The BIG WILD topic - Part XV

the mods are :ebil:

Anyway .

I was trying to wild yesterday , never made it though.

Had autosuggested meself to wake up at 4 , didnt make it though.


When feeling my body less and less and feeling like floating i started to feel like scratching on my , lets say “genitails” :shy:

Thn iot became a sort of “pain” becoming worse and worse until I ahd to scratch myself , thenthe same thing happened on other parts of my body.

any tips ?

im not sure if i saw this in this topic, but i read that if you drink about 16 ounces of water before you go to sleep, you’ll wake up about 4 hours later to pee. ive tried this and it has worked for me (as autosuggestion has never seemed to work for me…)

hmmm, if im not mistaken, these are “beginner problems” and as you practice more and more, you learn to ignore the itchiness/pain

Hah. I learned to WBTB by screwing up my internal clock. I would occasionally set my alarm clock to two hours before I had to wake up. Don’t understand why. After not setting up my alarm clock that early, I found that I would always wake up at around that time, give or take 10 mins.

As for scratching yourself, I can’t help you there…

I’m new to the idea of Lucid Dreaming. I’ve read up on it and done research and am very interested. I’ve only recorded my dreams 3 days in a a row now and each night I’ve attempted WILD. Everytime I try it, I feel like there is this pressure exerted on my body, and my breathing becomes very fast. This goes along with the walking down the steps or falling.

How long do I know that I’ve been down long enough to enter the dream state? Any tips?

thank you

post moved from first steps forum :moogle:

Hmm. I don’t WILD that way. Can’t help you there, buddy. :sad:

You could randomly do RC’s (by plugging your nose) every 10 minutes or so. You’re supposed to do something similar to that with HILD, anyway.

Yeah, you should get into the habit of doing RC’s…helps a lot.

Hi there!
I just thought i would stop by and drop my two cents.

Since the last time we met i have been thinking about LD probably every day (and night :wink:. I have tried hard to become lucid trough some WILD’ing with mixed sucess. :confused:

Most of the time, i havent comed further then when the numb’ness kicks in and when the tickeling feeling starts. I have always got to excited and everything has failed.
My dream recalling isn’t that good either, i have remembered more dreams now then ever but is just 1 dream a night.

Anyway, at the beggining of this week we started a little LAN-party, I stayed up for as long as i could (about 3 days with like, 5hours sleep totally) At the end, i tried to do a WILD. I was almost certain of that I would fall asleep. But i didn’t!
It was awesome! The numbness came, the tingle, the heartbeats and then! I coudn’t feel WHERE my body was! It was like i was everything and nothing, i was gone. Such a cool feeling! But i got so excited that i went away :sad:.

Anyhow, i will keep trying. Take care!
// Isak

Helps if you relax a bit before trying to WILD…definitely seems to be where you’re having trouble, as you’re getting way too excited every time.

Hm, maybe. But how should i accomplish that? Focus on my breathing even more? Cause, I don’t really have a hard time getting relaxed, i just lay down and stop everything. Take a couple of deep breaths and voilá; 5-10 minutes later i feel the numbness kick in. But anyway, it’s worth a try or two. Thanks.

I’m pretty much the same. I’ve never been one to fall asleep quickly unless exhausted. When I reach the tingly sensation and SP stage, my mind ‘wakes up’ when I realise whats going on and the scientist in me begins catalogueing the feelings and sensations. Shortly after, everything falls apart and I’m lying there staring at the back of my eye lids waiting for something to happen, slowly feeling very uncomfortable.

I have noticed though, that my body temperature seems to rise when teetering on the border of sleep and consciousness. I usually have to get rid of some clothing after a failed WILD because I feel like I’m running a fever.

I’ve been trying WILD ever since… well… ever since I’ve discovered LDs. The problem is, as many times as I’ve attempted WILD, I have never succeeded. I usually take an hour (maybe even two or three) repeating “I am going to dream now” in my mind, breathing slowly, imagining myself walking down stairs, and counting with breaths. I’ve gotten my farthest a few nights ago when my left arm felt higher than my entire body. Soon, the feeling proceeded to my left leg. After about thirty minutes it was the same and I got confused and soon, stopped trying.

Is there an additional step I have to take at this moment? What should I do?

If you only felt it on the left side of your body, maybe it was caused by your sleeping position.
It sounds like you are thinking too much, wondering when it will happen. This will keep anyone awake. Try not to think or concentrate on the counting too much.

It is a rather simple question, I guess, but one that I have not really seen answered anywhere. :look:

Does it matter in what position you try to go to sleep, and on that same note should you aim for a comfortable position to relax or a less comfortable one to help you focus?

Also, just saw this!


I was sleeping perfectly straight on my back… :eh:

You, Dawn, need to relax. To dream, you must sleep first.

Hi MeZergy!
You should perhaps try a WILD method which requires no mental effort: that is not counting or repeating a sentence but focusing on physical sensations. If you can’t fall sleep for hours, it’s because you focus too much.

Slow Rolling Dawn, people who practise WILD generally sleep on their back. But the most important is to have a comfortable position.

Should my heart start to beat fast when I WILD. I tried it yesterday and my breathing got hard and heart started to beat fast and it sounded SO LOUD! Well I got scared and stopped. Didn’t try it again. I did MILD but that didn’t work. Any help?

I also here a werid gurgling sound, like when some one has a lot of saliva and snores. I thought it was me so I closed my mouth but I still heard it. I also here a VERY faint high pitched sound. HI?

Probably. If stuff starts getting loud, I think it’s nothing to worry about. In fact, it usually means that I’m almost in a dream when I hear loud noises.

Now that gurgling sound sounds a little strange, but remember if anything, it’s in your mind. Literally.

Heart beating fast has been said to happen by many people. I think you can find many accounts by searching heart or beating on this forum, or even perhaps in this thread. Just don’t care. It slows down after a while.

The gurgling sound was perhaps auditory HH. Very faint high pitched sound was probably just tinnitus. I hear this too when I relax.

Wow, I have not been here in so long. It’s funny how even when I don’t even think about LD’ing, I find myself having them sometimes. I think I am going to try to WILD again though, I never achieved it last time.

What has everyone decided is the best way to fall into the dream? I was imagining falling, climbing up staircases, and focusing on breathing and heartbeats last time with no success. I feel like I should do something which involves the thought of physical activity (while relaxing my actual body) like running up or down a hill or anything which would provide a blank slate for my dream.