The Chroniclers Part III

I really don’t care who I’m paired with. Sounds like a good idea. ^^


alright then, MMN and Wyvern, since you both Ld often, you get the pleasure of sending LD messages to one another.

Of course, shatter will get the ULTIMATE pleasure of being associated with me :content:

and as for everyone else, well you all went to school, so you’ve had the “scramble for partner” or as i call it “the partner fire drill”. Go nuts.

So let’s see…

one message (if possible) while both are lucid in the same night…

and one on different nights…

any other experiments that anyone can think of, while we are at it?

Eh…I’m not very reliable to get lucid.

I’ll partner with anyone and just wait till my next LD, but if not I’ll just send a message to the first person I think of :tongue:

I’ve had a dryspell lately, it’s so horrible :sad: Oh well, never give up!

Im not great at lding but I wouldnt mind having a partner. I dont mind who I am partnered with.

It sucks!!! I havnt been able to LD in so long. :cry: Its horrable.

I know how you feel shikigami. I havnt LDed in ages. For the past 2 nights I almost have though. So fustrating!

Everyone choose a partner. If you can’t, try and have a friend join and be your partner (by dragging them, kicking and screaming.) Partners already taken


Astraea and I will be partners :smile:

Good luck everyone!

Well, I’m actually glad I haven’t had an LD. I had one of the best ND’s in a long time, so I am not complaining!

Tonight’s the night again!!

/me is feeling much more confident about tonight for some reason…

/me doesn’t know what to think of tonight.

I only got 2:15 of sleep last night (or I should say this morning) and I’m only a little tired, despite that I’ve been running around all day like a lunatic.
And I can’t sleep in tomorrow (leaving at 6AM to go down to the shore for the week).

Maybe I’ll just sleep in the car. w00t morning naps!

i am going to try a method i had come up with before tonight

i really think it’ll give me some success

Found out a new method for possibly falling asleep faster in the big insomnia topic. Essentially, you focus on the area “about two inches above the roof of your mouth.” I dunno, but it definitely makes me sleepy…!

I don’t really mind who I’m partnered with, just know I’ve had some bad luck with recall lately.

I was really close last night…! Almost converted HI to WILD without WBTB…!!!

If only those people walking down the hallway weren’t so loud… :neutral:

I managed to get lucid, but unfortunately failed at getting to Sky Island. If only I had chosen a partner. :blush:

No recal :neutral:

Ah, sooo close MMN. That would have been pretty cool.

so me an MMN were talking on the chat and i said something which Sean INSISTED i posted :razz: so here it is

well i figure, we havn’t had much success with SDs, no?

but consider this

we also havn’t had any FALSE SDs…

i mean, if SDing were totally impossible, then imitating it would be pretty easy, no? Just like anything else in a LD.

so that gives me some hope, i dunno about the rest of you :smile:

Aye, I had noticed that a little before TRJR. It is a bit interesting.

Of course at the same time, it is kinda of REALLY hard to disprove shared dreaming. Even if we had a FSD, it doesn’t disprove it, it just means that we saw a DC.