The Big Shared Dreaming Topic - Part III

is lucid dreaming actually possible?


…that’s what lots of people say…

I personally don’t believe in it.
but it would be so amazing if it was possible…

“Possible” does not mean “extant”. While I don’t like knee-jerk skepticism either, proclaiming what somebody else will “learn” when they’re “ready”, like you’re so sure that you’re further along, struck me as equally presumptuous.

You mean your whole family was lucid dreaming? Or just you, and they told you what their ND’s were (and you saw what they described in your LD) so it was like you dreamwalked?
Either way, sounds to me like the SD’s I’ve read about… where one detail would be different but they have the same plot or themes or something. My mom told me about one she had with her friend, too, where they both dreamed of meeting by a river in the woods, but neither of them were lucid.
Whether the state of mind projected them to some spiritual dimension, or they just spent so much time together that they think alike, though-- I’d still consider the result as showing an SD, and pretty neat. :tongue:

I don’t know what dreamwalking is, but I was the only one having lucid dreams. The others had normal dreams.

Yup, that’s what I meant. At least, that’s what I think the term means: a subject consciously explores an SD with others who have passive normal dreams about the lucid person, unlike if all the subjects lucidly shared a dream on purpose, or if all normally dreamed and shared by accident. :neutral: Since I said that it didn’t matter to me if it was coincidence or reason if the result showed an SD, it shouldn’t matter who was lucid, but it was a pretty word… sorry… :tongue:

I’m pretty sure that was a joke

Alright, this wasn’t a hard proven SD for a few reasons, but it does present an interesting argument on shared dreams. Now, Saturday morning, I had an interesting LD.

[spoiler]It starts out with me laying on my father’s bed taking a test on my phone, but something happens and I lose all my progress and the test aborts. I curse, but I’m not too angry because the teacher gave us two tries just in case. The next try I plan to use on a computer so I don’t mess things up. Just then dad comes in and asks me if I want to go get something to eat, but it’s got to be like the middle of the knight. ‘Dennys, then?’ I wonder, “sure.” I grab stuff and go to the door and we walk out of it. Now we’re walking through a playground, but dad stops in front of this kid. ‘What’s up?’ The kid is a pale skinned kid with dark brown or blue eyes, I’m not sure which, and reddish hair, and freckles all over his face, and now dad’s marveling over how dark the kid’s eyes are. From the way he says it, I can tell the kid’s going to have significant magickal ability. That’s when I have a conclusion, I didn’t just walk out of the house, I walked completely out of body, because out of all the people there, only a girl playing on one of those old wooden slide forts could see us. I must have fallen asleep, and this is one of those traveling dreams he talks about. Neat. Sadly, dad knows this too and isn’t happy leaving well enough alone. He wants to tamper, so we hang around and soon the parents come to take the children inside again. Well, lets follow them inside, since we don’t have anything better to do, and apparently Denny’s is out if you don’t have a stomach to store their food in. I walk around a bit, through the house to the outside and back inside again, but I have to stay away from that one kid because he now can see us, the one that was staring blindly past us while we were talking about his eyes. This spells trouble because he doesn’t seem to be comfortable with us being in his house one bit. I absently pick up a stack of napkins and move them from one table to the kitchen counter, and from my vantage point there I hear the mother say that her child was acting odd, like there was something there. Crap. Dad, we have to book. I can’t remember exactly how I said it, but the message was the same, they were onto us and we had to leave. Sure they really couldn’t do anything to us, but them knowing we were there was a bad thing. I abandon the napkins, and make my way out the door that takes me away from her and outside. Hopefully I can avoid that annoying kid’s eyes and get away, but it seems to be no good, because his frightened wails are now accompanied by the mother’s voice, and she’s telling her husband or brother. I say nothing, but keep on walking towards the exit to their yard, and am saved 3/4 the way there by some sort of gate (think gate as in teleportation gate made out of stones on the floor, that is, stone circle). The only symbol I remember is a seven, but it’s shaped more like a sickle. Woah, I must have completely gone over into the astral, nice. I’m looking for something, I know it, but I don’t know what. I’m sure what ever it is I’ll find it if I go down this path. Man though, this place looks like one of those tiny caves that go deep within some mountain and beg for a cave in, and now there’s a brick wall standing in my place. Ugh, but no problem, I can just shatter the stupid thing, right? The stuff dreams are made of. Sure enough, with a little help the thing falls, almost on me, but now I can continue. -FA- I wake up in my dad’s bed again, excited at the dream. Wow, I managed to topple that wall without losing control and without it crushing me? Sweet, let me go tell dad about that dream. I look around but don’t see him, so he must be outside. I creep down the stairs and look out the front door, and sure enough, there he is on the rocking chair talking to someone. Uh-oh, he’s getting up, best make myself scarce, so I run up the stairs as quietly as possible, with him coming in just too late to see me turn onto my own staircase, and go inside the apartment. Where are my keys? Dang, they’re still in the door. I open it to get them, but he’s already almost at the top of our own stairs, so if I closed it now I’d be being rude. I start to tell him about the dream, but this time I wake up for real.[/spoiler] I didn’t think too much about it, but I told my dad about it like I do with all of my interesting dreams, and it turns out that he had the same dream (with a few minor changes, like we were going to BK instead of Denny’s and stuff like that). The only thing was, he had the same dream when I was young, like 5 or 6. Like I’ve said, it isn’t a sound instance since this was before he started keeping his DJ, but I’ve had dreams with him in them before that he’s never blinked twice at, and he was able to give some extra details about some of the DC and the house, so I have to assume that this is an actual SD. Now then, if this is true, it would turn out that some SD can transcend time, and you could be SDing with someone in the future or past. Thing is, when I was young and he had the dream, he dreamed that he was with me as a teenager, so it would appear that the person would be the age in the dream that they are IRL. I know that the existance of SDs are debatable at best, and that they are hard to pin down, but this could be an interesting development as to why. What are your thoughts on this?

