What is your favorite reality check?

still is the hand for me

i ALWAYS have 6 fingers:P
(only one time i didn’t but for some reason i did the nose RC after that and got lucid annyway:P)

Well, I have a tendency to see myself in 3rd person view in about about 3/4th of my dreams (no idea why, saw myself like that since I remember) so doing a reality check usually is nothing more than than looking.
If I do end up with 1st person vision I usually try to scream, I know for a fact that if I try to talk with my mouth in a dream that I’ll also use my normal mouth, so feeling like a make a yelp and hearing a roaring scream usually works, or it’ll end me up waking.
Most of the time though I realise I’m dreaming the moment I enter, just because the scene is so damn odd (I never have complete replica’s of places in my dreams, I live in Amsterdam but even the city changes into a certain form when I dream, it’s composed of slightly morphed places I go to alot, and certain places that I have no idea where I could’ve gotten them from, and if I’m not Amsterdam it’s always Paris or a place so weird that I concluded I have a very lively imagination).

I like to look at a clock (preferablly digital) and turn light switches on and off (god knows what the neighbours must think ) I also on some days ask familly members if i am dreaming. As freakey as it sounds it is actually rather sucessfull, the reason being is because my familly usually say something like
"Arron you loon ovcource your not dreaming "
where as in my dreams if i ask charicters they usually give a different reaction. So that reality check is quite good.
I also ,when in school if i am writing something i look at my hands and thing to my self
“Am i dreaming”
I then look at my fingers and then look at a clock and then look away ( no one atcually suspects me of doing anythig otherwise i am sure they would think i was insane litterally). I then think
“How did i get here”
etc etc but overall i find it rather effective and i have only being doing reality checks for around a month anyway
but on the whole they are pretty cool.

My favorite one used to be flipping the light switches, but now something is wrong with the light switch in my room where the light won’t turn on the first time i flip it, so I dont do that one anymore for my own sanity :ohno:

But now my favorite reality check is reading something, looking away, and reading it again making sure it is the same. my dream text always looks bizarre!

I always look at my watch because I always always always have it on. The two lucid dreams I have had have been using that technique - once when I didn’t have it on I realized it was weird and the other the normal dream included that so when it kept changing I remembered that was a dreamsign.

I like the memory check reality test. I ask myself what I’ve done over the past couple hours, and how I got where I am. If I’m awake, I’ll have a logical answer to both of the questions, if I’m dreaming, I’ll be one confused little person… and then get lucid. :razz:

My favorite is the hand check. Probably because I like Carlos Casteneda. Not to mention how successful it’s been for me.

I tried that once, but sadly, I did have an answer to what I had done for the past week/hour/whatever.

Hmm, let’s see.
Maybe the lightswitch. Yeah, it works pretty well.

Unfortunately I don’t use the lightswitch that often…

I just watch the watch, and I’ve started to look on my hands today…

Well the only one I have managed to do is the “pushing finger through palm” reality check and it worked fine for me.

Well I usually do 3

Nose RC
Look at hands
Push finger through palm

But the Nose RC one is my fav :content:

I always seem to double check text, clock or otherwise. I don’t know why, but maybe it’s because it was the first reality check I learned- so I guess it seems to come naturally. Sometimes I just know, though, and a reality check is just to make sure that when I jump off this building and fly, I am really going to be able to fly!

Have any of you ever done a CLOTHES RC? What I mean is, say everytime you walk thru a door, you look at your clothes, look away, look again and they will probably change. Has this ever worked for you? The thing is that you can’t rely on clocks 100% of the time b/c they aren’t everywhere you turn. :tongue:

That’s an interesting RC. It’s sorta like you look at some words and look away and look back to see if they’re the same. I need to try this one, seems simple enough, and you won’t look stupid doing it! :tongue:

My favourite reality check has to be the “hold your nose and breathe through it” one. It’s invariably been the one that leads me to lucidity.

Throughout the day I use:

  1. Counting fingers on hands.
  2. Closing one eye to see if nose is there.
  3. Stick finger through hand.
  4. check text on an object, look away and check it again to see if it changes.

My favourite: Sticking my finger through the palm of my hand
If it works, it means I’m dreaming, or I have a drill in my finger

When I was a lot younger and didn’t know about all of these proven RC methods, I invented one that’s something along the lines of an eye twitch. In the dream I keep my eyes wide open and twitch my eye. I always feel a strange winking sensation and instantly know that I’m dreaming. It’s quick, easy, doesn’t put me off because it’s not way out of line of actual reality, and sure beats getting the crap scared out of you by looking at your hands and seeing an irregular amount of fingers.

my desk has a window right next to it so i like to try and turn it to rubber and push my finger through.
i really like the nose RC it feels really cool in a dream

My favorite RC’s are:

  • Pushing my finger through the palm of my hand
  • Nose RC
  • Look at my hands