Thank you very much for your reply. I was just reading something over at the Lucidity Institute forums and found someone talking about their success with a metronome. Has anyone here tried that? It’s supposed to act as a reminder to stay concious while acting kind of as a reality check and putting you in a trance at the same time. Either way I’ll keep trying, oh well.
When doing WBTB/WILD have you tried going right back to sleep instead of staying up for 20-30 minutes? It works very well for a lot of people. I have found that this helps me slip through into dreaming at light speed.
Anyway, sorry for the late reply but I have been busy with the holidays and all so I have not been on as much.
Good luck
I have a good method i think to get the feel of HI for beginning WILDers out there:
If you have a night lamp turn that on or else just leave your reg. light on. Then leave your eyes open and try to just zone out. Try to not focus on anything that your looking at.
Eventually you should start to see some weird things like walls moving and patterns appearing out of nowhere.
Although you cant go straight into a lucid dream from this it is good to get the feel for what HI is and it helps with whatever WILD tech you use.
Last night, trying to go to sleep, I was trying the counting method. (1, I’m dreaming, 2, I’m dreaming…) My hand spasmed once. I kept going… about 150 "I’m dreaming"s later, my bed felt like it rocked, as if someone had stuck a jack under the foot of my bed and was lifting it. It scared the pants off me!
Browsing the site today, I found that it was normal to have sensations like that. But to that extent?
I did a WILD tonight, i fell asleap at about 22:00,
My timer was at 5 and then i tried to go straight back to sleep while MILDing. It took me 20-30 minutes sigh
I just driften in and out of sleep and i came to a point where i was concious, but i wasn’t awake.
I wanted to try and change something so i made a flower in my palm.
Then i woke up, it was a light sleep.
Werry berry low lucid level in that dream, but maybe the start of greater lucidity. ^^
I’ve kept trying and trying to WILD, but I’ve not yet gotten to the point where my body’s asleep but my mind isn’t. It’s weird, though, because I can lay down and do that, and two hours will pass in what should be around five minutes.
Last night, I almost got to what I think might have been sleep paralysis. My legs started tingling and I felt waves of cold pass over me, once about every five or ten seconds. It wouldn’t go past that, though, and I never saw hypnagogic (did I spell that right?) images…
Seems to be a common problem, I can have the same sometimes, lie down for WILD and nothing really happens for ages. That’s why I abandonned WILD when i go to sleep in the evening. I do it now combined with WBTB, or when i barely wake up during the night. Works much better that way, since your mind will be very sleepy and close to REM, and your body close to sleep also.
how do you know that you’re doing the right thing? how do i know that i have sp? i find it easy to relax and go numb-y, heck i can even do it awake. then after that there’s…i dunno. they said i should shut out my thoughts or something.
a lot of times in the morning coz i still go to school and im really lazy, i refuse to wake up so my dad goes and wakes me up and then this is the weird part. i sleep then i go eat breakfast or go to the bathroom only to wake up and find out that (is this a dream or is this hypnagogic or am i just imagining it?)
or was that a false awakening thingy?
stargirl thats FA yes. And some people know they are in SP because they cannot move their physical body anymore. Personally i never experience SP, since when this happens I already have stepped into a dream so I dont move my physical body but my dream body. So it’s not nececarry to experience SP to have a succesful WILD.
Don’t worry you will know when (if) you enter SP. Keep in mind that not everyone enters SP when they WILD. Or if they do, they slip through it so fast that it goes unnoticed. Don’t spend your time waiting for SP as that is a sure way to keep you awake.
When doing WILD the 3 key things you want to worry about are:
- Entering a state of alert relaxation.
- Keep your attention on one small thing.
- Think about nothing else.
ok thanks but am i really supposed to keep really still and not move?
The less you move the better indeed, so no movement at all is best (since movement will make you more awake).
I had WILD once and it was really great, but cant get it again
In what position are you when you do WILD? I think I cant do it unless I am on my back. For example if I lye on the side, I just cant get myself to imagine anything at all …
I have WILDed in every position, but in general it seems to be more easy when you sleep on your back because you tend to be a bit more awake then. And try to focus on different things when falling asleep to keep your mind awake. Some things seem to work better for some people and not at all for others. You can basically focus on anything when falling asleep. Just try until you find something that feels right to you.
I’m going to try to WILD again tonight… I’ll tell you if it works! I have a few questions for people who can easily WILD…
-What time is it easiest for you to WILD?
-What sleeping position is easiest?
-Do you prefer to have total darkness, some light, or total light in the room while you’re WILDing?
-Do you prefer some noise (like a TV turned on) or none at all while WILDing? (Is it easier to focus…)
…anything else that might help…?
If you could answer any of those questions I’d appreciate it. I know they’ll all be different, but I want to see what works for most people before I try again tonight.
Hi all,
Have had a very difficult go of LDing for the past few months. Tried WILD again last night. Did the counting method - got up to around “180 I’m dreaming” (yes it took taht long about 45min until I felt the first signs of deep sleep paralysis – try as I might, I couldn’t let go, or go deeper and did not LD…
Welcome back.
Have you tried using the falling method yet. Once you are in a state of relaxation imagine yourself on a cloud then, imagine yourself falling in time with your breathing. This will increase the depth of your relaxation and bring you down into a trance. This, and the spinning method Dm7 talked about earlier in this thread, have become my favorite WILD techniques.
The important thing about this technique is that you focus on the falling sensation only. Let go of all of the other thoughts you have.
Hey Milod!
I’m going to give the “falling” technique a try. I am not familiar with DM7’s Spinning technique but I’ll do a search in the forum to see what it is.
I have been generally unsuccessful in my attempts to LD this past year. My best results were with WBTB combined with heavy MILD but I could only do this on the weekends.
Initially, I had slow but steady results with WILD (combination of counting and attention on body) but for this past 6 months this technique has not been fruitful.
I seem not susceptible to MILD alone & extensive dream journal keeping did not yield DILDs, so I feel at this point, a dedication to initiate WILD is my best prospect for LDs.
In general, I find that WILD techniques involving visualization or hypnogogic imagery fail for me as my mind does not stay focused and I wind up falling asleep.
At the other end of the spectrum, the counting technique can keep my attention if I have sufficient will power (which has been the major problem) BUT the counting technique keeps me too awake - I don’t let go enough.
It’s a fine line between falling asleep consciously (WILD) and just not falling asleep/falling asleep unconsciously.
I think it was in the big wild topic part 11.
I will look around and see if I can find it.
- When I wake up @ night
- Im not sure yet… need to experiment more
- total darkness
- no noise