This place is dedicated to you, yes you, mastering WILD!!! Yay!. This is for those who want to master WILD! Since many of us do better with different techniques and varations there are several different WILD techniques here! If one fails you can try another to find which is easiest for you!!!
The first tecnique is of course my UF-WILD!
[b]Becoming Lucid: Using The UF-WILD (Ultimate Fusion WILD)
- When you are going to attempt U-WILD always read this part of the guide, then do the steps.
- First we shall meditate. We shall have three meditations each lasting five minutes.
-Sit with your legs crossed straighten your back, and close your eyes. Take slow deep breaths in and out. Now don’t move, focus on the breathing. In and out. Repeat "I succeed in everything I do. Do for 5 minutes.
-Sit in the same position. Do not move your body. Take big breaths in and out. Repeat this in your mind: “I will lucid dream tonight” keep repeated this over and over again, for 5 minutes.
-Do everything the same from the last meditation except repeat the mantra “I will go from awake in the real world, to awake in the dream world” Do this also for Five Minutes.
-Control your breathing, in and out in and out.
4.Click on this timer. Click on Count Down. Set the time for 5 minutes. Then minimize your audio to minimum make sure it’s not on mute or else you wont be able to hear it. Use this timer for each of your meditations. Do the meditations in the order they are in. - After meditations are done. Get out a piece of paper, and write each of these:
-“I will Lucid Dream Tonight”
-“I will successfully WILD”
-“I will have full control of my dreams”
-“I will go from being awake in the real world to awake in the dream world.” - Get into your bed, or where ever you are going to sleep. Lay down, and relax. Take 10 big deep breaths, count each of them.
-As you lye there control your breathing, this should help improve awarness. - Now it is time for you to create some HI. Here was what you do. You need to visualize random objects, and things. Perhaps you could remember something you saw today. You can visualize bunnies, or dogs, or a chair, or anything. Visualize random objects. Use will power to make HI appear. Visualize random things in your head and keep going. You need to get some scenes and images playing in your head. At first the HI will appear fuzzy, and out of focus but over time they will start to look more real.
- Completely focus on the Scenes and Images (HI). Put all your attention on them. Once you’re the scenes and images (HI) playing in your head are of ok quality (there fuzzy but real looking enough) Imagine that you are over a field, or flying through the streets of the city. Visualize the landscape. Visualize everything. You don’t have to fully make this world, let some of the HI randomly make apart of the visualaztion. Than you must visualize flying through this visualized word. But don’t visualize yourself, visualize it as if you were in this world. Visualize flying and looking around this world through eye view. Life if you were looking at things through your own eyes. Now as you do this feel the wind blowing on your face. Turn in a different direction every once in a while, or move your head to look another way. Feel your head moving, feel your body moving. Imagine the sound of rushing wind. Feel the movement of moving left or right and ‘see’ the movement in your minds eye. Make this world feel more real and real. Invigorate your “dream” senses. If you do this right you may actually feel as if you are actually moving! Once you remember your body it will go away.
- The trick here is to influence HI to appear all by itself. After the HI starts appearing, keep the “intent” on them to stay there. They should appear more real over time. And the HI will come and go.
-You can skipp visualizing a landscape and flying through it if your HI starts containing sounds, and other things that make it seem more real. - Do this until you reach SP. You will feel SP, it feels like when you hit your funny bone, or getting electrocuted. Once you reach SP enter your dream world. Either do this by grabbing on to one of the HI images in your head and “entering” it. Or you just keep doing what you were doing until you enter the dream.
-Your mind must stay awake, don’t let your mind go to sleep too! The whole point is to keep your mind awake as possible. The body is what needs to sleep
-Take fairly large breaths, the more oxygen you have the more brain fuel you have. To think, better, and so that your mind doesn’t get all loopy from lack of oxygen.
-DON’T MOVE, pay no attention what so ever to your body. Pay attention only to your minds eye, and you in your mind.
-Focus on watching the HI not the HI itself
-If at any time you loose HI, or you loose some of your WILD, just continue doing what you were doing it WILL come back.
-Keep your mind sharp, your brain is going to try to make your mind go to sleep, DON’T let this happen. Or else you will fall asleep.
-If you are sleepier it can be harder to use U-WILD
-You will probably still be slightly aware of the outside world, but you need so much focus on once going on in your head, that you forget about the outside world.
-Moving around or your mind wandering can hurt your chances of any succesful WILD.
-Also NO WBTB you dont have to use it
-Over concentration can be bad. It can lead to waking up 5 times a night, and failer in WILD. If you are too focused it may interfer with your WILD and cause you to mess up. So over focusing will not help.
-HI is the most important aspect of WILD. You need to get HI going, and you need to find a way to do so. It can help to visualize random objects for a while and than let HI come naturally.
-HI will come and go. As long as they become more and more real, and they keep coming back you are ok.
-At first your HI will probably be real bad.
-Time is one of the keys to this technique. As long as you maintain the HI, and they become more real and real your ok. Just give it time and everything will work out.
-Ignore your body. Paying attentiont to your body will make your body jerk or twitch.
-Over time the things in your head will become more real. Sounds, sights, movement ect. It will come and go.
-Do not get fustarted becuase of “HI shutdowns” or anything of that nature. It WILL happen as long as it keeps happening eventually your REM will not mess up and you will WILD.
-Do not think of other things. Focus on watching the HI.
-Over time you will get better at manipulating HI.
- Through the proccess try to relax your body, but do not think about it. If you do not move. Your body should naturally go into a deeper state.
-Keep aware!
-What matters is your ability to watch HI without loosing REM, or falling asleep.
-Keep going keep trying, stay focused.
-Remember not to over exert yourself.
-Dont be to force full your brain will do some of the work for you.
My second Tech!
[b]This is another of my WILD tecniques if you cant to UF-WILD this may be easiear.
SAWILD- Super Awarness Wake Initiated Luicd Dream
- this tech can be used with or without WBTB. If you use WBTB make sure to wake your self up first.
- Drink some soda, do 20 jumping jacks, do anything and everything you can to get yourself awake.
- Lie down in bed. Find a comfertable position.
4.Keep your mind awake and aware! - Keep your attention on your body, feel the sensations, and feel your senses, Your hearing ect.
- Focus all your attention on not moving.
- Go with the flow. Stay awake, dont move and wait.
- Keep waitng and you should eventually reach SP!
-Keep your mind awake!
-Keep aware if your mind drifts off bring it back to awarness.
-Dont freak out, or move, if you move all that time and progress is disrupted.
-Focus only on staying awake, but if HI or anything else comes dont force it to go away.
-Just let your body do its thing. all you have to do is wait
-Focus on your senses and the way your body feels!
-As long as your aware, you just need to wait.[/b]
My Third Tech!
This is one of my techniques too.!
MYOW-WILD Technique- Make Your Own WILD- Wake Initiated Lucid Dream technique
1.lie down.
2. Keep yourself aware.
3 This technique is your baby, you make your own WILD, how?
4. Experiment! Experiment how your body feels, play with HI, try to influnce HI and your bodies senses.
5.Keep thinking.
6. If you play around with your body going to sleep enough you should have your very own WILD technique!
sorrey I dont have time to write the overal WILD fact right now. I will though!
WILD Guide
I will write one, just cant right now.
WILD Technique Links:
Lucid Epiphanys WILD
As time goes by I wil upgrade techniques, and add more links to techniques!
Please feel free to comment of ask questions on my techniques.