the big WILD topic part II

I dont know what thet was. it freaked me out.
Anyways I whant ot know how can I start with WILD. You know like tecniques, usefull websites, ect…

Hello. Over the past few months I’ve been gradually trying to maintain consciousness further into the sleep cycle.

Last night I got through the first two or three light waves of sleep paralysis, you know where you could still move if you wanted to but your will-power is slightly disconnected from your limbs, then the body is seized by a buzzing sensation.

Then I fell asleep. But at some level I was still looking out for SP because I woke up when I became paralysed.

That is some heavy sensation! You really couldn’t mistake it.

I realised what was going on and imagined myself standing on the floor next to my bed. There I was! It was rather difficult to control my dream body, it kept floating up and down. The other thing was it was totally dark and I couldn’t see anything. I found the door and went out of the room, feeling myself brush the cat’s tail on the way out (really the cat was outside). I had the idea that my mother was downstairs (she is actually on holiday).

Then I drifted into a pre-lucid dream where I asked my brother if I was dreaming and he said not to be so silly.

I found it rather amusing that leaving my body at night resulted in not being able to see anything because it’s bloody well dark at night! Is it possible to move over into a dream-world from OBE?

I can get to a stage where i can produce a feeling of movement at will.I feel like i am still lying on my bed,but the bed leans in different direction.But i can´t really rotate,just inclining a bit,and only slow movement.I don´t have a tingling sensation or something,my body feels a bit numb.Sometimes i can´t feel my hands,or i am not sure where they are,or it feels like i have two pair of hands.
This is somewhat a nice and funny feeling,but it seems that i am far away from sleeping,so after some time i just give up.
Any ideas what i should do from that point?
If i try to do it when i am more sleepy i just end up daydreaming,but can´t keep my awareness


Hi. I’m new to this forum. Just yesterday I never knew that there was websites about lucid dreaming before. Hell I’ve only know what lucid dreaming was since a week ago when I watched Vanilla Sky. But I’ve always had them every once in a while(about once every 2 months. sometimes 4 times a week) All my LDs were by accident. Like I’m walking around and a get this wierd feeling like I’m in a dream. Then I’m like “Hey this is a dream!” So on to the point…

I read the topic on WILDs and I saw them interesting. I decided I would try them. So I went to bed at 3am today, put my mp3 player next to my head with some music on, relax, and try to focus on just the music.

By the end of the 3rd song I feel a tingle sensation on my hands that move all around my arm. They stop there and fade away. About 40 secs into the 4th song I feel the electric effect on my feet and it moves up all around my body. It feels like I’m vibrating and I can feel my eyeballs twitching uncontrolably. I’m very excited and terrifyed at the same time. I’m like “Wow these guys weren’t bullshiting about this stuff” but my heart is pounding so hard I can hear it and I have the fear feeling that you get behind your neck. The vibrations are getting more powerful every second. But whats cool is that theres no pain. So I try to remember what I’m supposed to do now. I know I’m close to going WILD but I can’t remember what to do. But it comes to me that I;m supposed to roll or something but I can’t move…I’m paralazyed. The vibrations keep getting stronger and now I"m fighting with myself to roll to the right. I finnaly give up and open my eyes.(a trick a learned when I was young to get out of nightmares) It takes my 15 minutes to get my breathing and heartrate down to normal. I get up and go to my computor and searth these forums to try and find out what to do after the vibrations but I only find the roll thing. I try to go back to sleep but can’t. Now its 8am and I havn’t had any sleep. Lucky I don’t work today or tommorrow. So tonight I’m going to try again. I think I’ll find it easier because I’ve gone for over 24 hours without sleep.

So any advice on how to get past the vibrations, take away the fear, etc.

After the first time I got the vibrations(which only took about 15 min) I tried for 2 hours to get anouther one but to no avail. Does this happen to everyone? Are we only allowed 1 chance per night?

Thanks for reading my abnormaly long post and sorry for any spelling I missed.

Dreamer 007 I konw exectly how you feel.
the same thing happned to me. I searched for some WILD techniques, found 2, made them my own, and combined them. then I fell on my mattres and did thet technique. it worked great. My body was all numb, i can fill tiny vibrations but I cant get them any stronger!!!
anyways I stayed like this and now I was thinking " Wut should I do next?"
If any one has any suggestions or great websites for this pleas give them to me :smile:

That’s one of the reasons I like to roll out, as it seems to somehow brighten things up for me (maybe like LaBerge’s spinning). When I fly out or stand up it’s like being blind (not everytime though)…

What do your vibrations feel like? Just lying around for a while will give you a bit of a relaxing tingle on your skin, sorta like pins and needles, but not painful. The vibrations I feel, on the other hand, have a very electric quality to 'em. If you have the electric ones, here’s a few things to try… 1) control their movement up and down your body, 2) harmonize with any sound you hear and increase its pitch (buzzing type of sound), 3) wait longer and don’t fret about it too much (for me it’s like forgetting about them until they come back… They seem to hit me when I’m not looking, so to speak).

And if you haven’t read Part I yet, you might want to start there…

If you’re feeling extra brave, you could even go through the dusty archives of network54…

I’m usually way too rested after a failed attempt to get back to sleep at all.

And here’s the link to the first post I could find about MWILD… I think there’s another one, but I didn’t see it anywhere… … 1006530748

If that doesn’t work, try… … 1006404763

I can get Tinggling and spinning feeling, and also sinking feeling but i can´t get any further? What i can do to have Lucid Dream!? Should i think about Lucid dreaming?? :eh:

What does the tingling feel like?

Here’s the deal: I layed down on my back, and focused on my breath. I felt some warm sensations and stuff, but that was probably effects from the alpha-state I was passing through. I started to feel slight pins and needles in my left arm. This increased for a while, until it was so intense that it started getting a bit painful, like my left arm had “fallen asleep” (hey, maybe that term has more validity than I thought). At its peak, I also got not too intense sensations on my left thigh and right arm, but it didn’t seem to be spreading too much. I eventually gave up and sat up, but the numbness continued in my left arm until I moved my hand around a bit. Even after that, the numbness and ache continued very mildly and eventually wore off, in a similar fashion to as if the arm had fallen asleep. This always happens (more or less, with the pain and all - sometimes in both arms), and I have never succeeded in completing a WILD.

Questions (please read the above thoroughly before answering):

  1. Why would the numbness be somewhat painful like that?
  2. Why would it continue for a while after? I mean, you always get numbness when you fall asleep, you just don’t notice it, and it doesn’t ordinarily continue into wakingness. This seems suspiciously like it’s not a true WILD numbness, and more like my arm(s) “falling asleep” somehow (which would make it a physiological rather than mental problem), but this has happened before, and I’m always lying on my back, and not lying on my arm or anything.
  1. Your arm probably fell asleep.
  2. Your arm probably fell asleep. :content:

That would explain the pins and needles feeling, and also why you had to shake it out afterwards. Now, the way I understand it is that your heart takes it easy during the night, so even a little crimp or twist or a slight elevation change could impair circulation in the extremities. Normally it doesn’t happen, because we move around as we sleep, evening things out across the whole body.

(Note: That’s just how I think it works, so if anybody knows different, please speak up.)

So that’s what I think is happening with you, but why is it happening? If you’ve laid motionless for a really long time (45 minutes or so), it might happen. If your arms are propped up on a pillow, it might happen. If you’re in a La-Z-Boy, it might happen. Be especially concerned about your armpits, because the axillary artery runs right down the inside of the arm there… Even if you don’t think you’re crimping it, you might be.

Have you tried different arm positions? Try putting both hands on your belly button, one on top the other. Or try spreading your arms out in a T. I’ll usually cradle 'em around my head, but sometimes I’ll get the same pins and needles… But these two, the T and the belly thing, I’ve never had trouble with.

Anyway, the vibrations should feel much different than anything you’ve felt before (under normal circumstances).

I’ve felt the vibrations before, and I usually get a brief whole-body numbness before them, and this feels like the start of that. My arms were hardly extended at all, my hands were on my stomach. Either way, I’ll go on believing it was an actual circulation problem, just so I don’t get discouraged :razz:

A good WILD technique which helps me improve my memorie and dreams. Also it might help you have a LD

Step 1: Lie down if going to sleep or sit or lie if you just whant to relax during day.
Step 2: listen to your breathing.
Step 3: When you feel your body parts starting to numb start counting from 1 to 100.
step 4a: If you are going to sleep say to youre self; (your name) you are going to sleep, yuo are going to dream, you are going to wake up after your dream, and you are going to remember your dream.
step 4b: If you are just relaxing imagine yourself in somesort of aircraft flying over a landscape. Do twists and turns, dive up or down. Do anything in this aircraft.
Step 5: if you are going to sleep repeat step 4B.

     Now it is good to imagine the aircraft before hand. think of the body, imagine the body. Imagine every single deatail you can about the body. If you whant to imagine the inside of the cockpit, imagine diffrent meters, coloured buttons, little switches, everything you can imagine in the cockpit. 

