The Mental Scream method

Well, I tried it during this noon’s nap (lately I sleep a lot):

When I reached the relaxed–numbody level (not that I get past it ever) I mentally screamed, but that resulted in me completely loosing consentration and be fully awaken.

Sounds like a good tech. I’m gonna try this. Though I’m afraid I can’t relaxe my body so quickly and have to wait like two hours. and I suck at visualising >_< what should I scream, like a word or just like arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhh? well I’ll try the arrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhh :razz:

Oh well. Didn’t work. I couldn’t get vivid visualitions, I couldn’t visualise anything at all. I suck at it. So the screaming didn’t work. It gave me a weird feeling but that was it. I’m gonna try to improve my visualising skills and try again. I’m determined this method WILL work. for me too.

Sounds like *!$#ing insanity to me. Lets let up on just trying anything were told. all these techniques are getting out of hand. theres a new one almost every week. Think of it, people from all corners of the world screaming in their head while they’re completely subdued. Some might say this is how you learn, no, its insane. It doesn’t seem like its the new miracle tech anyway and its basicaly WILD as it is. No offense to the author.

Sure it is WIld, but some of us have problems staying mentaly awake while the body is falling asleep, and the screaming helps you to stay alert, and somehow pulls you into your dream world. I dont see anything insane on it. Its a way of becoming Lucid through Wild.
And that there is a new technique almost every week? So be it, different things work for different people, and only by experimenting you can figure out what works for you. Dont forget that the original WILD, MILD etc. was created by experimenting and giving the technique a name afterwards.

I mean whats the point of using the same technique all over again, when you know that it doesnt work for you? Only experience (your own or someone elses) might help you to get somewhere.

the trick is staying conscious until you dream. its not the volume in which you think but the persistence. Yelling gets annoying. And significant work went into creating WILD and MILD to create those techs. they were tested and tried and we got two techniques that are being overly expanded on and needlessly altered. Its mainly all just the slight differences in what people visualize in WILD. doesn’t seem important anyway because basicly everyone knows that they should be visualizing and paying attention as they fall asleep so it doesn’t really matter what you visualize about as long as you don’t turn a simple instruction like “visualize” into a neverending filing cabinet of superflurity. Look, theres nothing wrong with not always being happy what you’re seeing and hearing as far as information goes and don’t imply that im holding back science by scrutinizing experimental procedure. People aren’t doing that though with all the new techs, they’re just coloring a WILD a different color and giving it a new name. Thats not to say that no one has ever suggested anything worthwhile afteer wild and mild. im just speaking about those who maybe think out loud a little too much or are just recalling their sucessful WILD.

There are many spins on wild to make it easier; that’s what this is (I’ve read techniques where people would slightly move two fingers as they were falling asleep again at night); Nothing’s wrong with experimenting/trying.

Sounds like you have a problem experimenting or deviating from your traditional routine. It’s human nature to experiment with new ideas.

yeah, i suppose your right. Although you must admit that they are mostly variations on existing techniques and could be sub categorized under the primary techs. So i probably poorly expressed my annoyance over the number of new techniques, and that they’re all basicly variations.

If my comp hadn’t suddenly crashed i woulda responded earlier. but im not against experimentation and because i don’t scream in my head doesn’t mean i deviated from human nature. but all these ideas mean nothing unless you keep your mind focused. Maybe different things help different people but thats really personal preference and not really experimentation. wiggling two fingers isn’t going to do anything if you don’t keep focused. It becomes a bit whimsical after awhile and clouded with extemporaneous attempts. Like one night i’ll imagine swimming, or another talking, or maybe visualizing a flame and because i don’t see the need to record every attempt and question them doesn’t mean i’ve deviated from anything. Its the long practice and application for this goal, and really you don’t need millions of different ways (or you don’t have to record them) for this particular practice. Besides, you either fall asleep consciously or you find out during the dream, WILD and MILD. So i whatever i was scrutinizing wasn’t a new tech.
Also, how is screaming working for everyone?

