Topic merged into the BIG “Was this a LD?” topic
In one dream, long ago, that I remember with reasonable clarity, I was standing in the middle of my living room. I was looking around. The light that filled the room was far too bright and far too white (that fact that the walls and furniture in the room were white in RL at the time might have had something to do with it). I looked over at the couch, and for no reason that I can determine, I just blurted out “This has to be a dream.”
No reality check, no mnenomic induction, no techniques or tricks. Usually I just accept dreams as they are, no matter how strange (even this really, really weird nightmare where my mother turned into a rat, a kid with downs syndrome was sitting in the den eating rubbery chocolate, and my house was horrendously distorted), and I never become lucid. Nothing about this particular dream seemed at all odd except for the light. Was it the light that induced it?
Anyways, after I declared that this was a dream, something popped into my head. I’ve tried to obtain lucid dreaming ever since I heard of it, and when I finally thought it happened, I was stunned. I said silently to myself “Oh my God… I did it… I did it…”
Unfortunately, my control was very limited. Even though I realized it was a dream, I still felt so detatched from it, I didn’t do much, and it hardly lasted any time at all. All that I did was walk over to the porch door and open it, nearly being blinded by the bright light. That’s all that I remember; I might have woken up by this point. I haven’t had a dream that I even thought was lucid since.
This may be why I have such a trying time in trying to understand lucid dreaming. Most of my other dreams are so odd and clearly unreal, and yet I believe them. This dream was so conventional and passive, I would have easily thought it was reality, but I didn’t. I realized it was a dream. Or did I just dream that I did…? The real problem I’m having is that I’m not even sure this lucid dream was real; perhaps it was all just part of the dream.
So confusing… if I could just achieve true lucidity, I could find some answers.