Lucidity Challenge 43: Winner - drd!

Another night of strange dreams for me. I had a long LD. I’ve got a lot to write, so I put the LD in the spoiler tag.

[spoiler]My mind kept playing tricks on me, making me think I’d already completed some tasks. Plus, I had a dream earlier in the night that all of Task 2 had been changed.I looked around for a transformation team member, but only found my cat and my mother in some weird yoga meditating pose.

After that strangeness, I went back to my room and tried to transform into a merman, but it wasn’t working. I couldn’t remember any tasks, but then my Native American Flute appeared and I remembered task 1. I took the flute out and played it, trying to also cause some kind of physical phenomenon for the other part of task 1. In the dream, I thought everything was normal, but looking back on it, I think I succeeded. First off, when I played towards something, like the wind chimes or Chinese lanterns hanging in my bedroom :rc: , they would blow around like they were in the wind. Second, I was able to cause a little shadow-like ball to pop out of the shadow of me playing my flute. Third, I was able to see some kind of wavy distortion right around my nose area, where according to dream logic, was my breath being displaced from playing the flute. By the way, at first the flute wasn’t playing right, but sometime around the shadow ball shooting out of the shadow flute, it started to sound good.

I also conquered an issue I have with windows. Normally the screen gets in my way, but this time I slid it across like I do with the normal part of the window and was able to go through my window outside to the pool. I saw a geese, but I don’t think that counts for anything. Then, an odd looking bird came flying through the sky,as did a blue, green, and golden fish with a large mouth. It landed in the pool and started to try and eat me while I was attempting the merman transformation again. I grabbed it and flung it around. The bird flew by and started telling me “that this fish is crazy. I mean, have you ever seen a fish try to eat a bird before?” I swung the fish towards the bird and it bit down on it, almost snapping it in half. Then I threw it over the fence where there was no more water. However, the fish jumped back over the fence and was trying to eat me again. Apparently it was a super jumper fish.[/spoiler]

I just remembered as I was typing this post up that I had a ND, where I was on a camping/hiking trail and my cat decided to run up to a large pack of a bear/wolf pack. I think it was bears at one point, and then changed to wolves. Does this count for meeting an exotic animal in its habitat?

So, yeah, a lot of strangeness from last night. I honestly didn’t even realize how odd a bird talking to me was until I wrote it down here. I also didn’t mean to kill the bird, but it happened.

Also, no tasks, but just wanted to share. There was a treasure hunt going on in one of my NDs, which led to a hotel where Abed from Community was dressed in white robes and singing some odd song that was supposed to be a hint. I had this dream I think twice last night and the second time I ganged up with him, Shirley, and possibly someone else to screw everyone else out of the competition.

Here is a long LD in which I communicate telepathically with an animal (how convenient that I visualize LD4all members based on avatars :tongue:). I know I already did this Task task, but I now have the lucid bonus for it.

Rhewin, I’m totally mad that you added “Become lucid” as a Quest condition, as I explored pyramids in an ND. :grrr: How dare the Quests on a lucid dreaming site require lucidity…!

Had 3 lds chained together for a long length. Flipped some cars and flew. Looked for my cat and failed. No subtasks completed

-Played air guitar, feeling these strange vibrations on my fingers and torso every time I’d strum. Wasn’t a lucid dream though…

@Letaali: yep, that counts :content:. That was a normal dream, yes?

@Scipio: fly away

@HeadInTheClouds: if you consider a bear/wolf to be exotic, I can count that. Points for the music task as well.

@Koharo: air or not, that’s still an instrument!

Scores are updated

Thorn has now made his way into the top three and is tied with En’enra for second. HeadInTheClouds is only 15 points behind in third.

I don’t have time to completely calculate the team participation rate at the moment. I do know that the Transformation Team is still leading, but Creation is on the board now.

Yes, it was a normal dream. Also heard a guitar being played and some music from a radio after that dream, so those points should be fairly well covered.

I had a medium LD or rather a string of three short ones. Will post after work, no tasks done.

Another short, rather unimpressive LD here. No tasks accomplished as I heard the music after I lost lucidity.

I had a long ld chained with 7-8 long DEILDs for a VERY long combined length. I think the initial ld may have been my longest ld. I talked to my cat, turned my mom into a dog, and talked to her as well. I also completed my personal goal for sure this time.


I’m on the fence about the task myself, but after thinking about it, I think it would probably be better not to count bears/wolves as exotic. I feel like an exotic animal ought to be one you could find at the Zoo.

I had a long LD last night. I’ll just count it as long. I lost and regained lucidity in the dream. I might have tamed an animal last night. I felt like I “changed its alignment”, and then later summoned it to attack some enemies, but I didn’t adopt it or control it or anything. I did make it stop attacking me, though.

I briefly glanced at my pets in the second ND here.

I also turned music into something physical.

So close to doing all the subtasks and the team dream for the current task… Just needed another minute or so and it would have been in the bag and I would have been swimming in the ocean… Oh well… there’s always tonight! :happy:

Almost Merfolk ~ Short Lucid Dream

Stats so far:

[spoiler]Short LDs: 3
Medium LDs: 4
Long LDs: 2
Chains: 5

Task 1:-E Parts I & VII | Parts III & IV | Part II
Task 2:-E Part II | Parts I & V

Personal Task: Spoke with Cardia.