Dude, I don’t think that this is just WILD… well, it is a wake initiated lucid dream, I’ll give you that. But you basically defined Mild and Wild as broad categories, so if you do that, everything are variations. Its like “Its a bike or its not a bike. All things can be put into one or the other”. But… I mean, don’t hate. Just cuz theres a new tech out every week doesn’t mean its a bad thing damnit! If we don’t keep trying, we’ll never find the holy grail! Come on! If you don’t like it, then just don’t click the topics! Let those of us willing to try TRY! Thanks ^,^

I will try this when I gather enough courage. I don’t think you’ve deviated from anything, though, so…

Wow. I used this method this morning. And let me tell you, it was like a super intense WILD. It worked a million times faster, and this was the only time I’ve ever done a WILD type thing laying on my stomach! I had to quit early though, cuz I was hearing a whole lot of little kids screaming at me… sooooo. Yeah.

So it didn’t work because you didn’t stay focused huh. i bet you could as easily spoke at a normal tone in your head and achieved the same…so yeah. also i try just as much as the next guy, i just don’t go with everything im ever told…so yeah. Believing everything doesn’t mean your the most experimental person…so yeah.

I agree with your last statment. HOwever, It did not fail because I lost focus. I INTENTIONALLY aborted, because I’m a coward. ^,^

Probobo, I’m suprised at your close-mindedness after hearing the resulst in this thread. Almost everyone has noticed a definite change.

I’m gonna try this tonight.

Really probobo… :confused: It’s almost as if your trying to flame people at finding new ways to accomplish lucidity. Variations of an existing technique doesn’t make it bad. While I agree with your statement on focusing, I think these variations help people a lot in achieving lucidity because of many reasons. For one, lucidity can easily be achieved from just believing in it. Beliefs are the strongest technique out there. And making all these variations shows new people (or even old) that there are more ways to get lucid, and that it is easily possible. That is the true holy grail, belief. All these methods are supporting our mind, in a way…if that even makes sense. Another thing that these methods do to people, is give them convenience and better opportunities to become a lucid dreamer. Different things do work for different people. Even a difference that involves a small change. Just because this technique may not be compatible with you, doesn’t neccesarily mean that it is the same way with others. So please, back off the whole flame war type debate. Not only is it getting things off topic, but also it’s creating multiple completely pointless threads.

Okay, maybe i expressed too strongly over it at the most. But i still believe there is something called “excess”. I think of alot of things to visualize or to think about when going to sleep but just end up forgetting about these ideas when i figure out “it was just water under the bridge and it didn’t work because i drifted off” now thats not to say no one has ever made a good idea, so stop suggesting that im closed minded and deviate from science. I think not doing everything off a whim is going to help me lucid dream, so whats wrong with that?Maybe the true deviation is inadvertant, but then whos to say what path is the path we should be following, thats suggesting tradition more than anything. You have your ways and i have mine and if i every say something you might want to scrutinize then be my guest, but im not going to turn around and call you a close minded experimental deviant who doesn’t understand human nature. Alls i questioned was what i thought was excessive, and i don’t see why you would take it as an insult anyways, and by the responses it seemed like you felt that way. But, don’t let that stop you from trying everything, but to me it seems like you could easily get caught in the scenery and walk past what you were looking for. the lucid dream is where the scenery is anyways and the best sign there to me is “stay conscious until you sleep”. I’ve tried all the variations and it fails just because i drift off. screaming would of worked if i hadn’t drifted off, visualizing would have worked if i hadn’t drifted off etc. Yes, i don’t have to view every topic but i can feel like it belongs under the big WILD and MILD topics and im not capable of truly imposing that on you.
That said it seems like theres three different WILD’ers: visual, audio, and kinesthetic. but how is visualizing an apple any different from visualizing a flower? It is personal preference and slapping a fancy name and heavier connotation onto every individual preference seems excessive to me. I also may think that people want to believe that lucid dreaming will be this tip of the iceberg with alot more to explore and felt i was melting it by saying that. but i feel if theres anything of learning significance its in the lucid dreams themselves, (im not exactly sure what you can learn from just engaging in temptation on a limitless scale, but theres probably something to be learned about the fundamental nature of dreaming somewhere in there).
I also could believe that theres a drum circle in my basement but that doesn’t mean theres going to be one when i go down there but i don’t get a drum circle down there by drifting off i get one by looking for one and being patient. i think maybe patience and persistence are the holy grail. Trung why didn’t you say it failed because you chickened out, misleading info isn’t going to get a response in the context of what you really mean thus making it easy to say that i said something wrong. We can all learn something from eachother even in the most heated arguments. Maybe saying “that sounds @##$ing insane” was a little bombastic though.

