LD4all Quest 42 - April 2009 - The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
Author: pasQuale
Every month, on LD4all we have a new Quest to explore your LD’s in a fun way.
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The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
This is Quest 42! And well, when thinking of the next Quest, this just had to be the Quest for this month! If you wonder why, read or watch Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Now, the aim of this Quest is to obtain an answer in your lucid dream, an answer to any Question you might have. It may be one of the deep ones, like: “Where do we all come from and what is the point of this existence?” or a more mundane one like:“what hair color suits me best?”.
The point is that you ask a Question, AND obtain an answer. Do both, and you receive this months wings, with extra cheese added, compliments of the mice
To complete this Quest and earn your wings
- Become lucid (
- Ask your Question
- Obtain an answer. Doesn’t matter how, can be a sudden insight, can be a vocal one, can be visual. As long as you get an answer to your Question, after you asked it.
- Post your dream in this topic (a link to your DJ is allowed but you have to post in this topic that you have succeeded)
It would be cool to hear what Questions you are thinking of asking for this Quest, so if you join, let us know by posting in this topic It may even be inspiring for others who want to do this Quest but don’t know of a good Question to ask.
Please be very clear if you feel you have completed the Quest or want to try again - I will only give wings if you feel you have been succesfull in completing the Quest, the wings are a reward for yourself.
I will give everyone who earned it their wings at the end of this Quest, so please be patient
Who/what you ask the Question to is ofcourse dependent on the Question you have, but may I suggest:
- ask the dream itself
- ask a dream character
- ask out loud and read the answer in a book
- ask yourself while looking in a mirror
- or maybe ask some white mice…
Before going to sleep or while doing your LD incubation technique (WILD/WBTB/MILD, etc):
- set your mind for this Quest
- decide on your Question and who you are going to ask.
Post your attempts, whether you feel you succeeded or not, in this topic
Good luck !
Have fun!