The BIG "Hi I'm new here!" Topic XV

Yeah! :cheer: that’s a great idea!

Hello everyone! I’m Daniel F. I’m 15 and I’m inlove with dreams. They facsinate me, and baffle me. Someone told me about it, and I was severely interested. The date is 2.11.05. I’ve lucid dreamed before, ON ACCIDENT! So I’m trying to do it on purpose, with everyone’s help, I might can do it! I pray I can!

     The thing I want to Lucid dream about is Flying, and RUNNING like 500 miles per hour!

I hope to know everyone here, and lucid dream every night!

:wave: hello Redifin
since you have had a lucid dream naturally, you know you will definitely be able to have them by intent.
ld4all is a very friendly forum, with lots of good information to help you on your LDing quest. :grin:
I hope you have your next LD really soon.

Yes, great! That inspires me. 13 LD’s? Wow. How do you know a ld is a ld? When you can really remeber it? And was in control well? Or is any Ld a Ld?

hello, i’m really interested in lucid dreaming. i’ve just found this site and i think it’s wonderful!

Well my LD frequency is poor compared to some LD4all members… I’m not a natural, so if I can improve with attaining LDs anyone can :grin:
It’s a lucid dream when you realise you are dreaming while still dreaming… they can vary from low level LDs to LDs where you can contol everything.
(you can see my most recent LDs at the end of my “moogle’s quest for LDs/ dream journal part V” in our dream diary section. Also there’s a list of all my LDs so far at the beginning of part 6)
:wave: welcome to ld4all ilovelucid
:cool: I transferred “I need help from someone that is experienced” from the help desk to lucidity intro. you can find the topic here
the premature awakening on realising you are dreaming is often due to the excitement … it should improve over time.


Hello people :content:
Im noob in LD, but I have got one once. The last 2 months I’ve been trying to teach myself how to get an LD. I note down every dream, I cant remember the whole dream if Im not doing it. After doing this for 2 months, I finally got a LD. I just realized that it was a dream, nothing more. I cant remember annything after realizing that I was LD’ing.
But I havent got anny LD after this. Dunno why. But I hope I’ll get more LD and start controlling them.
I use a program called “Brainwave Generator”. Is anny of you using it?

Well thats my story. Sorry my bad English, but I hope you will understand me.

:wave: hello BiZARRE welcome to ld4all.
You should be able to find topics and discussions about Brainwave Generator in the shortcuts forum here.
Here is one link to a topic … … highlight= Brainwave generator: a file I found that worked
You may like to post in it :grin:
I hope you experience a really good LD soon. :wiske:

Hi! I’m omega3 (of coarse I’m new!). I’m 16 in case you might wonder. I’m very interested in dreams in what they can represent to help us, and especially those lucid ones for our own convience. I have always had very vivid dreams, as long as I can remember. LDs I began to have about three years ago or so. I remember my dreams about 60% of the time.

Hello omega3 :wave: welcome to ld4all
BTW I have been enjoying reading your dream journal :happy:
Since you have frequent LDs you may like to look at the lucid laboratory … it could give you ideas of what to do.

/me joins in!
howyadoin omega3! :mrgreen_hat: :mrgreen_hat: :mrgreen: :lmao: :rofl:

(yup, we are a crazy bunch :tongue: )

Lo :content:.

If you wanna improve you’re DR, then you could try repeating the mantra ‘I will remember my dreams’ in your head whilst going to sleep.

Hello, I am new here.

I thought I’ld give this lucid dreaming a go, I already have lucid dreams, not interesting ones. In most cases the imposible happens and I realise it’s only a dream. If only I knew about LDs earlier.

I used to keep what could be called a dream journal when I was 15. What I’ld do is draw a picture or two from some of my dreams each night. I threw it away because I thought it was childish :cry: .

Well, Last night I had a few dreams, can remember 4 dreams and 3 fragments of dreams.

I ussually don’t remember my dreams when I wake up. For example when I woke up this morning I was disappointed I didn’t have any dreams then a few hours later I started remembering them. Can that be a problem?

Hello Inchworm, this is definetly the place to talk about this type of stuff. :smile: BTW the remembering dreams thing isn’t a problem, I do the same thing.

What do you call LDs minus the complete free will? I know what I want in my LDs (most of the time) but I have difficulty in dreaming it up, its like RL.

Hey guys! Fist post. My name is Menimes. Im really looking foward to this expiriance!

:wave: hello Inchworm and dj4784 :boogie: I hope you both enjoy the ld4all experience :smile:

people recall dreams in different ways, as long as the dreams reveal themselves to you later, I wouldn’t worry about it.

That is a good average recall :happy:

Lower level lucid dreams :content:
I hope you experience your first lucid dream really soon dj4784 :grin:

I am brand new to the forum and i love everything about it already. I discovered LD and OBE’s through practicing meditation when infact i realised i was slipping into dream state and being 100% aware of the fact and since then i have had a school boy tingly feelign about dreaming, and how much i can discover through sleep, i am ready to start to become a sucessful LD’er, I have had LD’s before without realising what they r and the power they hold, its a bout an hour before i go to bed and start my journey My intention was to say hi to forum users, and any thing outside of the site that you tink could help me would be awesome to know. I look forward to reading posts, and posting my own, and becoming part of this online community. Thank you.

Hey there, i’m new here of course and been trying to LD for a month or two now with some small luck. Been mainly trying to get WILD down and i gotta figure having actual people who have experience the stuff should make everything easier.

Hi to you too. :content:

Hey DreamHunter! Welcome to LD4all :happy: I hope you’ll enjoy your stay :smile:

It’s great to hear you’re motivated to practice LDing! There’s a lot of information to be found here on the forum and don’t forget also on the main site. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask them! :wink:

Good luck :ok:

PS. I’ve merged this topic with the BIG “Hi, I’m new here!” Topic in the Gathering :smile: