The Chroniclers Part II

And I’ll try find you guys again.

Yes, lets try for useing the summoning chamber to summon the chroniclers.

tonight’s the night

i’m ready, are you?

Gonna go to sleep as soon as I get home which is about 11:00. See you guys on sky island.

I know I am.

I won’t be able to get online for the next two weeks, but I’ll try for those nights anyway.

As an added bonus, today is my kin sign, which might explain my weird dreams. This is one incrediable coincidence! Good luck everyone.

mhm, i am also listening to an induction CD, doing the Hand tech, and basic MILD tonight

i might surf the web for like 20 minutes but as soon as i get home from work i will be hitting the sheets, around 11 30.

Well I’m posting because:

  1. I think it’d be awesome if it works

  2. Shatterspike1 either told me to, or he told someone else, and I misinterpreted it.

Either way, I think it would be great for a shared dream to happen, of course, if it does…maybe it’s all just in my head. The whole Universe…

Welcome, Cue5c. You are just in time for another attempt.

Woot! I’m going to be dressed as Sailor…Was there a guy Sailor Scout in Sailor moon? If not, I’ll be mercury. Anyways, yay! I’m actually in a group I want to be in.

Work dragged on a little late tonight, so I’m off to WILD now instead of earlier. See you guys soon.

/me waits for the others to post whether they were successful

I’ve got this mental block about it. Whenever I become lucid and try to go to Sky Island, everything goes wrong and I never make it. My dreams are actively resisting.:nuu:

i had no recall until i woke up and went back to bed, and that was not lucid

I wasn’t able to become lucid, but I did have two abnormal ND’s. Were any of you guys on an aircraft carrier near an island? Or in a storm on the island?

I had no recall last night, which is odd, since I know that I usually remember 2+

I basically had almost no recall last night… sorry guts.

Sorry guys…Due to an annoyingly unfortunate set of circumstances, I only got 6 hours of sleep and for NO reason. I could have slept for another 4 hours, but things changed, people “forgot” about me and I was left waiting for a while.

At any rate, I had no recall last night.

Ya sorry I was out late last night and forgot.

I was in a storm on the island but that’s probably coincidence. There was a fricken tornado, but that’s the thing that made me lucid in the first place.

I’ll post about it and then you can maybe post your ND.