The Big Shared Dreaming Topic - Part III

Hi, everyone :smile:
Well, not sure whether I should post right here but I had a strange dream which made me interested in SD. Actually I don’t feel competent enough to classify that experience. :confused:
I had an ordinary dream, nothing special, and I was quite bored with it. Suddenly someone “took” me away from my dream (it sensed like that) and I found myself in an unknown scenery- a town in Austria (I’ve never been there), in a small square with old coffee-houses. Very beautiful and antique… Then a blond girl appeared and told me that I was in her dream and that I was not real. I couldn’t convince her that she was in my dream and not the opposite. She took a picture of me and I was taken to the boredom of my previous dream.
I would forget the most striking detail. The girl told me that she would post this picture for all. I found this forum on the next day, while trying to find feasible information about SD in the net.

:smile: I’d like to read your opinions about this experience. This was the first time I had a dream like that.

I have been looking for this topic everywhere! Thank goodness I finally found it! :smile:

For a while now I have been thinking of a method that may work (although I haven’t tried it yet since my LDs aren’t very developed). Okay, so, step one is to be really good at lucid dreaming, or just be in a phase in your dreams where you suddenly have lucid dreams almost every night (it happens to me sometimes). Step two, in RL, tell the person you want to share your dream with that that very night you will attempt to get into their dream and/or bring them into your dream, and to remember that if you call their name then you are indeed sharing dreams.

You see, it’s like planting a seed in that person’s mind. You tell them that in their dreams that night you will attempt to call their name, so it makes it easier for you to get into their dream or the other way around. The hard part, however, would most likely be getting into their dream. What I think would be the simplest way is to just find a mirror or some other method of teleportation (shadow travel, water surface, etc.) and continuously say (and BELIEVE) that on the other end you will be in their dream. Once on the other side, continuously call that person’s name until you meet them!

Again, I just thought of this method about a month ago and have never tried it, so I have no idea if it works. But I have a feeling it will and am itching to try it out with my sister :smile:

Also, one more thing before I finish this post, when I was about 5 years old I had a dream that my mother was fighting a giant long-leg spider on our staircase and was trying to squish it with a flyswatter (or course it was useless since the spider was the same height as she was). Just a few months ago I found out that my sister had the exact same dream as I did at the same time (minus a few minor details such as the flyswatter not being the same color).

I somewhat do believe in SD’s and I really hope it’s possible!
Me and a friend came up with the idea, when we had just found out about LD’s, that we should try finding eachother once we were lucid, and try and make the other one lucid. We’ve never tried this in a dream, since we’re basically too busy doing our own things (we haven’t really had that many LD’s, so it’s still kinda new).

Although, I did think of it in my last LD, but I forgot it after ~10secs :cry:

I’m sure SD’s can happen if there is someone who is very similar to you mentally. Haha me and a group of friends kinda did the same thing. We would have completely different dreams in the same place, but due to our timing we miss each other or we just simply dont recognize one another. (Ex: I would start out trying to hitch a ride. I get a ride in a red mustang and we somehow get into a pile up. One friend would remember seeing someone getting in to a red car, not knowing who, Then another friend would recall chillin somewhere until a huge pile up occured.) But its rare though.

I have had a shared dream (I’m led to believe that it was astral travelling)

This occurred when i had my first out of the ordinary dreaming experience.

It was with a spiritual teacher/friend of mine. It started with me in my friends office(also in real life) I sat down in a chair and he asked me what spirit animal i was, I replied “I’m a dog, but also a tiger”. I then asked what spirit animal he was. He replied “I’m an eagle” He was wearing aviator style sunglasses and i looked into his eyes and the dream scene changed.

I was in an army uniform running after a girl on a beach, chinese soldiers were chasing me i caught up to the girl but the chinese soldiers caught me and bayoneted me. The dream ended.

A few days later i was talking to my friend in his office, in the exact same chair. After an hour long conversation we were having, he asked me “So someone was in here the other day, asking me about spirit animals” I froze and got goosebumps, i was speechless and he just sat there smiling and nodding his head. He then relayed the dream to me. It was an amzing experience, and I’ve had several others with him since then. :content:

Hmmmmm… I’ve spent the past 2 hours reading the 3 forums for this… and I think I may have a theroy… I had a shared dream with my cousin when i was 8. She was 10 at the time. We had grown up together, and still today I consider her a sister.

Well, one night, I had a horribal dream, where this witch was teaching both of us magic; the bad kind. And as a last test, we had to kill each other and the family. Well, niether of us could, so the witch started killing us with rolled up newspapers, which if they touched you, you died instantly. So, she killed all of our family and then killed me, who was flying at this point, and I woke up. A week later, I met up with my cousin for a play date, and she had the same dream, and saw me get killed and stayed in the dream till she was almost killed. Sooooo, needless to say I belive in shared dreams. I think they occur mostly not planned, but can become planned, though how I’m not sure. A friend of mine and I want to try. She sucks at becoming lucid and I’m better at it then her. However, we are both good at dream recall, so the plan is when I become lucid, I will go to her, tell her shes dreaming, then become lucid together and have a SLD:)

My theroy is that in your shared dream, some details won’t be exatcally the same, but the main points will. It’s like how we view the world. Like my friend is not very observant; I’m observant of a lot of things. So I may see more stuff and realize more than she will, making the dream a tiny bit different than mine. The only reason I say this is because in taking comparsion of my shared dream with my cousin, I saw the witch ugly, she saw her as pretty, and with tiny things like that… hope that helped someone…

Hi all,
I’m just dropping here to say that I have just gotten a conclusive evidence that SD exist.

At least for me.

Me and my friend did an experiment, I would go into his dream and give him a passcode, which I didn’t tell him.

On the second try it worked.

Not only that the dream matched, he also got the passcode right.

There are trillions and trillions and uncountable amount of words in English, and yet he guessed it right.

It’s not even a common word, and he can’t spell it in writing.

I have not done it, however I want to. And we haven’t fully discovered the human mind, although look around you. Hypothetically, what if there is no God, and the World was built by humans? What if we could once breathe in space? I, personally, am Christian, I believe in God, but I am just saying, if we are wrong, our ancestors must have of built Earth. If not, then who did? And even if we aren’t wrong, then our world was made by an eternal-living almighty being a trillion times a trillion times our size. And you doubt the possibility of dream rendezvous? The human mind’s power and ability has faded with the progression of technology; telepathy and telekinesis were once common abilities. Now you have to train your mind if you want to simply mind read or remote view, which most still doubt possible. Think about it. :smile:

The earth didn’t need building. Most of the materials in the universe were created by the nuclear fusion that stars undergo to sustain their life, and it is likely that a combination of forces in the universe, such as gravity and dark matter, could have done the rest and formed the planet. Current evidence shows that dark matter is largely responsible for the ability of galaxies to exist and that there is another force that is currently projected to take everything back apart again.

That is one other possibility, yes. However, even if it is right, there is nothing saying this being created the universe where we would be able to share dreams.

That said, it is possible that shared dreaming exists, although there is not nearly enough evidence to support it. I’ve seen reports from people who have had SDs, and there have been some studies that show a mechanism that might make it possible could exist. I recommend you watch Through the Worm Hole Season 2 - Ep 5, the one talking about the sixth sense if you’re interested. You can find it on Youtube. It doesn’t go into shared dreaming directly, but some of their talk about the sixth sense seems to be closely related.

I had one of these a few months back, I’ve only had one LD since, and my dream recall (which used to be excellent) has all but disappeared.

I had a nightmare that I was pregnant. When I woke up, my bf asked me what was wrong and I told him about the nightmare, and he said that he’d had a dream where he posted on my Facebook “hi, have a bun (in the oven)”. It really scared the **** out of me, and ever since then I’ve had this irrational fear that other people can see inside my head.

I want my lovely LDs back, any advice?! :sad:

Wow this is really scary for you, how these two things are related with each other.

In my opinion, shared dreaming exists. To be honest, I think that Object’s earlier post is an almost perfect scientific evidence for that… it just lacks a strict scientific setting, and repeatability (that experiment needs to be done several times successfully following a set procedure).

What is weird though, is that even though there are a lot of testimonials about shared dreaming, there is nothing about how you would have one, and what’s the method you’d use to make one happen… so guys…

  • Can you recall how that shared dream happened ?
  • Was the other person in your dream knowing that you would have a shared dream with them ?
  • Was it during a lucid dream or not ?
  • If it was, did you do anything special in the dream so that the other person appeared ?
  • If it wasn’t, did you use a special method to fall asleep ? Did you think of anything special before going to bed ? Did you try to LD ?
    Let’s hope there are some amazing answers to that, and we might discover something incredible together! :happy: I’ll try to keep this documentupdated with all the methods you have mentioned here !

I used to think it was impossible/somehow bound to science. I thought being right next to the person was a must.

I’ve had several of them and I’ve even had them without being anywhere near the person. I’ve been called by the people afterward, having instructed them to do so just to confirm it was really them. I wish I had a way to describe how to do it, but the ones that occur from a distance never happen just because I want them to happen or tell myself they’ll happen.

The one time I had one on command was falling asleep with a woman who I’d been enamored with for some time (no further details needed on that really). She was interested in the idea and we both fell asleep easily and without me trying one of the MILD techniques I tend to use. It was cool, but for some reason I just spent the entirety of the dream lifting weights, which resulted in me waking up sore.

The last part probably sounds way too out there for some people, but I heard on TV at some point that exercising in dreams can be up to %50 as effective as in real life.

