The Big Shared Dreaming Topic - Part III

Dont forget to leave one behind as well. Im going through a dry spell right now, but as soon as I have my next LD Ill leave a new pass word. Im hoping that all our DCs are somehow connected, and can take, and recieve messages from us.

I tried SDing once and it didn’t work…just gave my friend a big headache.

OK, I have recived a word from a DC. I hope some people are trying to this expirament… Anyway the word was “Grease” So did anyone become lucid, and leave behind the code word “Grease”. I left another code word to the same DC. So next time your lucid ask a DC what the LD4all code word is.

Still trying but can’t be lucid ******!
It was not me. I will start with a ‘‘more easy’’ pass to remember. :smile:

I have plenty to keep me buisy while lucid now. This DS expirament, and a cool quest. Lastnight I was torn between asking about Life the universe, and everything, and this expirament. I had plenty time to do them both. I dont know why I didnt ask.
When you ask for the pass word tell the DC its from LD4all. I was surprised to get the word “Grease”. It was such a random word.

moved from playground to the big shared dreaming topic :moogle:

In my LD the other night my goal was to talk to some one in my LD. When I became :lucid: I walked up to these people sitting at a bar in the Airport. I asked them if they had ever heard of LDing. Two looked at me like I might be a little crazy and the other man said " yes I have heard of LD’s" I said to him " Do you believe in them?" He said “yes” I continued to tell him that I am having a LD right now and your in it, I know I’m LDing because look I’m the only person wearing roller skates in the airport. He seemed very excited and I told him I wanted to contact him in the morning. I don’t know why I didn’t get his number but I ended up giving him my email and he said he would write me in the morning.
I never did get the email. But could it be possible that he really was another person out there dreaming and he forgot my email address? ‘:uh:Question: Has anyone ever revisited the same stranger in a diffrent dream? And do people really meet up in dreams?

In normal dreams I met a boy and I know him for years (in the dreamworld that is) at some moments I believe, his hair was growing with time too lol. :tongue:
But once he was very mad at me in a dream, because I fell in love IRL with a ex-boyfriend. He was soooo mad. I didn’t had a relationship with that guy, even my intuition tried to stop me, but I wouldn’t listen so ‘‘destiny’’ was tearing us apart. I think that DC was also mad, not because I fell in love with a ******** ex-boyfriend :tongue: but also because I didn’t listen to my intuition. That was autumn, last year.I’ve met him in a LD too last year, but I didn’t realize it was ‘‘him’’, in total I had 28 dreams about him in a couple of years. After all of this (he freakin out and stuff, in a dream), I dreamt about him- maybe 2-3 times again and now not anymore.

Anyways, now something more recent… yesterdag I was on the bus, and I heard a voice telling me ‘‘find someone from your own roots!’’ - A guy with long blond-brown hair. I didn’t see that guy for real - it was just in my inner world, I guess. Last night I had a lucid dream and I met a guy with the same hair. Ermmm… I have the feeling I may not remember how he looks like, cuz when I woke up at first, I knew perfectly how he looks like, if I would see him on the street, I would recognize him - but the more time pass by, the more I forget how he looks like, though I wrote it down in my DJ.

To answer your question with this: It’s perfectly possible to meet the same people over and over again, in ND’s - even in LD’s. If people can meet other ‘real’ people in (shared) dreams, that’s the thing we try to find out here, for example with giving a password to a DC in a LD, so other LD’ers can find it and post it here. :content:

Edit: You are from Costa rica :grin: Nice, I have some friends over there. :smile: More, I dreamt about my CR friend R. last night. :grin:

[color=green] I just looked this book up on line and it got great reviews, I’m going to order it, thanks for the recommendation![/color]

:uh: Do you think that dreamers can use a shared dream to make someone else lucid? It’s worth a try… :bored:

I love that series! I’ve read all 11 main books published so far. Yes I think Tel’aran’rhirod is pretty much the best senario for ludic and shared dreaming. Except for the whole dream injuries equal real injuries thing…

I had a dream on August 5th:

I was in a house full of people for a great part of the dream. Then I went outside with some people and started walking on a sidewalk. I see some pretty buildings. Then I realize a girl in our group, and she’s a LD’er. I remember talking to her a bit, but I can’t remember what we said exactly. I then had a weird thing I get on my tongue in some dreams :bored: Then I flew up in the air and away.

I know it’s little detail, but she was a LD’er so… who knows? was this anyone here? :tongue:

Sharing dreams…Thats interseting and inspiring!
Just think of all the things we could do if we could all visit each others dreams…
In fact I read a book about six months ago and the author had actually visited a woman’s dreams several times and healed her out of the depression she was in. So maybe it is possible. :content:

I believe that shared dreams are possible, I’m just waiting to have one.

The times that I have experimented with Dream Linking, or shared dreams, the results are amazing, about 85% of the dream is exactly alike, the differences are always in the small details, but the same events occur. Also I find the person’s true essence comes through and in dream it is more free than in real life.

I think those dreams are possible.I had one.

I was home.The house was filled with boxes( :ding: ).My uncle was there.He said somthing about a sonami.and my sister was at the beach.but she didn’t listen.

Sister’s dream:
She was at a beach.She asked for her “love”.Then she got a call but didn’t listen.Instead she hanged up and asked for her “love” .

Moved to the Big topic :ysim:

It happened on the same night

Of curese it can happen! my mom and her borther had a SD!

i do relly belive in SD and i realisted if they are reail we all must have a net like internet, but trough brains , so my brain can read what your is avaout and i can join that dream, just becose we beleve , so our brains is creepier then we think…
but i beleve in this that you are sayng but i have a question , is your sister also a member on LD4all? :confused:

10% of the brain has been properly researched by scientists. 95% of science is based on theory. Anything is possible.

Well according to my interpretation of quantum mechanics, anything (within reason, and slightly out of reason) is possible.

Anyways, shouldn’t this be in the BIG Shared Dreaming thread?
(Runs and fetches a moderator.)