The Big Shared Dreaming Topic - Part III

I have been wanting to try this out so bad, and when I found out three days ago that my friend from Toronto has SD’s with his friends, I asked him if I could join him. Before Wednesday, I never even knew that he had LD’s! Currently we have 3 more friends trying it out! I’m fairly excited to see if this works, I still don’t know if he’s telling the truth or if he’s just thinking that he did… I guess I’ll find out!

I think its possible!
I mean, theres all that reading peoples mind stuff, psychics, and even people who know when their families are in trouble, even if thweir in another country. I heard the same about twins too.

I reckon that all our minds are definantly connected :cool:
& i know ill have a shared dream at some point… when i can LD at will most probably.

All I remember with my friend’s meeting place, he always goes to the Titanic I guess… I don’t know for sure… He seemed unprepared just simply expecting it to happen. I hope I can remember my dream tonight… or even just get lucid! I ahve bad luck with stuff like that :neutral:

What do you think about this…
A few weeks ago,
Me and a friend of mine both dreamt that we are with another 2 of our friends and in both our dreams, we were hanging out at some festival/entertainment thing with lots of people, my friend dreamed we were in a rock concert (not actually listening to the music, just walking through big crowds in what he thought to be a rock concert), I dreamed we were in an amusement park or some kind of festival, again walking and talking through lots of people. We described the surroundings to each other and they werent the same but still… cant be a coincidence.

relV, Haven’t you ever heard about rock concerts at amusement parks? EdFest for example, big huge stage, large crowds, and a whole bunch of rides. It sounds like a shared dream…

On my next LD I’m having one too… I heard that if you leave a shared dream using conventional methods (NOT teleportation) There is a good chance you’ll wake up or lose lucidity. At least, that’s what I’ve heard! Maybe I’ll try to join the chroniclers when I get enough LD’s!

It’s a plausable explanation for the rock concert/amusement park difference. I’d be careful, though; our minds are often… impressionable, if you catch my meaning. If you both believe it was a SD but you don’t write down all the details before comparing the content, then it’s all too easy for one of you to unconsciously change small details in your dream so that the stories fit. That being said, though, both dreams have some interesting parallels, and it certainly could’ve been a shared dream!

Glad to see you’re enthusiastic about it! In all honesty, number of LDs isn’t a huge factor; so long as you’re motivated to try, your chances of a LD (and thus, a SD) are much higher, and they can only go up as you gain more experience. We could definitely use you in that group!

By the number of LD’s I moreover meant the ability to control when I do. The last one that I remember was six months ago, when I first found this website (and kind of tossed it aside) My problem is my dream recall with which remembers a good 70% of my dreams, even if it is just a glimpse, but whenever I try something like WBTB or WILD, I NEVER remember my dreams. I am going to apply for sure, though. It really interests me.

I started keeping a DJ only a week or two ago, and already my recall is improving. Then I’m back to WBTB and maybe MILD!

Aye, it can be a bit shifty from time to time. But you totally shouldn’t let that discourage you; right now, we just need people that are really interested and committed to trying… I think the project’s nearly failed a few times because there wasn’t really enough motivation among the members.

I may try this. I have achieved telepathy before now…

Haha! My friend is extremely eager to join, in fact, the Chroniclers is the main reason he joined… he’s thinking of it as a… challenge…

I’m pretty sure he wants to join, and he seriously will NOT give up until it works.

I should have put my shared dreaming topic here, but anyway. Im really taking entrest in SD, so If there are any expiraments, or groups who are working on SD. Please PM with what I need to do. Or I might start one myself. Who knows I may have allready had SD with memmbers of the forum, and not even know it. We need away to know for sure. I was allso thinking that we could do some waking life excercises with telepathy, such as using a deck of cards in the chat room, and seeing if we can think of the card the other person has fliped over. This might help with the SD expirament. Im really excited about this. I feel like a kid with a new toy. Lets get the party started people. Merry Christmas!!

i think twins have shared dreams with each other alot more commonly than random people have with each other.

is shared dreaming actually possible?

7 posts moved from a topic in General Lucidness, “Morality? (Using SDs to stop others addictions):dragon:

That’s debatable at best, some people believe it is and some doesn’t.


Said mr. Knowitall

Anything is possible.

You will learn that when you’re ready.

Hah, well said, I like that.

I beleive its possible, infact I think alot of people on this forum probley meet each other in dreams, and dont know it.

I once had something similar to a shared dream. Or maybe it was just a great coincidence.

I was on vacation with my family when I had a lucid dream for the first time. I hadn’t read anything about LDs back then and so it came just incidentally. It felt great and I started asking the DCs about their role in my dream (since I had read a book about dream analysis). Then I met my mother at a bus station and watched her taking off with the bus, standing on the footboard. Next day she told me she had dreamed taking a streetcar - standing on its footboard. Then I met two men who said they were responsible for “image quality” in my dream…well, my sister had a dream that night about being abducted by two men, putting her in a room with a huge screen showing the faces of the men.

I don’t know if that’s a shared dream…but neither I nor my mother or my sister could remember anything from the day before the dream that might have caused this, such as watching a movie where someone uses a footboard. And I think its striking that this happened during a coincidental lucid dream.

What do you think?