, and now since one week or so, i found this site.
Now i actually started trying things to induce lucid dreams.

I’d try anything that helps :wink:

Nice that you already have them naturally, could it maybe have to do with a slightly paranoid background? (Doing reality checks naturally and stuff? :tongue: )

Hi! :smile: My name is Jessica, and I live in Melbourne Australia. I found this website through Wikipedia, funnily enough.

I learnt about lucid dreaming because last year my Health teacher said something like, “Hm. Alcohol is a boring topic. Let’s do dreams, instead.”

About half the time I realise I’m dreaming, but obviously I never really get the point as I think something like, “Okay! Cool! Now I can make a door appear so I can escape before the aliens get me!” Logically, I should realise that I don’t have to worry about aliens, but no… and then I usually forget I’m dreaming a minute later. :sad:

Even dreams I don’t realise I’m dreaming in I remember at least partially, though. (I hope that sentence makes some sense…) I keep dreaming about being arrested or killed, though. Then I wake up (if I got killed or knocked unconscious) as there’s no dream after dying (or being knocked unconscious, oddly). XD

Er. So, I hope I enjoy being a member of this forum. :smile:

/me waves to JW. :wave:

Wow, you’re on a great track if you already have lucid dreams, even if they are at low level lucidity. :cool_laugh: That’s better than how most people start out, so if you keep trying, you’ll become a master at it; I can assure you. Prior to finding this site, I never had any, but now I have them left and right. :good:

Welcome Jessica! :smile:

There’s quite a nice group of people from Melbourne (and other regions of Australia) in this forum, so I guess you’ll feel at home in here. :content:

Congratulations on your already good LDing skills! :ok:

/me wonders if Jessica will start an online DreamJournal

wonders why he hasnt posted in this thread :eek:

hi people :grin:

scampers away[/i] :peek:


Oddly enough, you didn’t even need to introduce yourself; I already saw you on the forum before. :content:

Ello, Just started trying to LD. Had a few when I was a kid and like the idea of having them again. Its like that guy from the train in Waking Life said about there not being enough dreamers anymore. :sad:

Hi, I’m Lucerna. (Ok, that isn’t my real name, but y’all don’t need to know my real name. XD)

I’m an age 16 female, currently living in Texas. I’m a bookish nerd. :smile: I can remember lucid dreaming appx. 5-8 times in my life, and they were short and unclear, so I would like to improve.

I learned about Lucid Dreaming a year or so ago, studied it for a while, then sort of forgot about it. A couple months ago I picked it up again, this time more motivated, but I figured I wouldn’t be able to practice during school days, so I decided to put it off. So then last week one of my favorite movies, Vanilla Sky, was on TV, a movie with some interesting lucid dream allusions, and I decided that it was finally time I got to LDing. So here I am. :smile: I’ve ghosted the forum a bit, so I kind of know how most stuff works, but I thought I’d introduce myself, so hi everyone. :smile:

Heya, Anglo and Lucerna! :hurray:

Welcome to the forum, guys! Believe you me, you’ll love it here. We’re all extremely friendly and will help you out with whatever you need, whether it be LD-related or not. :yes: You’ll make tons of new friends here as well! :cool_laugh:

Feel free to post or PM! :wave:


Ferk :content: You know you’re more than welcome here.

:welcome: Anglo and Lucerna! I hope you’ll enjoy this forum to it’s full! :yes:

:welcome: hello JessieWings, ferks, Anglo and lucerna :grin: welcome to LD4all
:unk: Anglo and lucerna you joined on LD4all’s 10th anniversary :yay:

:lol: Were you afraid of being chased for a :grouphug: grouphug? :tongue:

:eh: it just shows how something that happened a little randomly can have an effect on your life :eek:

:wave: Hello ferks, Jessica, Anglo, and lucera :content:

:tongue: Yay Randomness! :woot: I got here on extreme randomness (A program that essentialy just pulls up a random website…Stumble Upon)

Hi all! I am really, really, really interested in this. When i started to read abou LD i felt weird exciting feeling… I hope i will succes to have a long and good LD.

:wave: hello Sonic_Moronic welcome to LD4all :happy:
I looked to see what your other post was and discovered it was a post about your previous LDs … so I created your own DJ in the dream diary forum (feel free to change the title by editing the first post :smile: )

Hi, I’m new.

I’m 18 years old, had my first LD at the age of 15, lasted about absolute max of 10 minutes, then three, maybe five other small ones, but they apear rarely.

I read an article once in a magazine in Danish, called Illustreret Videnskab, which was about LD, and that is what started it all.

Now, I’m trying to figure out how to get in regular LD’s, and beyond.

I’m thinking about discovering my own mind, and try to figure out, through LD how it works.

May be one of those who is not too patient with LD’s, but I’ll try.