very interesting, I havent read your dream yet but the experinces you talk about there I can relate to , I have had dreams years ago which my twin brother has recetnly dreamed, I was going to talk to him about it and go through my diary but by the time we had the time, he had forgotten alot so it was hard to place down the detials.

Well if it is possible to shared dream why not over time and space? years ago we thought the earth was flat, do we make the same mistakes in judgement and state it is not possible? maybe we just dont know any better yet.

I will read through your dream tonight and post further if needed, nice work though keep it up.

today I was flying in a hotel and I noticed a woman a story below me looking attentively at me

something very unusual

I flew down landed, said hi
asked if she was a lucid dreamer
she said yes
i asked her what i looked like flying, i always wondered this
she said you can’t really see people when they fly
but i asked her to do it, so she flew around the room and it looked really cool and kind of comical
then she instead of landing flung herself to the ground, falling at least 15 ft,
which is a way i often land, jumping off of things joyfully .

i was with a friend of hers and some others at this table they were socializing in a lobby of sorts, and i looked into the friends eyes and she said “What?” i said “What?” back kind of irritated, and shrugged my shoulders, then felt bad for the rudeness, and tried to explain to her the Holy Moment scene from Waking Life, except, I couldn’t find a way to get it to play on the laptop lucid girl gave me, because at first I tried to just project it with my mind, but asked for her to help me figure out a way to do this.

I saw the Astral hippies again lastnight. I know it was the same people. This is the third LD with them in it. I was fully lucid, but still confused, because I gave them a pass word, and went back to my body, and flew back to them, and asked for the pass word, and they told. Then I thought… “Wait, that want work, because Im still in the dream”. Every time I see them it has been in the same place which is an old trailor park I use to live at. I forgot once again to introduce myself as Kava, OK Ill take a shot at it, but I doubt it will work so If anyone here had a LD lastnight, and someone gave you a pass word… What was it? I allso was shooting lightning from my finger which was really cool.

I have another idea. Lets try leaving a message, just shout out a pass word in your next LD, or AP. and in my next LD Ill ask to hear the pass word you left. We may not be able to be in the same dream at the same time, but this might allso work just as well. Not inless you can think of a better way to leave the message. Like telling it to a random DC, and another person could ask for the pass word from a random DC, or maybie we could write it in the sky.

