The BIG "Hi I'm new here!" Topic XV

Hey DreamHunter! Welcome to LD4all :happy: I hope you’ll enjoy your stay :smile:

It’s great to hear you’re motivated to practice LDing! There’s a lot of information to be found here on the forum and don’t forget also on the main site. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask them! :wink:

Good luck :ok:

PS. I’ve merged this topic with the BIG “Hi, I’m new here!” Topic in the Gathering :smile:

Oh and welcome you too, The Dude :wink: Yes it should go a little easier if you can talk and discuss about it with other people, sharing experiences. But two things remain the most important ones: practice a lot and have patience :smile:

Good luck with WILDing!

I’m a lucid dreamer of the wrong kind. I pretty much can remember all my dream, and even go lucid pretty much whenever I feel like it in my dreams…I have the control to pick the topics of my dreams, at least in the notion that the begining dream will happen as I have told my mind to.

My biggest problem is a loss of my lucid powers after being in a dream for a couple of hours.

I might have the power to competely go like 300 feet in the air flying…no problem…

a couple hours later if I’m still flying around, I could find myself flying toward the ground in a sense of floating back to earth…losing my gift of flying. Or I might be fighting a nightmare and while kicking the nightmares Monster’s ass(not sure if I can swear or not) I find myself losing all my strenghth and having to run away to stay alive.

Anyways, I’m a web designer from Ohio, still a college student and wanted to talk to other lucid dreamers.

Holla at me if you want or use the email I provided for this website.


Lo :content:.

I can think of two reason why you lose your powers:

  • Your lucidity decreased (lucidity generally decreases over time).
  • You’ve come to expect yourself to lose your powers after a certain amount of time, so you do.

Whats up everybody? I’ve been going to this site for a few months now, but I’m new to the forum. I’ve gotten Lucid only once due to some advice I found on the forum, so I thought I might join up! You all seem like some good people, so I’ll be glad to get to know you guys.


Welcome to ld4all. :smile:

Congratulations on your first lucid dream. :partying_face:

Glad you decided to join.

:wow: this topic is getting very busy again. :grin:
Welcome to ld4all :wave: DreamHunter, The Dude, ZongbongMaster and ClintonKennedy. :boogie: it’s great to see so many new people introducing themselves.

Yes, that’s for the warm welcome…I never thought about telling people my dreams cause I always have really weird dreams, but I come to notice that lately while I been about to talk about my dreams to other people, my dreams have been getting better and I’m able to control what I dream about.

On my reply, Yes, I thought that my subcon. was probably the reason why I could not keep my lucid dreams stable. It’s so weird though cause usaully I sleep with my mp3 player playing on my laptop and while the music is still playing, I’m able to stay lucid, listening to the music but as soon as the mp player stops playing, I begin to drop into a deeper sleep.

Hi, I am darakat, here because I want to learn to lucid dream (yeah yeah I know thats obvious from coming to this forum, but it feels better saying it). Anyway I am a student from Canberra Australia (yay) studying information technology/librarianship. Mostly interested in being able to stop and control my rather horrid nightmares really, but I want to explore other possibilities in lucid dreaming as well. Anyway I live a rather large and busy existence on the internet as well as in real life, however I will try and get back here when I can for a good read, which always helps.

Im new as well. I hope to start Lucid Dreaming soon. My main Motivation for joining this forum is to read stories of others lucid dreams. And to find useful information that will aid me in my quests for lucidity. I look forward to interacting with all of you.

:wave: hello darakat and Simon Belmont :boogie:
I hope you both enjoy your time at ld4all
there are lots of posts telling about lucid dreams, there is also the “favourite things to do in a LD” topic which can give you ideas of what to do in your lucid dreams.
it’s now upto part 3 :cheer:

Hello everyone! My name’s allegra and I have been lurking on this site for a while. Everyone here seems like pretty amazing people, and I look forward to getting to know you guys.

Hi and welcome, allegra :cool:

I look forward to getting to know you!

I am amazed at how this forum just keeps growing. :smile:

Welcome darakat,Simon Belmont,allegra

:balloon: :partying_face: :beer: :good:

You all definitely came to the right place to learn about lucid dreaming. The information on this site is second to none in my opinion. After you look around if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

Hey everyone, i know this is going to sound repetitive, but i have never heard of lucid dreaming before i watched Waking Life…now i am EXTREMELY interested and excited about the whole topic…ive always loved to dream, and without really trying i am usually good at remembering at least one dream a night…well i bought a book today at my gf’s bookstore at University California Riverside, the book is called “Lucid Dreaming”–a concise guide to awakening in Your dreams and in your life—

Ive read about half of the book and find it pretty helpful, i think the MILD method suits me best. im just going to start a book collection on the topic…i just wanted to say Hello to everyone…happy dreaming!!

Whats up dude. Welcome. The more you read up on LDing and the more you post on this forum, the better chance you will have lucid dreams.

I’m glad you decided to register … in addition to being able to post now, it opens up more forums for you to read :smile:
:wave: I hope you enjoy being a full member of ld4all
:grin: hello Dougie Boy (I merged your intro post into the sticky topic). Welcome to ld4all.

to increase the chances of having a LD include WBTB too :wiske:

Hi folks! :peek:

I’ve just registered on this nice forum, some may know me already from #ld4all (but well, in this channel subjects are often a bit… off-topic, to say it gently :wink: ). I’m living in a small village in Austria, 17 years old, still going to school. I haven’t had a lucid dream so far but I think I’m on my way to it - just begun reading “Exploring the world of Lucid Dreaming” one or two weeks ago and I am now working on my dream recall (have of course started a journal), which works quite good, so far.
Well, I’m glad to have found LD4all because I find the idea of lucid dreaming amazing and I hope I’ll get this ability somewhen in my life :smile:

Best regards,


Welcome to ld4all. :smile: I hope you enjoy your time on the forum.

Anyone can learn to lucid dream it just takes time and practice. If you put forth the effort I have no doubt that you will soon make lucid dreaming a part of your life.

Hi! my name is Sierra and i’m a new member, I haven’t been LD-ing for very long but will hope to get better at it!!
BTW this is a great website!! :universe: :tryfly: :obe: