This is part IV of a continued discussion, the previous part can be found here.
Just popping in a small note justifying this method works.
Recently (about 1 week ago) I started doing RC’s everyday, not heaps but up to 20 perday…Last night I was in one of the most strangest dreams and suddenly stopped to do an RC. I pinched my nose and tried to breathe, but couldn’t…so although it didn’t work, I still attempted it during a dream…I guess if I keep at it, it will work!
I’m sure there are lots, but i can’t think of many RC’s i could do while falling asleep that don’t involve moving my body. I want to do one every 6o seconds which i’ll count in my head.
^I’ve been doing this one that i read about in a book: ask myself ‘What was i doing 5 minutes ago?’ If i can remember, then i’m probably not dreaming. But really, i think this question is better for a daytime RC. It’s difficult to be certain that you’ve answered correctly with no outside proof. (With the hand RC it’s immediate confirmation that i’m not dreaming - because i look at my hand and see it’s not blurry).
That also what I thought, it doesn’t sound like a good RC in WILD conditions. Now it could perhaps be slightly modified. For instance, when you count 1, you imagine an object, and when you count 60, you try and remember what object you’ve thought about ? Just my two cents, I’ve never test this and I don’t have any better idea.
And what about performing simple arithmetics? Or possibly remembering an event of the day, instead of something which happened 5 minutes ago? Or a phone number?
I was just thinking of something. What effect do you expect from your WILD? Do you worry about being in a dream and not realizing it? If it’s the case, perhaps you could just wonder if you’re seeing something? If you see a complete environment, then you’re dreaming…
I have been interested in Dreams and Lucid dreaming for a few months. I have only been able to have 2 barely lucid dreams in that time.
In my dreams, it is nearly impossible to RC.
My dreams are always very strange, but i am dreaming so its “normal”, i wouldnt even think to do a RC because it is totaly normal to have pink elephants flying through my window. Also, if i do a RC (i.e. hold my nose) i would come up with some reason why this happened, “oh, i can breath because…”
i would never think to be dreaming even though i am.
I have tried many techniques but have failed, the 2 lucid dreams that i had were natural
please help me. tell me techniques that worked best for you because i have been trying this for months with no results and i am getting frustrated because i really want to LD but nothing is working
i have put much effort and time into LDing. (waking up at 3 in the morning, eating bananas before bedtime, RCing many times during the day etc.)
Not all techniques are for everyone. Some people are very good at DILDing, while others can WILD every night and achieve results consistently. There are some techniques that do not rely heavily on RCing, such as WILDing and FILDing. These do require an RC, but not in the context in which you seem to have trouble. I personally reccommend FILDing, as I have had some success with this method. However, only you can find out what technique is most efficient for you.
It is good that you are dedicated to LDing. Motivation is the key to achieving lucidity. Don’t get frustrated, no matter how discouraging your limited results are. Just experiment while keeping a calm, determined attitude and you should see some progress. Mabye you should consider taking a break from the ritual techniques. Ironically, some people have actually achieved success just by not thinking about LDing.
I find myself doing reality checks every once and a while, but I just don’t feel very serious anymore when I check my hands to see if i’m dreaming, for example.
I think my mind has become used to this reality check - i’ve mixed it up with other reality checks such as checking writing. I’ve read words in a dream before - they didn’t change when I looked back so I sort of don’t trust that technique much.
Luckily for me I still have the occasional Lucid Dream - probably at least 2 a month without trying - in which are almost life-like with pretty good control.
I read somewhere that a reliable RC was to look at your hands and pull on one of your fingers… Apparently if your finger stretches to un-normal lengths, you’re dreaming. Don’t know about this one (never had an LD so can’t exactly test it out), but has anyone ever tried it before? Sorry if this has already been asked, I’m still a newbie and I’m trying to learn as much as I can! ^-^
Yes, stretching my finger is my favorite RC. I would prefer to do another one, cause it’s not very reliable, but I generally forget the others and think of this one cause it was the first RC that was tought to me. Anyhow, it’s very funny when it works.
I tried to do the nose RC in my LD a few nights ago, but my hand just went right through my nose, and my head, and the rest of me! Fortunately that worked just as well
My hand just went right through me like air It felt so wierd
my biggest problen in RS;s is that i just dont do them in my dream…
so howmany times a day do i have to do a rc to also do it in my dream? i do about 5 a day now
i worry that RCs might become so routine that you could glance at your hands or pull your finger whilst dreaming, not really think about it and not register anything strange. should i be concerned about this as a real possibility?