Newbie Advice - Helpful Hints For Aspiring Lucid Dreamers II

Bleh. Still no LDs…

I try to W/V/TILD (basically the same thing), but it’s so hard to concentrate like that when you’re tired. Plus, I have a time limit to get to sleep by or I’ll feel like crud in the morning. RCing doesn’t seem to work for me, either, because I don’t really behave the same way in dreams (breaking windows with a packet of crisps?).

Any advice?


Try again, and keep at it for longer then 1 week! Also, you might try MILD + WBTB, which is an excellent way to gain lucidity (it brought me multiple LD’s very fast). Good luck :smile:.

I perfectly agree with Xetrov. :grin:

If you don’t have any results with WILD (no vibes, no floating sensation, no HI) during the next weeks, try a DILD method (autosuggestion, MILD, RC’s, the “finding your hands” technique, etc.) DJ + dreamsigns + autosuggestion + well-performed RC’s give very good results.

hi im new here and i cant seem to remember any dreams at all just pitch black any tips? Also is it true you have a dream every night you just cant remember them?

Hi sir sleeps alot :wave: … I could suggest, before getting up immediately, if you can or don’t have to rush off to work, you could just lie there still straight after you wake up and search your mind for dream fragments. Don’t worry if you cannot remember anything straight away … just lie there for a couple of minutes and search your mind. You’ll find that once you remember a little, other fragments start to come together and you can peice them all together more often then not :content: If you do this regularly, with practise you’ll have excellent recall! Also, it helps to keep a dream diary to write in these dream memories as soon as you wake up, as your more likely to forget them during the day.

…and yes we do dream every night, mutiple dreams in fact, up to several or more :smile:

Hope that help sir sleeps alot

1.) One quick question from me … any tips to WILD at night? I can do it after WBTB, but i’ve been trying to WILD at night for some time now… and coming close mind you, but any tips ?

Hi Sir sleeps alot! Welcome on the forum! :welcome:
You can find a lot of tips about recalling your dreams in this thread: The BIG Remembering dreams topic. I hope it will help you.
And yes, we have several dreams during the same night. :smile:

one mian purpouse is to make shure that u keep a very good picture in your mind (note whatever picture you choose you will more than likely appear there in your dream. Also keep relaxed!! (you must be relaxed to have a wild dream) I have only tried this a few times but i seem to have alot of luck with it. also make shure to count if you dont you can lose focuse of bieng awake and goodbye to lucid dream lol. but dont worry its not that hard just keep counting (little tip if you want to have a wild then try counting like this 1 im dreaming 2 im dreaming 3 im dreaming etc… This will make you either say im dreaming in your dream which will make you realize you are dreamin in your dream, or you will have the ultimate wild where you will step into your picture automatically knowing your dreaming. hopefully this has helped you out and ps thanks for your help. (good luck) :smile:

I’ve found that even if you think your dream through, unless you actually write it you won’t get all of it. I’ve had whole dreams ‘unlocked’ by the act of writing down another, or just individual scenes and occurances within the dream that were lost to me previously, even when I thought it through.

wow those tips help alot i have only tried to become lucid/ remember my dream a couple of times so far and since you have given me the advice i have remembered my first dream perfectly. I remembered two in one night all in complete detail thanks you guys!

H’lo all, I am new both to LDing and to this forum, and I have a few questions. First, does anyone know what effect various neurological conditions have on the ability or effect of lucid dreaming? Specifically, I have ADD and Asperger’s syndrome (a mild autistic disorder) and I wonder if this would make it easier or more difficult to induce a lucid dream through the various hypnotic techniques described here. Are there any other aspies / ADDies here who know?

Second, most of the techniques described depend on a near-sleep state. I am usually awake until around 4:00 in the morning and even then have difficulty getting to sleep, and reaching that state is difficult when I spend most of the time leading up to sleeping in a state of introspection bordering on extreme boredom?

Third, how totally must you relax yourself? I find it difficult to hold a state of near-total relaxation for an extended time

I guess thats all that I can really think of, thanks for any answers you can give me.

Hi Nemidaelius, welcome to the forum!

To be honest, I dont really know what effects these conditions have on lucid dreaming untill you start trying, but I could make an educated guess :razz:… The fact that you dont fall asleep very well might be the biggest issue I think. I’d say that WILD is gonne be pretty hard on you, since this method often prolongs the amount of time before you fall asleep (especually when you start with it). Options for you could be to practise MILD, which you could combine with WBTB (perhaps you fall asleep fast if you wake during the night? then WBTB might be worth a try, even combined with WILD). Anyay, about relaxation, for WILD it is very inportant, and generally for falling asleep also. If you have trouble relaxing you could try various relaxation techniques (plenty of them, if you wanna know ask around). Well thats it for now, good luck with it! :smile:

Welcome to LD4ll Nemidaelius! :wave:

ADD and insomnia could make it harder for you to practise WILD techniques, cause you have to focus continuously on something… and fall asleep! But I don’t see why it would be a problem with DILD methods (autosuggestion, MILD, etc.)

