Confronting your deepest fears in LD's

Whoa insane!!! I have no idea what I am afraid of, and if anyone will know it will me my unconscience. I will try ahrd to accomplish this… I am really curious. Thanks for posting this. :smile:

That would probably be really cool. Always fun afterwards. “man, I was so scared, let’s do it again!” Seeing as I don’t have bad dreams, and movies don’t scare me and such getting a real fright in a dream seems like good entertainment especially if you master you fear.

It might be scary at first, but after you truely conquer your fear it will prove so worth it :smile: this is what Lucid Dreaming can do to really help you, find out about your inner most self. And if you can face your most deepest fear, you’ve just accomplished something that you might not have been able to do IRL. :content:

Why not ask a dc or someone to tell you what your deepest fear is, and then why you’re so scared of it. Understanding it might get you get over it without having to confront it. It’ll be cool if you got it to work, trying to communicate with my subconcious mind that kinda way is one of my goals for lding. Maybe i’ll start off smaler though :peek:

I moved this to Lucid Adventures, into this already existing thread about this subject. :angel_fly:

Someone of you might have read my experience with my biggest fear. If not here it is:
[url]I asked for my biggest fear in my last LD :eek:]
Now its gone a week or so, and i feel great, I have no more fears for darkness, “ghosts” or whatever i might make up in my head. It’s all gone… And my dreaming has increased a lot, I get vivid long lasting awesome dreams, and i love it. I even met an old “nightmare DC” in one of my normal dreams… And i was not afraid anymore :smile: And if i smell some ‘bad spirits’ i kiss them, and they go away :cool:

I would suggest everyone tries this in their next LD. It might be an really scary experience (well doh! It’s your worst experience ever) But just remember it will soon pass. Everyone should do this :smile:

Next time you get lucid. Ask for your biggest fear, and feel it while saying it. If you are lucky, you will get a shocking life-long experience. And those ‘other’ fears you have, will just go away. Cause they are nothing compared to what you will get.

Be brave :smile: And be sure to tell me about any experiences like this. [/color]

Good idea, I’ll be sure to try this in my next LD! Its really amazing how much you can accomplish in your dreams!

That’s excellent man! Funny how you first wrote about it in horror, warning people not to do it. But now you’re transformed and it turned out to be positive. Power of dreams man, power of dreams.

That is really…really…reeeeeeeallly scary Idea… I want to do it, but I’m far too afraid. >.< My brain comes up with scary shtuff on its own, without me asking. So what’ll happen if I ask for this shiznit? >.< SHWAH! What should I do?

Trung Of Wu, I had the same problem, i was doing WILD, and thinking about the old hag, and scary things at night, I even took it so far i was afraid to go down at night. Yeah --> BIG PUSSY when I was alone. But now I can’t seem to care about those things anymore. Even increased my dreaming :content:
Just do it man, i promise you, you will notice big changes a time after :smile:

I’ll probably try this.
My first experience with the Old hag wasn’t scary at all. It turned out to be pleasant. So I’m guessing this could be slightly more intimidating. :content:

hmmm…intriguing. I guess I should do it. If it works out, I’ll thank you.

btw IMwhoim01… is that thing in your avatar from keeper of the seven keys?

Ann Shulgin recommends stepping into the fears body and looking out of its eyes so you can completely integrate the experience and obtain understanding of why the fear exists and what it means to you.

(the shadow archetype)

I have absolutely no idea what it really is.
I guess it could be what you say :smile:

in ND’s i ussually end up on some crazy ass roller coster made of glass or something, hanging on for my life. sometimes i fall off and mash and wake up.


shivers at the thought
i don’t want to see my biggest fear… :neutral:
watch it turn out to be evil bunnies or something.

you know the best way to confront your fears might be to do that mirror of erised quest in reverse. instead of finding the mirror, find a boggart or dementor.
if you see a cupboard, just tell yourself theres a boggart in there. it should start shaking, and then you open the door. the boggart takes the shape of your worst fear. now you have to picture a situation in which the object of your fear appears comical. you then shout ‘Ridikilus!’. the boggart should dissapear, and so should your fear. possibly.

Ofcourse if the object of the fear disappears, the fear will disappear. You won’t cure a fear by making the object disappear, You have to feel the fear, and see what scares you. After that you must confront it, in whatever way you do that.

I like Shantih’s method. I have a problem though.

So, in my dreams, and in waking life, if I am being chased, after a few seconds, I become weak and defenseless (really weak) and can’t move anymore. How do I deal with that?

But… I don’t wanna meet the scary ghosts… :cry: :tongue:

That’s an odd thing by the way. I don’t believe in them, but the idea of ghosts sometimes frightens me.

I asked a DC in my last LD about ghosts and she said:“All ghosts that you see IRL are Lucid Dreamers!”

So you don´t have to be scared about ghosts. Maybe you have scared some people when you dreamed lucid? :tongue: