I found this but havnt tried it yet…wut is really cool though is that all my life i have been having these cloudy ring things happen when i relax and close my eyes…i never thought anything of it…i can actually induce these rings…i hope 2 try this soon…this could b a major breakthrough in LDs/OBEs cuz he says that it is very easy 2 do and within about 8 min. he was in SP…thats amazing…any feedback,comments,experience w/ this,any1 looking to try this out,any1 who wants more info or anything is welcome…i think i will name this the TILD (Trance Induced Lucid Dream)
i tried this at about 1:00pm 2day and it worked!!!it was so awsome and it was pretty easy…i just induced my cloudy color rings and relaxed and went into a lucid dream…any1 who wants help with this…just ask ill b happy 2 help…good luck …
its kinda like WILD but different in a couple ways. instead of watching various HI and feeling yourself become paralized then exiting your body, u just watch one single peice of special HI that blocks out all the other HI and puts u deeper and deeper into a trance until u fall asleep and then your lucid. the cloudlike HI is special in that when u see it, its the only HI that u see. it looks kinda pinkish and this is what happens.your entire view becomes this pink color(may b it can b other colors).then it slowly seems like it is either falling away from u or u are falling up from it.its kinda confusing.anyway u watch this and become deeply relaxed more and more and eventually it starts 2 seem more realistic and u fall asleep.then what happened 2 me is i fall into the color. i made a door with the HI just imaginging it and i imagined the lucid crossroads on the other side of the door. i opened it and went to my lucid dream from there.it only last a minute or 2 but i wanted 2 go online and tell every1 about it.another thing…if your wondering how 2 induce these color clouds…it could b kinda hard if u havnt seen them be4. anyway what u do is may b try 2 press your eyelids and make ur own HI.then imagine a cloud of color in your vision. try having it fall.eventually it will become easier 2 do with practice.hope that all made since and u should try it…it was very effective 4 me.good luck .
I haven’t tried it yet but am familiar with those contracting circles and their effect on trance. The idea behind this method may be that to use the light pattern to push thefocal point toward the center of the head. At waking our focal point is just behind our eyes but in hypnagogic trance I feel myself deep inside my head.
I might be weird (proably ) but to me, these rings of light expand rather then contract. They start as a blob in the middle of my vision, and then expand all the way somewhat like moving over my head out of sight. Also, they are always white to me. According to what I read on the forum, I’d also classify this phenomena as phosphenes rather then HI. Last but not least, it seems that pessing the eyelids ins’t entirely healthy and in my experience, it does not induce these rings. The only way seems to relax totally and have a bit of luck, since sometimes I see them and other times not (Im not even sure why this is).
well i have found a good way 2 induce the rings…start by pressing on your eyes while their closed to make your own phosphenes/HI…whatever u call it.make sure there is a lot of color to last a little while and enough 2 work with. now try focusing it into the middle and make a ball of 1 single color.now imagine it getting smaller and smaller as if it were falling away from you.imagine that same color covering all your vision and falling down getting smaller. once u get the color rings started…u cant really stop them unless u open your eyes so once uv induced them your work is mostly done .
when i am trying to view the image in front of my closed eyes it just hurts in them because of the strain and i have to open them to get them relaxed…am i focusing too much on the image or what am i doing wrong?
fixos,if it hurts too much when u focus, then try to relax and dont focus so hard.if u can see the color rings then u dont have 2 concentrate hard on them at all.when u make ur own HI by prerssing down on ur closed eyelids it usaullt will hurt 4 a few seconds. hope that helps…
Quick question. Does it have to be a cloud, or can i just hit the sack and close my eyes and imagine a triangle in the cntre of my vision expanding/contracting and watch that and imagine it falling away from me? Would this be as effective or is only exclusive to those who experience the clouds when you close your eyes.
i think it has 2 b a cloud but actually if u saw a triangle and it started contracting it would probly do the same thing cuz its just about the fact that the contracting image puts u deeper into a trance. but u cant just imagine it…u have 2 actually see it and thats the only way 4 it to work.
this sounds very very interesting, I tried WILD last night and i think i got these. The cloud (almost a ring maybe but it coulda kept changing from cloud to ring) would be most my vision then move smaller and smaller but it felt as if it was moving closer to me. It would then get so small it would disappear and new one would come so i guess ive had it.
Now im just worried im not gonna be able to induce them. Could someone explain more about going from watching them to the LD?
I’m not sure if this counts, but when I was doing a visualisation exercise (just seeing what I could do imagination wise) it influenced the dreams I had. But that was me conciously making a sphere exapnd and contract, to see if I could do it stably.
.c_mon,as ,ong as u can see it behind ur eyelids and its not anything 2 complicated that u really need 2 focus or cencentrate on it should work out for u.
skidzz, u dont need 2 really do either. once uv gotten the rings/clouds(which seems to b difficult 4 every1 here),then all u do is sit back(or lye back )and enjoy the show. u dont have 2 focus really at all on it,just make sure u have a little focus so u dont fall asleep into a ND, and u dont need 2 concentrate really hard on anything either.
slime8,it sounds like u got the rings/clouds…good job…it seems that many other people in this forum cant do that so great job.its hard 2 explain going from watching them 2 the LD.i guess its kinda like the phasing meathod with WILD.once u get into a really deep trance then the rings/clouds get more and more realistic and they seem 2 become much clearer and have less of that foggyness 2 them. anyway u kinda enter the scenery and start 2 try 2 find dream images. i dont think that u can do the astral body exit technique like with WILD.
Good luck 4 every1…leave anymore questions and id like 2 hear how it works out for other people 2.and every1 work on geting the rings.may b sum1 has a graphics editor and can create sumthing showing the rings.good luck… .
Yeah I tryed this tech. last night, and I have to say it did help my body fall asleep awfully quicker than usuall… instead of about 30 min. or so it took only about 15 min and the HI came on more clearly and quickly as well, but I will have to experiement with it some to find the right spot to concentrate on and not overly strain my eyes.
Ha ha I need help I NEED to be Lucid ive tried once so far And It was a waste of time i didnt even Dream I Have SOOO much stuff I want to do So please Help if you can!