Alright, update time.
I asked for your DG Jack (Although I admit I didn’t put an effort into it, I figure she has to come along herself , and not me creating her, for it to work).
-I asked a Bartender for “Jack’s spirit guide” but he just chuckled and said “Jack who?”
-About the Ravens, I want to be detailed about this so it might take untill I get a good dreamscape for it, but it will come.
-4D vision was confusing, my mind seemed to struggle with the whole thing. Just having several ‘screens’ that showed the objects from all sides was easy. When I tried to blend em into a sphere it all went coocoo and I lost lucidity.
-Familiar, I’ve done this sort of. I often have similar DCs ‘adventure’ with me throughout wicked quests in the dreamscape. But I will try to focus on it more and give tips for how to sustain the bond from dream to dream.
It’s hard to get attached to a DC though and when you try and do through some sort of emotion manipulation, well… I’ve actually felt great loss a few mornings because of realising that the DC in question doesn’t really exist and I might never meet them again. The worst one lasted a few days, and it seems strangely impossible to reproduce these DCs.
-Planet. The bravest thing I’ve tried since reading that was becoming a wall (gotta start small to get the right feel), and people at the party bumped into me drunk etc, was fun. I guess becoming a planet will be amazing, just don’t want to screw up like with 4D vision.
Note:As soon as I get an Epic LD (long lasting, 100% clear, +great control etc) I’ll start a ‘Ureon corps’ whom I’ll send out to give people LDs 
They will have dark uniforms with golden U’s on their chest, look out for them!
Untill next time, have nice dreams
P.S. maybe when I find Jack’s DreamGuide Ill make her my familiar, and brand my name on her butt, ha ha ha hrmm, nevermind… cough.