Btw, your not a coward because of that. now if you didn’t help somebody in trouble then you’d be a coward. Maybe screaming at the fear would diminish the scary images. Now theres lots of ways you can scream. You can scream deep and have more of a reasoning manner in the context, we’ll call that “the resonable screaming technique”. you might try and scream in a high raspy voice but be completely deragatory and we’ll call that “the high pitched insult technique” or you could just go into total dereliction and try to diminish it with pure volume, we’ll call that the “volume technique”. maybe you don’t want to scream but maybe visualize violent imagery to get rid of it, we’ll call that the “Brutalizing technique” or maybe you’d be more peaceful in your visualization and try and hug the fear, we’ll call that the “give peace a chance technique”. Maybe you could just refuse to believe that the scary stuff is there, we’ll call that the “disbelief technique”. a few paragraphs of explanation could’ve been avoided if you just said you chickened out.

You have misunderstood alot of things said, and frankly I don’t care. What I do care about is you still writing essay style arguments that do nothing but waste space. Sorry, but this is not the place to talk about what your thoughts are. Take this somewhere else with people who are willing to reply. But don’t bring these arguments in a topic completely irrelevant. Your insights are 100% opinionated and should have a place somewhere else. Now I can’t personally assist you in your leave from this thread…but I do hope you attend to that matter. I’m done talking in this thread.

I dont care about who is wrong or not here, all of you stick to the subject of the thread and stop throwing accusations around. And BenDrummin58 you cannot speak for the mod’s, they will deceide themselves what appropriate action is when the line has really been crossed. Probobo has all the right to vent his critiques as long as it is done in a decent way. So, relax and talk in a civilized manner on subject, please.


I think that all the problems are due to the lack of clear explanations about this “method”, what makes it look at first sight like an hoax (I’ve to say it was my feeling when I first read it). His conceptor never gave a lot of explanations when he was asked for, what is always dubious. There is no clear process, and for instance you don’t know when you have to scream and you don’t know how to visualize, what makes this method quite useless for most of us.

For instance, you may compare the quantity of explanations given there and those which are given in the Hargart’s method.

Moreover, most of the people who seems to have had results with the scream “method” didn’t give any useful return about the way they used it (I believe that some of them have screamt over and over, changing it into a classical WILD variation). For all those reasons, I don’t think this “method” is a method. Here are the con’s.

Even if it’s bad explained, some people seems to have had results with it. As it’s a WILD method, it’s not based upon autosuggestion (some people have had good results with the “foiled feet” April fool’s method, but it was a DILD method) so that suggestion can’t explain the possible good results. In the very few explanation which are given, some of them are coincidential with the effects I noticed when I tried it (I’m neither a visualization pro nor a WILD pro, and I had no results).

Those two points don’t look like a classical WILD method. They seems to have an effect. The second point (pressure around the stomach) looks like some OBE/Monroe’s methods. That’s the point of view of experienced LD’ers when I asked them about this method. Here are the pro’s.

Up to now, I can’t decide if this “method” is good or not. I think there have been too much misunderstandings about it. The only thing which could change this fact would be that users give more detailled reports about their experiments.

As Xetrov do, I hope this discussion will continue in a more civilized way from now.