What are phosphenes ? In another post, Xetrov found this great definition :
I found in a book another technique, which is not so far from Xetrov’s.
You have to choose a small detail in the visual chaos (by “visual chaos”, I mean the whole set of phosphenes in your visual field) and focus on it until it disappears. Then, start again with another one. According to the author, the results begin after about ten minutes, and the first times they are rather weak.
What are the results: at the beginning, a vague luminosity appears around the phosphene. The phosphene seems to take a sort of volume, like a small cloud. If you continue, it becomes 3D-like, then geometrical shapes and patterns appear, followed by coherent images. You should not look back at the visual chaos as a whole, otherwise the effect disappears.
When the images emerge, you have to “move” into them and do not stop moving. The more you move in this environment, the more it densifies and stabilizes, in short, the more it becomes a lucid dream.
I noticed that hypnagogic imagery appears from a small subset of the visual chaos, and if you look back at the chaos in its whole, you loose the imagery. This observation is coherent with what I’ve read somewhere, that you could zoom in on phosphenes, when they begin to appear more luminous, and it speeds the process up… but I can no more find this page.