Very interesting Kava!
I would do the same! :happy:
The problem is, not everyone sleeps at the same time (a friend of mine goes to sleep when I wake up f.e) - and not everyone haves the same - good dream recall too.

I know I can have more then 10 dreams a night but since some weeks/months I have problems with my dream recall - I try to find the reason why and I think I found it so… I hope I will have my dreams back soon and try to do the shared dream thingie too with a friend. :happy:

Anyways, it’s funny to hear you talkin about ‘astral hippies’ ahahaha, how did they look like? :tongue:
It would be great if they are from LD4all, that would be THE answer to shared dreaming. :content:

Well by leaving a message in the dream world we wouldnt have to be dreaming at the same time if the theory works. We could just leave a simple word, and in my next LD, or who ever we could ask for the pass word. We would have to work a method out of both leaving, and recieving the pass word. Maybie we could ask for the pass word then leave another one behind. Then we would post the words on this topic.

I have the first pass word out there in dream world that I told one of the Astral hippies so in your next LD ask a DC what the pass word is left by Kava on LD4all, then tell the DC a diffrent pass word, and post your results. If we dont suceed keep trying be percestent, and dont give up, I know we can do this. If your entersted in doing this let me know so that we will know who the pass word was given by. Remmber introduce yourself as your forum name.

Just a reminder before you go to bed tonight, ask for the pass word, and leave one behind.

K I understand. As soon my lucid dreams are back, I’ll try it. :happy:

i had a dream about a 5 ft 10ish inch blonde woman last night.

there are a bunch of pictures of her on a wall in a guys bathroom in my old grade school. im worried for her because the pictures seemed really personal, snap shots of the highlights in her life, and i think a stalker put them up there. i was going to take one of the pictures off the wall to show to the principle so he could give her a heads up about the situation. just as i was about to grab one, i turn around and in she walks with a note pad and pen in hand wearing a sundress. i walk up to her and tell her about the pictures but she cuts me off and seems unconcerned. while shes taking notes i explain to her that i think she might be in trouble and needs to watch her back. she stops writing and starts to think about what i said as the dreams fades out.

alot of the pictures had something to do with the military. the uniforms didnt look like any ive seen in the u.s. military. tan tops with gold rank insignia on a black backround on the sleeves. makes me think of something like an ROTC program here in the states.

if any of you match that description keep an eye out.

i am defiantly intrigued by the shared dream ideas,

and if i have any lucid dreams and remember i will certainly give it a shot :smile:

moved into existing topic

I’ve noticed some people mentioning SDs on the Internet, and on this site.

Is this really where you enter other people’s dreams, and you will both be able to talk about it afterwards? Which is basically psychic communication.

Surely this doesn’t exist! It wouldn’t make any scientific sense, unlike most of LD theories.

Even people that do not believe in lucid dreams, must admit that it is possible to experience a dream-like scenario in your own head. That’s a really bad description, but it’s just like a hallucination. I think you would have to be extremely narrow-minded to not believe in lucid dreams.
However, it is a very large step, to go from that to believing in telepathy.
All of the anecdotal evidence is so sketchy too… compared to the LD experiments that have been done. It seems that if SDs did exist, then the Lucidity Institute would already have evidence for it.

There could be a scientific explanation for Shared Dreaming. For instance, most people (without realising it) dream about what has happened that day. Say you met with your friend that day and saw the same thing and had a dream based off of it, it’s obvious you’ll see the same thing or something similar.

Hehe well… I NEVER have seen a real vulcano before, but last year a friend and I had a dream about vulcano’s at the same night… while I didn’t hear him for weeks, and we never talked about volcano’s, lol.
And n other friend who sleeps at different hours then me, was thinking about something and I was dreaming his thoughts. Some days later, he dreamt my thoughts…that was some months ago I guess.

Those are not really shared dreams, that’s… intuitive communication with dreams or, I don’t know. But if those things are possible, I believe shared dreams are possible too. :smile:

Last night I was thinking about asking someone’s password in a LD… but I forgot from who… Now I remember I had to ask Kava’s password LOL. :woo: But I didn’t had a LD anyways. :neutral: I really need to programme myself again. :neutral: