the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 50

Hi, I’ve been visiting LD4all for quite a while now, but it never occurred to me that joining the forum would be fun/helpful. I wasn’t really into forums then though, but after joining TWforum I took an interest. I’ve been practising LD and general dreaming since around November 07, and have had many low level LD’s, and one full - astral body and all - LD. I’ll probably try and get into the forum by starting a dream journal of my most interesting or ambiguous dreams. Also I’m quite excited about the Werewolf games, as I’ve just finished a WW game that lasted 122 pages and was read over 7000 times. I made it to near the end. :wink:

  • Locke/Tom

:welcome: hello Oze :happy: welcome to the forum
There are some lucid crossroads topics in the beyond dreaming forum
The Big Lucid Crossroads topic
Lucid Crossroads at last!
In the second topic you can see the ‘birth’ of the lucid crossroads :content:

I hope you decide to share your semi-lucid dream with us in the dream diary forum :happy: … it may even have been a low level lucid dream :eh:

:welcome: hello Locke Foreer :yay: you finally decided to register here :cheer:

:smile: The next wolfgame should begin once the current vampire game ends :wink: so you could sign up in the playground topic now :user:
:lol: The WG and VG games are sometimes very addictive and a good way of getting to know other members. We even have a #wolfgame chatroom to add to the fun.
I’ll look out for your DJ :look: when you start it.

hi i’m new here and particularly interested in the shared dreaming experience(who isnt?). my friend and I are trying to MEET eachother in dreamworld, so you all will know if and when it works! my only LD that i can remember was only for a few seconds when, in a dream, i was about to be attacked by a bunch of crazy creatures and at that point i shut my eyes and said “wake up, wake up” over and over and somewhere in between i woke up.

:wave: hello larevebelle, welcome to LD4all :grouphug:

Good luck :content: I always feel the best chance of a shared dream is when you attempt it with someone you have a bond with :wiske:
There is a shared dreaming topic in the beyond dreaming forum, we also have a shared dreaming group called The Chroniclers (they have two active topics in the beyond dreaming forum)

Escaping from nightmares seems to be the way a lot of dreamers first experience some lucidity. :eh:

I hope you enjoy your time spent on the forum :grin:

Hi, I’ve been interested in LD since I first heard about it, which is a few years now, but never had the diligence to practice the techniques. As a result, I’ve had just a few lucid dreams. I’d like to learn the induction techniques and how to make the most out of those dreams to improve the different aspects of my daily life.

Hi Everybody. Hi Dr Nick

I’m sure you’ll feel comfortable here in no time and I can sympathise with those guys who felt a little uncomfortable over at Dreamviews. :wink:


Enjoy :biggrin:

Hey there everyone. My username doesn’t say it but my name’s Guy it you find it easier :content:

Discovered LDing last December, and this site about a month ago. I never really thought I’d join because I usually have an inability to concentrate on doing something I should (in this case, visiting the forum) because I have only what I can describe as a sleep disorder but my doctor says is some sort of social disorder :eh:
but I guess I can use it to my advantage to LD more :mrgreen_hat:

As for my DJ…I think that’s best left somewhere where little children can’t find it :peek:

:welcome: hello Dzikus and Ourayamu welcome to the forum :grouphug:
@ Dzikus Since you have had a few LDs ‘naturally’ since hearing about lucid dreaming, once you start practicing the techs your LD ability should really improve fast :content:
Just visiting and browsing at LD4all will keep the idea of becoming lucid in your mind and so make it more likely for you to become lucid :grin:

well visiting LD4all and interacting with the members is so much fun I am sure you will find no problem in getting yourself to visit us :happy:

so it’s that good? :tongue: (or ‘bad’ :uptosomething: )
actually if you have a look in the DJs here, you will be amazed at the range of dreams posted :content:

Anyway I hope you both have a great time here :boogie:

:welcome: to all of the new comers that have come!
Please have a good time and you can PM anyone questions; don’t be afraid.

Wow thanks. The people here seem to be some of the nicest I have met in a while :content: I’m glad to have joined this forum and hope to become good mates with you guys :thumbs:

A more formal introduction i guess.

I have had lucid dreams since i was little, but i have had trouble even recalling dreams for the last few years. :bored:

Well last week i was thinking “I wonder what the wiki article has to say about dreams” so i looked it up and eventually found out about lucid dreaming, did a quick google search and found this website. After reading many posts and techniques and expieriences, i’ve gotten very interested in the idea and practice of what is lucid dreaming.

I started trying for lucid dreaming, well yesterday. For first huge block of sleep lasted for 8 and a half hours with several (in two years) recalled vivid dreams. :smile:
My 30 minuites (never figuired out how to spell that) of self-proclaimed REM led to atleast 2 very weak lucid dreams (which in both i just thought about longboarding) but the moment i figuired out i was lucid i woke up.

Anyways, i’m keeping a dream journal and i might as well put it up here once i get going for a week or so.

Towel is a reference to the Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy if you didn’t get it.

:wave: hello Towel :grin:

well, now you have joined a lucid dreaming community, your interest in dreams should increase and so your recall will improve too :boogie:
Plus you will find techs to boost your lucidity level and find topics to give you ideas of what to do when lucid :smile:

you could choose a quote from the hitchhiker’s guide for your LD4all signature :happy:

Hello every one, I´m new here :happy: And I´ve found this page some days ago and I thought this was very intressing. So my goal of this lucid dreaming stuff will be to learn WILD.

I want to appologize for my bad english (I´m from Sweden :wink:)

:welcome: Towel and Nickvald! :grin:

:welcome: welcome to LD4all Nickvald :grin:
Good luck with WILD and remember it is more likely to be successful if combined with WBTB :content:
You shouldn’t apologise for your english … I am always amazed at the high standard of english by non-native speakers on LD4all :happy:
I hope you soon feel at home here :wiske:

hey, I’m new. I don’t really know what else to say so hi!, and i’ll see you around.

Hi people!
Been lurking around a bit cause I could’nt get my activation email through my AOL address. Any how I started a dream journal in August 2006 as well as researching the various methods for LDing after I had a ND where I was a shark swimming around a tank through various hoops. (Had bodily and audible sensations such as water rushing through what would have been my gills).

I had my first documented LD in August 2007. Just under a year after I started researching it and the various methods for ataining lucidity. Right now I’m focusing more on increasing chances of lucidity.

:wave: hello moocey welcome to the LD4all community :grouphug:
I’m terrible at doing intros for myself too :bored:
/me sees moocey rushing off to read forum topics :eh:

:wave: hello james_uk2008 :grin:

So you had experienced other forms in NDs, no wonder shape shifting came quite naturally for you :happy:

:happy: /me thinks everyone who needs motivation after a short time of trying should read that and then read your latest LD in your DJ :grin:
/me waves a UK flag :peek:

Hi people, I’m new too!
I’ve been looking around on ld4all for months now, and finally registerd too!

:welcome: moocey, james_uk2008, and aptennap to LD4all!!! :grin: