The BIG "Was this a LD?" topic - Part II

BloodE: Hover boots and purple beds… LOL that was a LD allright :grin: The excitement is pretty normal in the beginning. It will improve in time and once you gain more experience :smile: Congrats on the LD!

The criterion by which you can determine whether or not you were lucid in a dream, is to ask yourself if you REALIZED it was a dream through rational selfawareness. From your account I’d say you weren’t lucid, but prelucid. You knew something wasn’t right, but it doesn’t sound like you really realized what it was about.

That’s a clear lucid, because you KNEW it was all a dream; you didn’t just say it, you actually were aware of what it meant, and that’s what lucidity is about.

thanks for your reply much aprecciated, what would you recomend for me as the next step???

If you have poor dream recall, I’d first work on that (by keeping a dream journal to start with… various tips for remembering dreams can be found in this topic: ). If you already have a good dream recall, I’d say you practice with RCs during the day, and perhaps, if you feel up to, practice WBTB combined with MILD. But you have to keep at it… it can take some time before this habit of practicing gives some results. However, these are pretty regular practices which can work very good, especially in the beginning. However, much depends on your motivation and intentions. I’d first read a little more. For instance, check out these threads:

Newbie Advice
Newbie Advice - part II
How to choose your technique

Hope this helped. If you have any questions, just shoot :wink:

Good luck!

thnx loads already reading

which is gd and im reading the others

hey jim :tongue:

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting here! I’m Brandon.

So I’ve been learning and thinking about lucid dreaming for a couple of months now. Well, finally recently I was closest to lucid dreaming than I’ve ever been! I was aways from home at a festival and…

In my dream I was on my computer and it started acting really funky. I picked up on how it was acting and realized I was dreaming. I thought to myself that being on the computer wouldn’t really affect me (the sleeping me). So I decided to try to float up through the ceiling. Once my head started going through it everything turned black and I felt like I was being shocked (withouth pain). So I decided to go into the kitchen. In the hallway I looked at my hands and they looked really fuzzy. Twas pretty wierd. So while in the kitchen I saw my mom and brother and ended up being right back in my room. So there, I remembered that I could now access all of he info in the universe so I tried to call out. All I could think of to say was “help me” and it sounded really electric and fuzzy. After that, I woke up.

So my question is, how close does it sound that I was in Lucid Dream state? Any tips?


You were in a LD! Any time you realize that you’re dreaming, (regardless of whether or not you did anything special) it is considered a lucid dream. Control will come in time, don’t worry. :smile:

You might want to introduce yourself in "The Big “Hi, I’m New Here!” topic in the Gathering. :grin:

Happy LD’s! :fly:

Welcome to the forums!

And congrats on your first LD :content: I hope there are many more to come for you :wink:

Good luck!

Thanks guys!

No problem. It was a complete LD. Congrats! :clap:
And welcome to the forum! :wave:

(I merged your topic in the BIG “What this a LD?” topic.)

Do you guys think this sounds like the beginnings of an LD? I just remembered a 3 second “clip” of a dream last night(I took nyquil, the sleep seemed almost dreamless). It was very weird, I was about to go around a corner, and it was like I knew there would be a mirror when I turned the corner. When I actually turned the corner, I saw myself in the mirror and said in a very weird, unfamiliar voice “Hey, I’m dreaming”, then I woke up. The weirdest thing was that when I woke up I automatically did the nose pinch RC. It was like a reflex, and I haven’t even taught myself to do an RC after waking up, I just do them randomly.

Well you knew you were dreaming, so sure. You just didn’t get a chance to do anything fun! :tongue:

Hi Sal,
I agree with Wolf, it looks like the beginning of a LD.

Hi, I’m new here. Last night when I was dreaming I had an experience that I was telekinetic and could move things with my mind. The cool part was that I realized that I was doing this, and could freely roam around and show off my telekinetic powers how I pleased. So I found this site today and learned what a “lucid dream” is and thought that is maybe what I experienced.

Just wanted to share this and say that I am going to practice the things on this site and maybe soon be able to have lucid dreams often. :smile:

:wave: Welcome!

Did you realize it was a dream, or just that you could do those things? Either way, very cool. :cool: Probably a lucid too.

You might want to introduce yourself in ‘The BIG “Hi, I’m new here!”’ topic in the Gathering. :smile:

Good luck and nice meeting you! :grin:

Hi RancidMilk!
I don’t think it was a lucid dream. But it was perhaps a conscious dream, as it sounds like you had some free will in it. :smile:

Yeah, I guess it wasn’t really a lucid dream. I wasn’t aware that what I was doing wasn’t real, I just thought I suddenly developed telekinesis in real life. I was able to freely do what I wanted with it though as I would if I actually did have telekinesis in real life though. If would have known it was a dream, I would have done more than just lift books and furniture in front of people.

Yes it was probably not a LD, even no prelucid dream. It sounds to me like you were fully unconscious of your actions because from your description I can’t see any sign that you had some selfcriticism on your new abilities. You just accepted them by giving an alternative explanation, and you just continued the dream like you were doing.
Selfcriticism is one of the main criteria to determine the level of awareness in a dream, because it’s usually through selfcriticism that people attain selfawareness, thus lucidity. So lucidity isn’t about doing unusual things in a dream, but about the level of awareness you have while doing those unusual things: if that level exceeds some threshold, awareness will become selfreflective, meaning you’re consciously able to question your reality, understand your situation from your own perspective, and think/act freely, relatively independent from the dream content.

Hey I’m new to the forums and I’ve been reading all the techniques and stuff from the webpage. Well for 2 days actually and Both times I had a LD. The first one was something about a classroom (not very important) and at the end I did a RC and got lucid. I was so excited I went into a Black sort of void then a couple minutes later I woke up. The next night I dreamed at first about a dog and riding on a snowmobile with it and I woke up. I fell back asleep using the WILD method and it worked!!! I went straight into the dream lucid. I was on a grassy area by a beach and I could see a whole bunch of people walking.(reflecting back I guess I shoulda talked to one :cry: ) I screamed at the top of my lungs THIS IS A STABILIZED DREAM. INCREASE LUCIDITY!!! (cuz I read that that helps) and everything became clearer and It was as if I was awake. Anyways the dream ended in a bus crashing into me. Now what I want to know is what level of lucidity was I?( I literally felt awake and I could move all of my body parts.) And I would like to know if anyone else dreams at this level of intensity and If it interferes with their actual reality.