The BIG WILD topic - Part XV

Hi Lark!

There are two solutions IMO. Either you work on the tension itself, that is, relaxing more deeply your face and the points on your chest where you feel a tension, then focusing on your breathing until you feel calm and happy. Or you decide to do the WILD steps progressively, that is you decide that you’ll just experience with phosphenes one day (little fuzy dots you see eyes closed), another day you try to see HI, etc. until you’ll fully become acquainted with the falling asleep process. I even think you have to do the both indeed.

As I think it will take you some time, you should try to practice another LD’ing induction method (DILD) in order not to discourage.

Something else I’ve noticed thats irritating.

When attempting to WILD, usually just before or just after the SP/HI stage, I get the urge to swallow, because I’m either producing a lot of saliva for some reason, or my mouth gets really dry. The act of swallowing usually breaks my concentration on the HI and just ruins the last 20 minutes of ‘work’.

Not really anything anyone can do anything about i guess, its just bugging the crap out of me.

Hi Alextanium! :smile:

Swallowing and the urge to open eyes during relaxation and hypnagogic state are very common beginners problems. It will of course ruin your first WILD attempts but just don’t worry and stay focused on your practice. It disappears with experience.

Thanks Basilus. Trying it in steps sounds like a great idea. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it.

Hi, i have been trying to wild the past couple of days now with various degrees of succes. but my question is, what exactly is the HI?

is it the random pattern of colors dancing in front of my eyes?

or is it the images i put together from things i think of, eg: a horde of vikings charging at a city, a high speed flythrough throug a random town that doesent exist? (when i have thes images i can still feel my body lying in bed and i am aware of my being awake.

which one is it? i can focus on both and it does work a little so this question is merely for clarity.

Random paterns of colors are called phosphenes. They are not HI. HI are images, like sort of visual thoughts, which appears randomly when you fall asleep.

Hi all!
I am a new to theese forums and LD’ing, this is my third day actually knowing LD exist :tongue:. I have for two days tryed to read as much as i could about LD and some ways to do it. I have read about MILD and WILD, and i thought that i would give WILD a chance! I didn’t really thought that it would happen anything, i mean, i have only knew about its existence for two days.

However, last night i lay down and concentrated on my breathing, and counted every breath (breath in, 1. Breath out, 2. and so on)
after i while i felt as my body was realy heavy and i felt little tingels all over my body. After that my eyes started moving very spasmatic under my eyelids (REM?) and the “needle” feeling was much greater. My heart incresed its rate of pumping and i could hear it. I stayed in this “thing” for a while, and all of a sudden i saw white “flashes”, looked like thunder almost, and i was so excited it goed away. I guess it’s because i was to excited it got away. But im really glad that i managed to do a litte of it? All this taked place on like, 30minutes. Then i sat up in my bed, the little light that was in my room seemed to flash a little, so I did a RC (dunno why) and it was sucessfull.

So, i don’t know. What should i do next? Practice more? I have read a little about something that you should roll around? Whats up with that?

Best regards // Isak

Well, Isak, I think you’re doing good :yes:

I don’t think I ever heard of a person who manage to WILD on their first attempt. So my advice for you is—keep trying! :wink:

You could do some relaxation exercises and practise meditation, if that’s possible for you, that would help with the euphoria. But you don’t need to worry, if you keep trying, you’ll end up WILDing faster then you think. :smile:

Good luck :ok:

—Bruno :bruno:

im new here :smile:

ive been working on WILD for about 2 weeks now. i have trouble getting HI but i definately can get to SP and sometimes i hear some HS.

my real problem is, i get to this point and i can clear my mind pretty well, but i always have trouble falling asleep. ive been looking into the brainwave generator at but im not really sure what the best settings are for having a WILD. is the bwgen a good approach, or should i not try it? if it is a good way to go, what is th best preset to use? or should i make my own?


Perhaps you could combine it with WBTB so you’re already tired anyway.

If you’re using BWGen, I think you should only use it to get you near sleep, but that’s just what I’ve been using it for. You could use it to get you to the beta brainwave state (I believe there’s info on the readme), but be careful, because the normal sleep induction preset will get you to delta waves instead.

i find that even if i do WBTB (both waking up naturally after about 6 hours or using an alarm clock) i still seem to have trouble falling asleep. is there anything to help make me more…sleepy?

also, would using a relaxation preset on the BWG for about 30-45 mins help?

thanks for all the help

looks up relaxation preset

It looks like it should work, though the volume increase near the end is kinda dodgy… you might wanna change that so it decreases instead of increases.

Besides that, I don’t see why you shouldn’t give it a shot.

so i looked on some older forums and i found that a preset-deep mind IV-was reccomended for LD. i tried it and i got to SP really easily, but still no HI and i didnt manage to let go of everything to enter the dreaming state. im gonna give it another shot although.

Really?? You think you could give me the link for that?

EDIT: Never mind, found it. Well, whatever works for you! :razz:

I’ve been trying to WILD for a while now, with some close successes - however, when I read about LDing online, it talks about REM Sleep and such - and unless I’m mistaken (I very well could be) you don’t start entering REM cycles until a ways after falling asleep.

So my question is this - if you keep your mind awake while your body falls asleep, how is it possible to have an LD without reaching a REM cycle first? Or do you have to wait thirty or forty minutes (Or longer?) to reach a stage where you can start to LD?

Any help would be appreciated - thank you.

Hmm, I don’t really know if I can help you with WILDing, but I have been practicing it every night. Like with you, I’ve also come close to successes. For some people, the time it takes to fall asleep can vary, so I can’t say for sure how WILDing will work out for you. If you want more people to see this and put in their input, there is already a topic about WILD, which is The BIG WILD topic.

You might get more responses there - and hopefully a moderator will come across this topic and merge it into that one.

isnt this the big wild topic…? part 15?

Um… checks title no. It’s the BIG WILD topic part XV. confused

Anyway, the preset “Deep Mind VI” seemed distracting to me, because there was always this odd clicking sound every second… I got annoyed and threw off my headphones. Gonna try “Deep Mind IV” tonight…

Yes, but before you came here, he had made his own topic an a moderator merged it into this topic, that’s why it seems to confusing. :content:

Ah. Got it! didn’t see the mod-edit markings