You could fly from outside view or inside. just remember your details. Dont focous on landscape. just make it a simple desert or moon surface.
Everytime you do do this, this will increase your memory and detail level. Add on other things. Leave the craft the way it is for 3 days and add more things. the more you add the better you will remember.
another good thing to do is to see your aircraft in everyday life. I.E you are walking outside and you see your aircraft fly over you or it is zooming inches away from the ground. this tech gave me great experiances in real life and improved dream remembrence. I didnot have an LD yet by hopefully i will soon. :smile:

i slept for about 7 hours last night, then i got up and read some stuff on here for about 20 minutes. i’ve only had one LD before, and it was through the MILD technique… anyway i went back to bed to see if this WILD could work for me, i laid down and totally concentrated on my breathing. i totally laid still and didn’t move a muscle, the only thing that went through my mind was the number of breaths i breathed cause i was counting them to stay conscious. then after i while i started seeing weird blob like colors(hypnagogic images possibly?) and i heard a whistling noise like when your ears are ringing. i tried my best to stay calm and before i knew it i felt the surges you talk about, but it felt like they were only in my head… not surging through my body. my eyes were also moving around in the lids like crazy too, so after probably about 15 seconds of this i sat up thinking i’d be in a dream so i did and i wasn’t, just sittin up in my real bed. i went through the whole process of the images to the eye movement and surges in probably about 30 seconds to one minute… was this almost a WILD? if so, why wasn’t i in a dream when i sat up?

on a similar note, i belive that i do not feel the vibrations you all speak of.
last nite i tried for a WILD but nothing happened, no numbness or waves. i did get HI though (i get that realy easily, almost at will) and after a while my body started twitching then jumping though i still felt no waves etc.
now to the similar bit: during one part i felt what could only be described as a waivering in my head, it didnt spread and went away after a bit. any helpful advice anyone?



p.s. off topic - does anyone know the rest of the saying thingy that goes: to hold the world in the palm of your hand,
to see the universe in a grain of sand
pls tell me if i got it wrong

I haven’t WILDed yet, but I can offer you advice on that saying:

To see the Universe in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.
-William Blake

This morning I tried to induce a WILD. I woke up after having sleeped 5 hours, was awake for ca 30 min, then went back to bed.
I wasn´t focusing on anything except what I saw with my closed eyes - darkness.

After a while I started to feel tired, but I focused on the darkness I saw. Then after 30 min or so flashes and things started to appear in front of my eyes. Since I know that this was a good start, I just focused intensly on the imagery.

Then all of a sudden, it started to tingle in my body - and I felt the numbness. But because of that I guess I got exited, but then calmed down.

The stronger the tingling became, I did become more and more alert/waked up in my brain. (I suppose my brain should get more and more drowsy rather than more awake).

After 30 mins or so my body felt very weird, but still I was highly awake - mentaly, there was no chance I could fall sleep. Then I realized that I probably never would fall asleep and got out of bed.

Can somebody help me please?

I usually do it at night as I’m going to bed, at least that way I don’t miss out on 2 hours of sleep. Plus there are other things you can do in the morning, with wake-back-to-bed and all.

Some nights they won’t come for me, and all I can really do is wait for 'em. If they won’t cooperate, they won’t cooperate. I have done it a couple times without any vibrations though…

And try listening to the little ringing noise in your ear, if you haven’t been. After I get that noise loud enough, it seems to turn into the vibrations somehow. But maybe it’s just me…

I find that the vibrations get stronger and stronger after they first set in. After about 5 minutes or so they’re strong enough to roll. You might also want to try evening them out more, by sort of pulling them down into the rest of your body.


I have the same problem…
It’s like I’m doing everything right; I feel the vibrations and everything, but I just know in my mind that I will never fall asleep this way, like I am cursed. It is quite frustrating because I don’t even get close to sleeping. Maybe it is because I am a light sleeper…
Whatever the case may be, I will just keep trying and hopefully it will come in time.

Tomorrow I´ll only get up for 5 mins, read about the WILD-technique, and then going to bed again - instead of being awake an half hour before I try.

But if doesn´t work I´ll try again, then again, then again…

And if it definitely don´t work, I´m gonna devote myself to DILD´s instead.

I believe that if I just keep on trying, I will have a LD.

Well, i posted up a technique here with the aircraft. As soon as I start to fly in my aircraft I start to feel realy sharp needles going through my body. Sometimes this needle get so annoing I cant concentrate on my flying so I try to land but wined up crashing.
in one experiance I was flying my aircraft and I started to see the images of the cockpit of my aircraft. i am all exited because of this, i loose controle of my ship and crash and the images go away. I try again but the needl like pain gets annoing again.
How can I ignore this pains?