Some relaxation methods were recently described in this thread. I hope you’ll find what you want:

Good luck and tell us your results! :smile:

I am fairly sure the serious difficulty I am having with falling asleep is quite temporary, mostly as a result of the fact that I just got out of school, and have nothing important to do right now, and so I sleep in REALLY late, which makes it impossible to go to sleep until 4 or 5 am. I am managing this by waking myself with alarms and assistance from anyone who is willing to wake me up (it takes some doing!) and staying awake using repeated doses of caffeine. I hope this will put things back in kilter soon.

As for trouble relaxing, the biggest difficulty there is probably my ADD. When someone cracks a joke about people who HEY LOOK AT THE KITTY!
They aren’t kidding.

Anyhow, I suspect that MILD and WBTB will be the best methods for me to use. I have difficulty entering a truly sleepy state of mind (which I assume to be the4 precursor of a hypnogogic state) before sleeping, but after I wake up I’m halfway to REM sleep for the first hour or two, or until I caffeinate myself.

lol. I’m in the same boat you are in. If I"m lucky, I remember a few dreams every month :content: Usually, I can’t recall any of my dreams, and if I can, it’s just tiny bits and pieces…try keeping a dream journal- it’s working for me! :smile:

I have a question. Sionce I’ve started getting into the phenomenon of LDing, before I went to bed I kept saying to my slef stuff like “Tonight I’m gonna have a LD. Tonight I’m gonna have a an LD…” but it really doesn’t help…

I find I can’t get to sleep when I keep saying that to myself…it keeps me awake.

Any suggestions?

Dili Dali

First of all, it’s perhaps better to repeat “Tonight I’ll realize I’m dreaming” if you haven’t had any LD up to now, because if you repeat “I’ll have a LD” and don’t know really what is it… :bored:

Then, you don’t have to repeat it a lot of times. If you can’t get to sleep when repeating it too much, just repeat it 20 times. But be sure that you’re very well relaxed before, quite on the verge of sleeping.

K, thanks

So I’ve been making a bit more progress. I’m remembering to do RCs in my dreams- but so far I’ve failed them. Last night was the third time!

Once I jumped in the air to see if I would fly. I didn’t, so I figured I was awake. The second and third times I read a sign and a book. Ifailed that one, too- even though the words were nonsensical.

lol, at least I’m remembering to do them though, right?

I’m feeling really positive about how things are progressing so far. :smile: My dream recall has improved tremendously- if I don’t remember a dream when I wake up I lie there and ask myself questions based on my recurring dreamsigns, “Was I near any body of water in my dream?” “Was I driving around lost?” “Did I see a bridge?” “Was I being chased?” etc… That usually triggers some detail that helps me recall the majority of the dream.

And, last night, I tried WILD. It was almost successful, but I must have gotten distracted.

I am having more lucid dreams than ever (it’s still not alot, but I’m pleased). I had a LD during a nap on Saturday. My lucidity didn’t last very long b/c I got excited and forgot to stop and focus (usually I touch something and that helps me stay lucid).

Just thought I’d share. :smile:

Waw! That’s great Aodnait! :good:
Did you tried the “nose RC”? Plug your nose and try to breath through. It’s a great RC. I’ve made a little poll (not on this forum), and it gives very good results.
But if you have difficulties to realize you’re dreaming even if your RC succeed, you should try a more incredible RC, like making a hole in a wall, etc.

Thanks! I’ll try to remember those for next time! That nose RC sounds promising. I tried the “hole in the wall” one this morning (I was lucid at the time) but I couldn’t get my hand through the wall. :confused:

Although early this morning was pretty amazing. I was having a dream that I was a houseguest in a really bizarre house. The gravity was all weird and I was having trouble staying on the ground. This didn’t make sense to me, so I tried my floating/ flying RC, and it worked! Woohoo! The dream unfortunately faded pretty quickly after that, but I went into this strange state that I sometimes get where I feel as though I’m floating above my body in darkness (which I think is a form of LD/ FA for me?), and from there I kept drifting in and out of brief, kind of dim, lucid dreams. I counted 5. It was pretty cool. I have absolutely no control over what happens in them, though. Every time I tried I would lose the dream. I tried a few different techniques to get back into dreams- spinning, rubbing my “spirit” hands together until they felt more real etc. When I did slip back into a lucid dream I’d either rub my hands, or touch an object to help focus. This is also when I tried to make a hole in the wall by pushing my hand into it, but it didn’t work. I was sorry to finally wake up when the garbage truck rumbled by. I love it when I get in that relaxed, floating state. It’s so peaceful, and I’ve never stayed in it this long before either.