Talked with a dog in a non-lucid dream.

I had a DILD with 3 DEILDs chained together for a long ld, where i flew aroung and completed no tasks. After a 20 min wbtb I Had 6-7 more for another long length. I stretched out a butterknife, and played it like a guitar. I flew around a stadium, with my wings playing this guitar for a couple of my friends It played evry note I thought of.

Very short LD. Is the limit still 30 seconds? I’m not sure if it was more than that, or not.

The third dream here is my longest LD ever and has several tasks. I try to bring my plush to life but “fail” when the dream provides an alternate explanation. I later start music in a dreamscape and then change that music to different music. I tame a group of rowdy orangutans when I unexpectedly transform into one and teach them to swim. A human DC turns himself into a hedgehog plush, which I then turn into a miniature version of my avatar, so I brought a toy animal to life and transformed a DC into an animal (and if only one of these counts at a time, I brought a small figurine to life later).

I’m pretty happy with myself. :tongue: The only thing that frustrated me is, well…
I guess what has me angry or sad or something is that I caught the dream fading and fixed it not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES this morning
but because of DEILD, that’s worth nothing; it’s actually worth more to let it end and restart it
Saving the dream was a stupid decision on my part. I really should’ve just let the LD end once and re-entered for the chain bonus and “first time using a technique” bonus, but meh; I’ll find those 60 points elsewhere. That, or I’ll visit drd and Scipio in their homes and start shaking them when they try to DEILD. Either works. :wink:

Also, the second ND at that link has my pets being “found” as in the task description, in case the brief glimpse at them I claimed before doesn’t count.

Had a short lucid yesterday… I say short because I can’t remember some parts from the way I woke up. I did my personal task of creating stars by singing. Didn’t turn out the way I intended it too, oh well. :razz:

[spoiler]It began with an ND of watching TV with my friends. The show was about some love triangle going on between some galactic space people. One guy gave up on pursuing the women, he wanted her to be happy with the other man. I watched on the edge of my seat overcomed with emotion as the man guides the hands of the woman and man together. We switched off the TV as soon as the show ended. My friends wanted to play some ball toss game in the basement that was featured in the show we watched. Two stayed behind sleeping on the couch. I wake up around here.

I remained still and watched for HH. I see my phone and imagined myself using it. I find myself back in the previous dream now. Using the time on the top corner of my mobile screen, I do the time RC which proved I was dreaming. Immediately my vision declines, the right eye again. (IWL my arm was putting pressure on my right eye :razz:) My friends watched as I held onto my eye willing it to function normally. One asked what I was doing. I started to feel them all slowly become hostile towards me. I get up with one poor eye and looked at a wall that seems to have all my vitals… my vision numbers were dropping. I hopped through the wall before they could act. Here, it becomes a blur. I went off to do some task.

Somewhere I recalled my personal task. I stabilized by rubbing my hands together. My personal task requires me to be outside, so I hopped out a window. The sky was still blue and definitely not dark enough for my task. Hopping out the window I ended up deep in the sea… I swam upwards to the surface and flew up to a rooftop. I have no idea why… but somehow I had turned into the character SpongeBob… Then, suddenly, I find myself in my parent’s room. I stabilized by rubbing my hands together and reminding myself that I am still sleeping in bed. It was quite frustrating being so out of control. I didn’t want to waste time changing back to my real body. I jumped out my parent’s window to the rooftop and sang the first song on my mind. I don’t remember it now. My plan was to have the notes flow out of me towards the sky and become stars. I did not realize while singing, that the sky had gone dark. I was very frustrated, I kept teleporting uncontrollably back into my parent’s room. Not only that, but I also had acquired the character’s horrible voice. I managed to suppress it though. After a while the teleporting stopped, I was able to sing properly. The notes did not flow out as planned but when I looked up to the sky I saw many, many stars! I was facing the direction of the city and IRL you can’t see as many stars in that direction. The stars were mostly uniformly dispersed but some places were clustered. It was not as pretty as I liked it to be and my vision was still lacking in one eye. Somewhat content, I spend the last bit of the dream singing moon river. I looked up to the sky and see a gigantic waning gibbous moon. Then I wake up shortly after.[/spoiler]

@drd: wow, sounds like this was your week! Points, points everywhere!

@Scipio: close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades :razz:

@Siiw: there are no longer any “very short” LDs, they simply count as short. The only time it wouldn’t count as a LD for scoring purposes would be if you woke up while still questioning if you are dreaming.

@Thorn: somehow the image of you as a monkey is fitting :lol:

Scores are updated

If you have anything that could count for your team advantage, you have just over an hour to get it posted!

Team Participation*
Transformation: 17.6% (2.1 tasks per member)
Investigation: 4.7% (.57 tasks per member)
Creation: 4.2% (.5 tasks per member)

*Participation rates calculated by the number of tasks completed by a team divided by the number of members on the team. Average number of tasks is then divided by total number of tasks. 100% participation is 12 tasks per member in Tasks 2-4