It might help if you post your timezone as well. And as shatter said, there’s an IRC channel too.
Tsss, Xander made the first post about the IRC channel
sent in a submission, I really want to do this I don’t have much LD’s, but I cant tell they are going to increase soon!
Hey I am new to this site and would like to join the chroniclers and attempt to have SDs.
Posted an intro here [Shared Dreaming) bfb0931e83e26aa69fec4e ac4e62b
Just found this, sounds fun! I’ll give it a try whenever I could remember in a LD.
Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). My sleep is random…so I won’t bother posting . Goodluck everybody!
@StarryGwee, I was thinking of reviving this thread, but you beat me to it.
I would join, but my sleeping patterns have been sporadic lately. But good luck to everyone
Hi, all you Chroniclers!
I am Ralf, and some might know me from IASD PDC 2011, and few from other virtual meetings I returned to LD4all (never been quite active here) as a result of meeting some of you dreamers in PDC and getting (more) excited about lucid dreaming, again.
I’m lucid dreaming ever since 1999, with changing intensity, and have some experience in mutual dreaming/ shared dreaming resulting from other groups/ experiments.
Special thanks in regard to getting me here go to Eilatan, feeding me cookies all the time over there, and also here in LD4all
gives heart cookie to Nat
I took some days to read the old Chroniclers threads, and also the Chroniclers Dreams. I found a lot of inspiration , and also some questions. But first of all, I had a (non-lucid) dream maybe related to this group.
So I ask especially Shatter (but maybe others, too) if you lately dreamed of someone invading your dreamspace, and if so, how did you react?
And the questions:
@Shatter: What is the sword of dreams? I know you found it on sky island, and it controls ALL dreams, but maybe you can say more, or point me to the dream report?
@Ysim/ Xander: In 2007 you wrote:
“Please feel free to find me though. If you do make me lucid, I am more likely to remember the dreams. (If you have trouble getting me to realize I’m dreaming, just tell me to do a RC because there is water. That should work )”
My question: Did it work for you and others?
And the third (and maybe most important) question:
When will we meet (again) on Sky Island?
Well I got there (from how I imagined it) after I became lucid but I visited most of the rooms you mensioned and started to try to call the chroniclers but I had no idea who to call to visit the island because I’m new oh well ill try again after reading this fourm
Well done, Nicklebrick!
Looking forward to CU there!
Will try to LD and hop on over with my new lucid mindset i am starting to develop instead of relying on WILD and such
i have always dreamed of having a SD (no pun intended ) Hopefully once i make it to sky island, the easiest way i think to get someone there is to ask your DG or a DC to bring another LD’er there…
I know there are lots of tutorials on lucid dreaming here
I wonder though if there are tutorials on dream-incubation (like getting to certain locations - Sky Island)
And then the other point is more about how to navigate in the dream, means finding other dreamers. I read some suggested techniques and wonder which techniques work best?
And then, how are your experiences with “testing” the status of dream characters? I mean I heard from some trying for shared LD, there is a certain “feel” to “real” DCs.
Many questions, but I think it could be effective to profit from the experience of others.
I know some sources, but will wait for your comments before posting.
And I had a second “Chroniclers” related dream today. A fuzzy fragment, nonetheless it seems I’m tuning in. See my DJ (->signature)
Lucid days and nights!
Tender Cuddling, Playful Dogs and Lucid Flying
24.10.2011, 0600
Focusing on the lucid part:
[LD]On some point I touch the branches and trunks while flying, using them to catapult myself forward, gaining speed, and getting aware I can do something extraordinary, I’m dreaming! And I go with what I’m doing for some time, enjoying the sensation of flying, the awareness of being in a dream, touching the trees feeling ultimately real in my hands, and seeing all the single leaves perfectly created.
The distance between the trees is getting wider, and I think I’m getting close to flying free, and yes, I should give it a try, so I’m hovering before one tree, willing myself up, but it doesn’t work fine, I feel gravity. Now comes to my mind there may be tasks or experiments I can do, now I’m lucid, and I think of visiting my peacebridge friends, and my new LD4all friends, yes, and I recall I set my mind to visit Sky Island! The Chroniclers tribe!
I’m slightly excited now, and unintended close my dream eyes - in an instant everything is grey and all I sense is a branch I’m holding on to. I hold it and focus on this sensation, pulling myself forward for some time, and then I doubtfully think: Is this the way to make it there? And with this thought I wake up physically.[/LD]
Looking forward to meet you on Sky Island!!!
This sounds very interesting. I’d definetly join in.
Great, PP!
Though I have not reached my goal of one LD/ week, I keep trying.
CU there!
Good luck with your goal. I just started back up lucid dreaming in the past three days but I had a successful [LD] last night so I hope to get better so I’ll beable to visit Sky Island.
I had my first LD today, but I really wanna try having SD! I felt nice for beign able to have one roughly 4 days after reading about it, awesome, thats the best word to describe the feeling, but it ended before I could do anything. I did it too late, my REM sleep time was already over , I guess you cant do everything you want everytime. oh well, i’ll try again next night.
btw, I wanna join the chroniclers so I can try having SD too ‘–’
I’ve had my first LD! I felt very comfortable. When I realized I was dreaming everything started to look more vivid and clear.
My dream began to fade out, but I got into it again just but think of what happened. It was amazing! I though I couldn’t have so much control!
Finally I decided to leave, thinking about a black screen.
To me it felt like a 2/3 minutes long. How can I know my LD’s length?
PD: Can’t wait to visit the island.
I think that i may have managed to share a dream those not sure. I will ask the person whose dream I think I entered, if I was in their dream. After this has been confirmed I will try to do the same with people who I do not know at all.
Those I did not use the same way that was said on the forums, I just was thinking of her and then I just felt that I was in her dream.
Sorry she does not have any recall for that night I will try again today.