The Mental Scream method

Basilus West, you basically just scream with your inner voice to keep your mind from falling asleep. I suppose if you do MILD and keep saying “I will relise that I’m dreaming when I’m dreaming” will work in a similar way. But I think that screaming will work better and will be similar to WILD since when doing MILD one can forget some or all of the words and then fall alseep. But with screaming there are no words to forget just the act of screaming :tongue:

The more I LD the more I realise it’s all about focusing your mind into a single goal and not letting other thoughts get in the way. And I think that with practice one could atleast WILD by focusing almost on anything if one had the ability to completely ignore everything else but the thing one is focusing on. I’ve WILDed by or atlest gotten lucid by focusing on:

  1. what I see
  2. what I hear
  3. what I’m thinking about
  4. what my body feels like
  5. my breathing

But my brain doesn’t always agree with me though and I start thinking about something else and then fall asleep without getting a LD :neutral:

I agree with you JaRoD, but I understood that you had to scream just once, and that it propelled you into a lucid dream. Was I wrong? And if you have to scream once, it cannot keep your mind focused on something, like when you repeat mentally a sentence… :eh:

in my expiriments with my technique, the first inner-scream (after your relaxed and in the right frame of mind for ld’ing) should propell you into a sort of void between the LD and waking.
from there is where you try to hold it however you wish, this is basically just your ticket into lucidity the short way, with the disadvantage of you not being in a deeper sleep, for some people it means less detailed dream locations etc, for me its pretty much the same.

i did it again the other night, i got into bed and visualised me (as nothing, just like… a camera for arguments sake) going along a countryside road, slowly increasing speed then when i felt i was into that visualisation enough i did my inner-scream and everything blurred and i shot into a totally different location, whereby i was fully lucid and had encountered a ‘problem’ of sorts that i have had since i began LD’ing:
basically i am on the floor laying down in the position of how i am in bed for real, and everytime i try to move my lucid self, it springs back into place (probably due to me being able to feel both bodies seperately since i am still boredering into lucidity, even though sight and sound from the real world is gone, i am totally in the LD world, just the feeling remains) but that fades, if i stay calm and wait till i am totally lucid but keep my concentration,) i can then get up and be entirely there without any restraints.

Ill try that technique. Because i can get into the same state, (my body goes numb and I get warm feeling around my body). And i start seeing things, just random stuff from the day. And some sounds, and if i scream maybe it will work to “drag” me inside dream-world :smile: Thanks for posting that technique. And GL.

first of all, nice technique :wink:
well ive tried it last night and got into that ‘between both worlds’ where I am about to jump out of my physical body but can still feel it.
I noticed that the screaming somehow sucked me out of my body but then again I wasnt able to completely leave it and jumped back :tongue:
Btw after some minutes I was able to perform the same thing again after just 1min of concentration but again to no avail.

The bad thingy is that I tried to do it for 2hrs then eventually I simply decided to fall asleep cause i was too tired :tongue:
Any suggestions?

no real tips other than what i said really, just keep at it. it seems i have discovered a good tehnique since its working for everyone whos tried it so far, and its so damn fast to jump into a ld:):slight_smile:

almost everyone :wink: hehe

I am soo trying this tonight, thanks 293 for sharing this!

Im going to try it again tonight, this time Im going to do the WILD count, and scream everytime I begin to loose my concentration, and maybie one of the screams will pull me into a LD.

sounds kind of dumb…but when i do this tech…i dont know how to scream. lol. like ill scream really weird and go, thats stupid so i scream another scream. i dont even know why…my mind is just stupid. lol. and then when i finally get it down, i find myself screaming more softly and then it just fades to nothing… weird…yes…happening to anybody else?

I’ve no problem in screaming “in my head”.
It has an effect but I cannot describe it accurately. It’s quite the same than when I say mentally the “Aum” mantra. The effect is opposite to the expected one: it clears the whole imagery. But I suspect I’m not in the right state when I do that. :shy:

Try to scream as, and hear the scream so loud that it vibrates your whole head, as if you were actualy screaming.

oh i forgot to give you this tip last time i posted:
try breathing out like hard enough to put a pressure on your chest while screaming, or like tighten your stomach muscles or chest muscles it helps ALOT.

I fing this technique really good!
I figured that rubbing imaginary hands and screaming at the same time is pulling me into the dream :smile:

I am so trying this tonight, and my subconcious had better obey the contract it signed, hopefully that will help.

Bump ^^

what happened to all of these people that said “I’m definitely trying this tonight!”?? WHere’s the verdict!? :tongue:

I think I’m going to try it; I’ll get back to this thread if I remember in the morning. If I have a lucid dream I’ll definitely report it!

My verdict, I lose concentration, every time I can’t stay awake long enough to get strong visualisations.

yea, I was really tired and couldn’t keep concentrated; I fell asleep without really doing anything :sad:

Yes, I wonder too who has had definitely good results with it. It gave no results on another little forum. A very experience LD’er told me that in order to know if a method was good or not, you have to look at results on the long-term.

yea, I’m going to try and give this another shot tonight :smile: