The BIG "Was this a LD?" topic - Part II

If you have poor dream recall, I’d first work on that (by keeping a dream journal to start with… various tips for remembering dreams can be found in this topic: ). If you already have a good dream recall, I’d say you practice with RCs during the day, and perhaps, if you feel up to, practice WBTB combined with MILD. But you have to keep at it… it can take some time before this habit of practicing gives some results. However, these are pretty regular practices which can work very good, especially in the beginning. However, much depends on your motivation and intentions. I’d first read a little more. For instance, check out these threads:

Newbie Advice
Newbie Advice - part II
How to choose your technique

Hope this helped. If you have any questions, just shoot :wink:

Good luck!