I do believe in SD because my sister & I had one when we were childs. :smile: (She was 8 & I was 12 years old)

I was dreaming that we were riding a red car (a porsche) for the streets, It was dark & we were speaking about “work” and things. But— then things went strange… :neutral: the dream scene faded very slowly and I found that I was sitting in my bed speaking WITH MY SISTER, who was sitting on her bed, speaking to me with her eyes closed!
:wam: :bored:

I told her “I don’t want to scare you, but this that we were having was a dream”, she went “what?” & I touched her shoulder to help her to wake up. My sis opened her eyes and started to cry, she became very nervous & told me that it was the creepiest thing that happened to her… :neutral:

She still remembers this dream & gets unconfortable when I speak about the SD, but I found the subject very curious and I often annoy her with questions ha ha :cool:

Whereas I personally, currently, have no particular beliefs about what’s possible and what’s impossible in dreaming, I will say I had one dreaming experience about a year and a half ago that was very interesting, to say the least.

I dreamed, one night, that I was helping to adjust a very complicated shoulder harness on my friend who, in the dream, had a shoulder injury. She did not actually have the injury IRL. She said that she had almost the exact same dream that very night, stating that someone was helping place and adjust an external shoulder prosthesis for a shoulder injury. In the dream, she was complaining because she didn’t think she needed it, but whoever was helping her (she didn’t know who it was in the dream) insisted on it.

There was nothing that I can think of in the days preceding that night of dreaming that may have planted the suggestion in the dream. That doesn’t mean that there WAS nothing which may have planted the suggestion…it just means that I honestly can’t remember anything.

So, there it is. My only personal experience with the possibility of SD. Again, in my personal perspective, it neither proves or disproves it. It does underscore, however, how utterly strange dreaming can be, once one dives headlong into it. From where I’m standing…the stranger the better :peek: :eek: :tongue:

I have had Multiple Shared dreams with experienced advanced lucid dreamers. We use to do it years ago but my friends have moved on. We would often treat our dreams an ongoing storyline. I’m not good at getting and staying lucid but I was blessed to have friends who were, both had EXTREMELY advanced LD skills. They were lucid often nightly, They could change dreams at will.

Their secret seemed to be travelling to other peoples dreams by going through a door, opening a portal with music or going through a vortex. Each dreamer had their own way of changing dreams based on their own personal paradigms.

Sometimes they would have a dream with me in it and they would do something to me and the effects I remembered in later dreams. An example was that I had a dream girlfriend i kept dreaming she was kidnapped. and my friends would dream of rescuing her, sometimes with me tagging along and i would remember bits and pieces non lucid. Or I would dream she was sick, and they would come heal her in their dreams And later the same night I would remember her being better.

It is real guys.

Does these dreams have cycles?

Does anyone have any theories as to how shared dreams can occur, with respect to consciousness? I am currently re-reading Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self by Robert Waggoner, and he has raised some fascinating ideas about a collective unconscious/awareness that “props up” lucid dreams, or is behind the dreams. If that is the case, I could see how shared dreams could be a thing. I haven’t personally given much thought to the idea of a collective unconsciousness, but I don’t see how shared dreams can occur otherwise. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I am swayed towards the more ‘spiritual?’ telepathy / personal connection. So not a collective unconsciousness but pockets of it due to closeness?

I had two shared dreams I think , with my friend . Though he was better at getting lucid and I was non lucid both times . But I remembered both dreams after waking up.

Case 1

[spoiler]Before the super market . Again
Now it was daylight , the place was swarming with terrorists\guerillas
So I was like “lets screw somebody up”
I zoomed to the far away buildings’ there was somebody walking
I stretched my hands and started to shoot big fireballs
Meanwhile : my friend just walks on the street around that particular building, when suddenly a fireball almost toasts off his head and was like “WTF are you doing?!?! stop! its me!”
Ofc I didn’t know who it is , doesnt even heard his sound. I far firing, people were shooting like mad,
rpg etc flew. He jumps up after one of the buildings collapse and he still dont know what hit him.
Then he starts to jump towards me ,actually he jumps very big and flies towards me , I don’t care ,I just sending those majestic flames into his direction , I feel awesome, yeah.

Then He arrives, He’s just about to stop me , but he wakes up in that moment.
I’ve seen something nearing me , and before I’ve seen it , he dissappeared. [/spoiler]

Case 2

[spoiler]Another dream
Me and my present friends were grouping at a house. we were sitting around a wooden table .
Then I took a knife and stab the table , I had glasses on and I was in my rambo mood.
-“Guys, we got to do … something big.”
-“What do you mean?”
“-Something big …explosions , robbing ,beating ,anything…”
At this point my memory is foggy, in the end we agree of doing something
there is my drunkard friend too , he justs sits and do nothing more than drinking
-“Give me that *** wine , you drunken bastard”
I take the wine , drink some.
As we leave the friends mother throw a bottle which almost catches his head .
Dream ends. [/spoiler]