The Big Shared Dreaming Topic - Part III

Once upon a time the earth was flat and anyone else who thought otherwise was called crazy. Im not suggesting you believe everything you read or hear, but it is best to keep an open mind.

One day we might again find that the dream world is round and as such can be shared by others, its not as impossible as you think. Look at some of the things we have found out about recently,

Time travel particles - invisability cloaks by using light and cameras - people winning lotto.

I’ll answer your question clearly when i have the evidence to back it up, for now all i ask is that you do not count it out as it seems impossible.


As the Future belongs to those who believe in the Beauty of their Dreams…

Never give up, and aim for the impossible…anything is possible. :wink:

it could be possible if our brains have some kind of natural EEG in them, allowing us to pick up other people’s brain waves. idk anything about that though; i’ve never studied the brain or brain waves or anything like that. it would be like a…6th sense or something haha

if you sleep in the same room or same bed with a person maybe you can pick up their brain waves while you’re both asleep and if you can both manage to get lucid and find the person and use a code word to verify it after waking up.

Please remember, Beyond Dreaming forum is not intended for debate on whether or not something is possible. But to share experiences and learn more about it. Just wanted to remind you all of this so the thread doesn’t go too off-topic due to an earlier reply.

Somebody asked about whether or not a person also needed to be lucid to achieve a SD? well… I’m sure if you inted to meet at a lucid crossroads, then yes. But i read somewhere that you can try to find your way into somebody elses dream, and help them to become lucid. just thought i’d throw that out there.

i never really reealized this before, but when i was young, i had a dream, that i put this old pink plexiglass frame on the floor of my basement, and i could see a pit with a skeleton chained up at the bottom of it. At the time it just made me think my parents were mideivel wizard murderers, but then, some 10 years later, my brother tells me he had exactly the same dream! It’s ind of amazing really, i think that was one of only two lucid dreams i’ve ever had, too.

I went and told 3-4 Ld4allers that they were dreaming today

only exchanged code-words with one

i think only one gave me their username and I don’t recall what it was but

i do have one codeword and name written down

writing things upon waking makes them look insane, almost not sure what i wrote but

it is interesting, wonder if anyone met me?

Nope, not me, but in my dream I was told to remember the word “hully” or “hulli” for some reason, what language is that? XD


i would be interested in reading your dreams when you feel comfortable posting them and also if they were successful or not, do you feel ok doing that?

How many people here are actually serious, and i mean 100% dedicated to trying to have a shared dream? not just dabble and think it is interesting but will to put the hard yards in to get there? say for a period of three months or so? PM me please


[b]i dont know if this was an actually shared dream yet but i thought id post it here anyway.

my dream took place in a dreamscape ive been in a few times in the past. its kind of like a military building but most of the people there arent in the military. kinda hard to explain but since the last time i was there a few new things, like a little cafeteria/bar, have been added. i woke up a few times last night but each time i fell back asleep id go back to the same place. the last time went back in it was towards the end of the work? day there.

meeting a stranger

[color=#800000]i walk through the lobby as a beautiful blonde woman and an older woman(she felt like a mentor/motherly figure to the blonde) with shoulder length dark and curly hair are walking in. as i pass them the blonde and i smile at each other and the other lady handed me a flier that talked about an upcoming conference of the Red Bear Clan. the chief was supposed to talk about how his people could move forward in and better their lives.

i walk outside and go sit on a tailgate of a red? truck and read the flier over. i see the blonde outside and i see her walk up to the other lady and say something. she walks over and sits on the tailgate next to me. we start talking and she tells me about either growing up in portland and living in san diego or vice versa. i say “san diego? are you in the navy then?” she tells me no and asks me why id ask something like that. we both answer together with something like “it would explain why you cuss like a sailor.”

we laugh and then i tell her about how i used to be in the air force and that i moved to portland after i did my four years. she has me write down something in pencil.[/color] (a phone number maybe?) i write seven numbers. the top 3 were 602. below that i wrote the last 4 but the first 3 of those 4 were too light to read. the last number was either a 1 or a 7.


[color=#008000]i woke up with the feeling that i could find her on myspace so when i got a moment, i searched her out. i typed out san diego/portland in the search and there she was. i sent her an email telling her about the dream to see if she remembers anything close to it. i dont know if shes into dreams or not so i figure a random message on myspace from a stranger talking about sharing a dream with her will freak her out. ah well, i had to ask.

it turns out shes a musician and a pretty talented one as well. give her a listen.[/color]

Haha good story, did you get a response! :confused:

no i doubt i will. i saw that the message was read in my sent box so i probably did freak her out :lol:

I had a false ld last night (In the dream I thought it might be an OOBE, too) and I was with my friend. I said to him, “Did you know that our brains are telepathicly communicating with each other?”, as if it was a shared dream :confused:

I’ve decided that I want to have a shared dream with my sister because we’ve been thinking the same things a lot lately. :content: The only problem is, I’m not sure the best way to go about this.

Any tips I could use?

Try having an LD, and then teleporting into her dream. Hasn’t been tried, but, hey, it might work. :happy:

Try looking at the Big Shared Dreaming topic… :tongue:

dude i wish i can teleport as soon as i get LD :grin:

Maybe you can try to agree on a place where you meet each other. Discuss this into detail with your sister, maybe even with some photo’s. I think its easy to chose a place that really exists. That way you will be sure you are talking about the same thing. A place that captures your imagination, where you would like to go to.

Just as when you try to induce a lucid dream, you focus on this before you go to sleep. Let your sister do the same thing.

it’s just an idea…nothing scientific…im curious though if this might work for you…

Has anyone here actually ever had one?

My nan and grandad had one. they had the exact same dream and each other were in it, woke up and told each other and found out theyd had the exact same dream.

Does anyone here think they might have had a SD with me last night? :eh: I had a LD last night where someone was telling me that we were having a SD. He said something about elephants (password?). I kinda ignored him because I remembered to try to do the lucidity challenge task! :tongue:

Anyway, just posting to… well, just in case. :content:

No… I don’t think so… however now that I think about it… no… unless you offered me extremely greasy french fries. (The french fries were served in grease. :yuck: )